Lecture 11 - Bias in Forensic Science Flashcards
What is Bias in terms of a noun?
Incliniation or prejudice for or against one person or group, especially in a way considered to be unfair
What is bias in terms of forensic biology?
A bias is skew that predisposes a process to produce a particulary outcome
What causes peopl to be biased?
- Nurture
- Nature
What is nuture in terms of forensic bias?
At a young age, children learn to discriminate between “them” and “us”
What is nature in terms of forensic bias?
Likes versus dislikes without being conscious of their prejudice
Its human nature to assign judgment based on first impressions
What is lesson one of the brain?
Your brain doesn’t what is doesn’t expect to see (and it’s blind to blindness)
What is lesson two of the brain?
Your brain will find meaning wherever it can (even when there is none)
What is lesson three of the brain?
Your brain does some things automatically, despite your best efforts
What is lesson four of the brain?
Your brain makes assumptions
What is lesson five of the brain?
Your brain has great difficulty ignoring context
What is lesson six of the brain?
Once seen, context cannot be “unseen”
What is lesson seven of the brain?
Your brain interperets information in light of the information it already has
What is lesson eight of the brain?
Your brain will look to confirm what it already thinks or wants to think
What is lesson nine of the brain?
Your brain will do almost anything to justify its decisions (even the terrible ones)
What is confirmation bias?
When a prior hypothesis is formed and the examiner then looks fofr evidence in support for it