Lecture 11 Flashcards
What are other names for sex chromosomes?
What is the nomenclature for female chromosomes?
44A + XX
What is the nomenclature for males chromosomes?
What is the sex of plants?
Many have both male and female reproductive organs in a single flower, while others have sexual dimorphism
What is a Hermaphrodite is plants?
Plants that have both male (stamen) and female (carpel) reproductive organs
How do Animal hermaphrodites reproduce?
Some can self fertilize while others require 2 partners
What is the sex of Animal Hermphrodites?
Some are male or females at different times on their life cycle
What is sex determined by in Animals?
Sex determination is associated with and caused by a pair of sex chromosomes that genetically determine sex
What do some species use to determine sex that is not based on sex chromosomes?
Environmental factors
What is a Monoecious plant?
A plant with male and female flowers that are separate from each other
What are Perfect flowers?
Those with male and female parts in the same flower
What is a Dioecious plant?
Plants that have literal separate males and females
What is Sequential Hermaphroditism?
In anemone fish when a dominant female dies, the dominant male becomes the female and the next male in line becomes dominant
What is Simultaneous Hermaphroditism?
Individuals possess fully functional male and female gonads
What is Sequential Hermaphroditism?
Fish change sex sometime during its life, either from male to female or from female to male
What is Protogyny?
Female to male
What is protandry?
Male to female
How is sex determined in alligators?
By it environment. Temperatures of 30° produce all females, temperatures of 34°produce males
What is Parthenogenesis?
In some species the females lay fertile eggs - no males required
What are the characteristics of sex chromosomes?
Usually chromosomes that are morphologically distinct from each other. Their presence or a scenes determined the sex of the individual
What are the Sex chromosomes in females known as?
XX homogametic
What are the sex chromosomes in males known as?
XY heterogametic
What organisms is the XY system used in?
Mammals, and some insects and plants as well
What are heteromorphic sex chromosomes?
Sex chromosomes that look different from each other
What are the sex chromosomes of females and males in the XO system?
Female XX
Male X
What are the characteristics of the XO system?
Only one type of sex chromosome (X)
Sex determined by whether sperm contains X or not
What are Females and Males in the ZW system?
Females ZW
Males ZZ
What are the characteristics of the ZW system?
Males are homogametic and females are heterogametic
What are Females and Males in the Ploidy system?
Females Diploid Male Haploid (monoploid)
How does the ploidy system work?
Males are produced from underutilized haploids
What does the SRY/TDF do?
Transforms Gonad tissue from ovaries into testes
Produces testosterone
Where is the SRY/TDF found?
On the Y chromosome
How are XY chromosomes able to pair during meiosis?
They have two identical protons known as the pseudo autosomal regions that are completely identical
What does the pseudo autosomal region contain?
The SHOX gene that is involved in Turner syndrome
What is the Klinefelter Genotype?
What determines sex in Drosophila?
Chromosome Ratios
What are chromosome ratios?
The ratio between the number of X chromosomes to the number of autosomal sets
What is XX in Drosophila?
What is XX is humans?
What is XY in Drosophila?
What is XY in humans?
What is XXY is Humans?
What is XXY in Drosophila?
What is XO in humans?
What is XO in Drosophila?
What are Sex linked genes?
Genes found on one of the two types of sex chromosomes, but not on both
What is the word used to describe males having only one X chromosome?
Males are hemizygous
What are Holandric Genes?
Genes that are carried on the Y chromosome
Who will show traits of genes that are Y linked?
Only males
What is the inheritance of the White gene in Drosophila?
The white gene is X linked and haplosufficient and recessive
What does Dosage compensation do?
Regulates the expression of genes residing on sex chromosomes and counters the imbalance in gene dosage on sex chromosome
How do worms tackle dosage compensation?
In females they make the action of the XX chromosomes half each so they add up to one or XO
How do flies tackle dosage compensation?
In males the single X chromosome has a transcription rate of 2X making them add up to XX
How do mammals tackle dosage compensation?
There is random inactivate of one of the X chromosomes
How do Marsupial mammals tackle dosage compensation?
The paternally derived X chromosome is always deactivated
What kind of gametes do XX hermaphrodites make?
Make egg and sperm cells
What kind of gametes do X hermaphrodites make?
Only sperm
What is the inactivated X chromosome in humans known as?
Barr bodies
How does deactivation of an X chromosome work in humans?
The X chromosome that is to be inactivated produces Xist RNA which coats the chromosome then it attracts a protein complex cal PRC2 that changes the his tone proteins that puts a lysine group on the Xi chromosome which inhibits the transcription of the chromosome
What is the genotype of Turner syndrome?