Lecture 11 Flashcards
What is Tetrapoda?
A superclass
When did Tetrapoda arise?
During the Devonian period
What kind of organisms did Tetrapods arise from?
Lungfish-like Sarcopterygians
Name a few Sarcopterygians
Coelocanths, lungfishes, tetrapodamorph fishes & tetrapods
Describe Osteolepiforms
Cylindrical-like bodies, big heads and thick scales
Name some of the features that Osteolepiforms shared with tetrapods
Paired crescentic vertebrae and labrynthine teeth
What was one feature that was different between tetrapods and osteolepiforms?
Their ribs extended dorsally
What is a possible sister group to tetrapods?
Elpistostegalids are more derived for shallow water life true or false?
What did elpistostegalids lose?
Unpaired dorsal and anal fins, their tail was also reduced
Name the two organisms that were the earliest known tetrapods until recently
Acanthostega & Ichthyostega
What was the recent discovery in regards to tetrapods?
Tiktaalik/Inuktituk fresh water fish seen in the shallows
In what period was Tiktaalik/Inuktituk around?
The Devonian period
Why was Tiktaalik significant time-wise?
It was 20 my older than acanthostega and ichthyosteag
Structurally, why was Tiktaalik significant?
Loss of bony operculum, ribs large & overlapping and forelimbs could bend in the middle
What did the loss of the operculum mean for tiktaalik?
It could raise its head up and snap up prey
What did large and overlapping ribs mean for tiktaalik?
Its body could be supported for being partially out of the water