Lecture 10 - Taste and Smell •Sensation and perception of gustatory and olfactory stimuli Flashcards
What is meant by gustation?
The structure and function and taste.
What is meant by olfaction?
The structure and function of odour
What is meant by flavour?
The coming together of all senses.
What does salty indicate?
The presence of sodium
What are the five basic taste qualities?
- salty
- sour
- sweet
- bitter
- umami
What are the papilla?
Papilla contains several hundreds of taste buds with each containing 50-100 taste receptor cells.
What are the 4 types of papilla?
When does transduction occur in the taste buds?
Transduction occurs when chemicals contact the receptor sites on the tips of the taste cell.
What is the olfactory mucosa?
Membrane that contains the cilia of the olfactory receptors
How many different olfactory receptor neurons (ORNs) in humans?
350 in humans
What is the olfactory bulb?
Structure containing the neural circuits that process olfactory information. Neurons receive information directly from the axons of the olfactory receptors.
What are the functions of olfaction?
Animals are macrosmatic - a keen sense of smell necessary for survival.
Humans are microsmatic - less keen sense of smell not crucial for survival.
What is meant by the recognition threshold for identifying odours?
Concentration needed to determine quality of an odorant.
Humans can discriminate among 100,000 odours, but they cannot label them accurately.
What is the puzzle of olfactory quality?
Difficult to map perceptual experience onto physical attributes.
Some molecules that have similar structure smell different.
What is the primary olfactory area?
piriform cortex
What is the secondary olfactory area?
Orbitorfrontal cortex
How is the amygdala linked to the olfactory regions?
How do odour stimuli from food in the mouth reach the olfactory mucosa?
Through the retronasal route
What are chemical senses and why are they important?
- Olfaction and gustation
They have been neglected but used to be essential for our survival.
They are direct senses as contact with the ‘wrong’ substances can be harmful.
What does flavour perception rely on?
Relies on a true multi-modal system in which olfaction plays a significant role.