Lecture 10: Sympathetic NS Flashcards
How does NE effect the CV system?
- overall vasoconstriction (increase in TPR)
- increased strength of vasoconstriction (ionotropy)
- initially HR goes up (chronotropy) but drops back down due to baroreceptor reflex
What would be used to delay premature contractions?
epinephrine: decreases smooth muscle tone so it can’t contract as well
salbutamol: B2 agonist that relaxes uterine smooth muscle
Phenylephrine (PE), an a1 Ag are used in cold remedies because?
- during colds, there is vasodilation causing fluids to lead causing congestion
- a1 agonist causes vasoconstriction in upper respiratory mucosa to stop congestion
Phenylepherine (half life and potency)
- selective a1 agonist
- longer t1/2 than NE because not broken down by COMT, but less potent than NE
- can activate B2 R at high doses
Phenylepherine clinical use
selective a1 agonist
CV: increases BP
- causes reflex bradycardia, so used to treat atrial bradycardia
- in hypotensive states (people who are hypertensive should not use this)
decongestant and anti-allergy
- causes constriction
- but desensitization with repeated dosing
dilation (myadratic)
clonidine use
selective a2 R agonist (mainly on N terminals)
treats hypertension
- decreases BP, bradycardia, and CO due to blocking NE release from nerve terminals
- centrally blocks excitatory outflow
- peripherally presynaptic inhibition
clonidine ADR
adverse effects
- decreased TPR with chronic admin
- rebound hypertensive crisis with sudden withdrawal
- dry mouth and constipation (targets a2 on parasympaethic terminals too), bradycardia,
and sedation
more seletive than clonidine
use as adjust glaucoma treatment because it is very local (reduces production of aqueous humour and decreasing IOP)
non-selective B agonist
- no therapeutic use
- most potent B agonist with longer t1/2
- severe cardiac side effects: peripheral vasodilation, tachycardia, myocardial stimulation
selective B1 agonist
- synthetic DA derivative
- positive ionotropic effect greater than chronotropic effect
- increases SV at low dose and no change in HR –> increases CO
- used short term treatment of HF, acute MI, and heart surgery (long term would cause death)
What are selective B2 R agonists used to treat?
primarily asthma without stimulating B1
Salbutamol (albuterol)
selective B2 R agonist
- B2 on bronchiole sm
- skeletal muscle vasodilation to decrease TPR
- high dose could stimulate CV effects
delay premature labour
- relaxes uterus sm so there are no contractions
duration and t1/2 can be extended with newer agents
selective B2 agonist
- anchors to R for extended action
selective B2 agonist
used to delay premature labour
selective B3 agonist
- treats overactive bladder
Indirect acting sympathomimetics can act by
- increase synthesis
- stimulate release
- inhibit presynaptic transporter for reuptake to increase NT in cleft –> cocaine (DAT), desimimpramine/amytriptyline (NET), amphetamine
- inhibit degredation by enzymes –> MAO-A I: clorgyline, MAO-B I: selegiline
Why should we be cautious when eating foods with tyramine (cheese)?
- VMAT substrate with no direct effect
- when used with MAOIs –> this prevents degrdation and increases NE displacement causing a sudden increase in BP
- can lead to hypertensive crisis
mixed action sympathomimetic
- both NE release and direct a1, B1, B2 R binding
- orally effective prolonged action stimulant
- increases heart rate, bronchodilation and skeletal muscle tone
- less potent vasopressor than EPI