Lecture 10: Principles Of Fluid Flow In Vertebrates Flashcards
What are the advantages of a closed circulatory system?
- Closed systems can generate higher pressures, blood flows more rapidly through vessels than interstitial space -> therefore quicker nutrient and waste transport
- Resistance in blood vessels can be changed -> blood flow can be more tightly regulated and more easily redirected to specific tissues
- Cellular elements and transport molecules kept within vessels (eg hemoglobin)
Three types of pumps used in circulatory systems
Contractile chamber: muscles can be inside or outside the chamber
External pump: skeletal muscles push contents through
Peristaltic pump: rhythmic waves of contraction move along he blood vessel
What are the 4 types of fluid?
Hemolymph- fluid that circulates within an open circulatory system (single ECF compartment)
Blood- fluid that circulates within a closed circulatory system (plasma and cells)
Interstitial fluid: extracellular fluid that directly bathes the tissues
Lymph: fluid that circulates in the secondary system of vertebrates called the lymphatic system
Common features of vertebrate circulatory systems
- closed circulatory system
- general plan involves two or more contractile chambers of myocardial tissue, with valves to ensure unidirectional blood flow
- two or more heart chambers
- progressive increase in separation of blood flow to gas exchange organs and blood flow to rest of body
All vertebrates hearts generate force through conaction of myocardial tissue. What are the 2 different types of myocardium
- Spongy: mesh work of loosely connected cells
2. Compact: tightly packed cells arranged in a regular pattern
The number of heart chambers has increased during vertebrate evolution.
Vertebrates heart evolved from two chambers in fish to three in amphibians and reptiles and four in crocodilians, mammals, and birds.
A three chambered heart evolved in order to separate oxygenated and deoxygenated blood increasing respiratory efficiency
What are the advantages of of separate pulmonary and systemic circulations
1) oxygenated and deoxygenated blood cannot mix- meaning systemic blood always receives blood with highest oxygen content
2) maximizes respiratory gas exchange
3) pulmonary and systemic circuits can operate under different pressures
All together an improved respiratory and cardiovascular efficiency
What are the other two changes in the cardiovascular system.
1) specialized electrical conduction
2) myocardial cell replication
1) specialized electrical conduction:
- pacemaker cells present very early in evolution-> rhythmic activity
2) myocardial cell replication
- the ability to efficiently replace lost myocardial cells in adulthood disappeared around the appearance of warm bloodedness
Part 2 fluid mechanics
Blood is divided into two portions what are they and what do they consist of?
Blood is divided up into a plasma portion and a cellular portion
- Plasma is the water component, containing ions, organic solutes and proteins
- Cellular components are produced from stem cells in the Bone marrow
Electrical activity of the heart: how does The beat start?
-cardiac cycle involves rhythmic contraction of heart chambers in response to electrical activity (depolarization)
-depolarization is initiated in the sinoatrial node
-depolarization then spreads
1) across the atria then..
2) to ventricles via the atrioventricular node
Refer to slide 13 lecture 11
What is the electrocardiogram used for?
Electrocardiography monitors the electrical activity of the heart
Increase in heart rate is called?
Decrease in heart rate is called?
Decrease is bradycardia
Increase is tachycardia
Principles of fluid flow part 3
What are the 2 determinants of fluid flow?
- Pressure gradient
- Resistance ie
- tube length
- tube radius
- fluid viscosity
- flow pattern
What are the components of a circulatory system?
Circulatory system move fluids by generating pressure on one part of the circuit
Fluid flows through the body from high pressure to Low pressure
Circulatory systems need three main components:
-system of tubes
What is the differences in open circulatory systems and closed?
-circulatory fluid comes in direct contact with the tissues in spaces called sinuses
Closed circulatory system:
- circulatory fluid stays within blood vessels
- circulatory fluid does not make direct contact with tissues
- extracellular fluid separated into plasma and interstitial fluid compartments