Lecture 10 - Pharynx and larynx Flashcards
Why is this important
- oropharyngeal cancer
- laryngitis
- tracheostomy (blocked airway)
- Cricothyroidotomy (getting into airways)
Where does the larynx attach?
Upper part of pharynx attaches to medial pterygoid plate, then comes to scaphoid fossa, then runs over cartilagenous position of pharyngotympanic tube, also runs over peterous part of temporal bone and goes to pharangeal tuburcle of occipital bone
-anteriorly - has no attatchment as open
-comes down over the medial pterygoid plate and runs over raphe (pterygomadibular raphe) - comes from terygoid hamulus
middle attachment - ligament between hyoid bone and styloid process
-and goes to lesser horn and higher horn of hyoid bone
oblique line - on cartilage - attatches along here, goes along cricoid plate
Pharynx - no bony structure, just muscles
- COnstrictor
- learn - he went over this twie
Constrictor muscles (C shapped muscles)
-anterior - attaches to base of skull, and to ligament connecting styloid process to mandible -has a free edge a structure can run underneath
- attatches to roof - base of skull
Middle - attaches to stylohyoid ligament and lesser and greater horn of hyoid bone
Inferior constrictor - lower part attaches to oblique line and cricoid
-right and left halves join to midline at pharyngeal rafee
Longitudinal muscles - these stablise the constrictor muscles
Salpingopharyngeus - from pharyngotympanic tube
Palatopharynges - originate from palate - coming to pharynx
-above C6 - the buccopharayngeal fascia replaces the pretracheal fascia only on posterior aspect (retropharangeal space behind here- lymphatics of cacner drain here from pharynx)
Pharyngobasilar fascia -helps stabalise pharynx - from basilar part of skull runs down into pharynx
-lies between mucosa and muscle (on anterior surface of constrictor muscles)
Oropharangeal triangel
-Made form posterior edge of mylohyoid, upper border of medial constrictor, and free lower margin of superior constrictor
- stylopharangeus runs here
- cranial nerve 9, 12, lingual artery, vien all go into this cavity
Gap between lower part of medial constrictor and upper part of inferior constrictor
-internal laryngeal nerve and vessels run here
free margin of inferior constrictor
-what does recurrent laryngeal artery come off
- this comes off arch of aorta on left side, on right side - from right subclavian artery
- recurrent laryngeal nerve and vessels run up here
- then runs up groove of eosophagus and trachea
- runs deep to inferior constrictor and reaches final destination which is larynx
Diagram of what you can see when examining the patient
- pharyngotympanic tube (regulates pressure between middle ear and pharynx)
- babies get more infections as this tube has not fully developed
Pharangeal tonsil at roof - babies may be enlarged - difficulty with breathing as it blocks the nasopharynx
Palatine tonsil - lies between 2 arches, palatoglossal and paltopharangeal
lingual tonsil - lies at most posterior part of tongue (in oropharynx)
Blood supply
-venous drainage
all branches of external carotid
veins - covered with many viens - pterygoid plexus drains from pharynx (in contact with intracranial cavity) - if infection can get it back to crainum
Muscle innovation to pharynx
All innovated by vagus, apar from stylopharangeal - this is innovated by no. 9.
Sensory - important -
Nasopharynx - V2
Oropharnx - IX
Laryngopharynx - X
Layrnx - need to know the cartilages
Formed by cartilages
-epiglotus, thyroid cartilage, cricoid cartilage (anterior narrower than posterior) , deep to this the trachea starts
Thyroid caritilage - articualres with layrnx (has facets)
-has superior and inferior thyrodi notch
Arterylenoid cartialge - sits on top of cricoid
- corniculate cartilage on top of this
- also have cunifomr cartilages
Extrnisic -runing between hyoid bone and thyrodi cartialge - called thryohyoid membrane
Intrisic ligaments - cricothyroid ligament - runs between thyroid cartialge and cricoid cartialge , upper boreder is thicker and forms vocal ligament
have quadrangular membrane - attatches to corniculate cartialge and thyroid cartilage and inferior margin of this ligament is thicker - vestipubalr ligament (false vocal cord)
-can see vestibular and vocal ligament hwen look down on it
Cavity of larynx
can see vocal folds and vestibular folds
-vestibule is above middle part ofcavity
and infraglottic space is below