Lecture 10- Introduction to metabotropic receptors Flashcards
What are the two types of synaptic transmission?
- Ionotropic neurotransmission
- Metabotropic neurotransmission
What are the general characteristics of ionotropic neurotransmission?
- fast, never uses peptide neurotransmitters
- small molecules used (dopamine etc.) and recycled within the terminal
- leads to and ESPS (Na+ inflow ) or ISPS (Cl- inflow)
What are the general characteristics of metabotropic transmission?
- does not cause ESPS/ISPIS
- yet usually results in a change in ion coductance and membrane potential
- metabotropic receptors are G-protein coupled receptors
- modulate the transmission between neurons
What are the general characteristics of metabotropic transmission?
- does not cause ESPS/ISPIS
- yet usually results in a change in ion coductance and membrane potential
- metabotropic receptors are G-protein coupled receptors
- modulate the transmission between neurons
- makes the secondary neuron more or less receptive
What do G-proteins do?
-they are adapters, they link receptors to effectors
What do the G-protein coupled receptors look like?
- have 7 transmembrane domains
- have a ligand binding region in the extracellular facing region
- various bits poke out of the cytoplasm that are responsible for binding the G proteins
- G-protein coupled receptors are useless alone, but can activate a G-protein that can then do things
- the G-protein coupled receptors are referred to as serpentine due to the 7 TM domains
- have no intrinsic activity
What are the 3 components involved in a G-coupled protein receptor exerting its effect on the system?
1: G-protein coupled receptor
2: G-protein
3: Effector proteins (usually ion channels and enzymes that generate 2nd messengers)
What are the 3 components involved in a G-coupled protein receptor exerting its effect on the system?
1: G-protein coupled receptor
2: G-protein
3: Effector proteins (usually ion channels and enzymes that generate 2nd messengers)
- the GPCRs use G-proteins to couple to effector proteins
What is the diversity of G-proteins?
– There are 20 different α subunits
– There are 5 different β subunits
– There are 12 different γ subunits – Thus 1200 possible G-proteins
- most of which actually occur!
- alpha, beta and gamma subunits of the G protein
- alpha splits from beta and gamma readily (beta and gamma never split)
- alpha activates the effector -extraordinary diversity of the G proteins
- they will activate different things -mix and match system
What is the effect of metabotropic stimulation?
- Metabotropic stimulation often alters ion-channel permeability
- The change in permeability is slower in onset, and of longer duration, than occurs with ionotrophic stimulation
What are the 3 ways in which metabotropic receptors regulate ion channels?
- Coupling by G-protein directly to an ion channel
- Coupling by G-protein to a second messenger system, where the 2n messenger (eg. cAMP, cGMP) directly regulates an ion channel
- Coupling by G-protein to a second messenger system, leading to ion channel phosphorylation
- proteins that are usually phosphorylated are ion channels so the membrane permeability is different
- long-winded way of doing it
What does the release of second messengers do?
• Ultimately, release of second messengers results in phosphorylation of specific subsets of cellular proteins
What are the phosphorylation targets of the second messengers?
• Phosphorylation targets include:
– Ion channels
– Ion pumps
– Receptors
– Enzymes
– Structural proteins (to lesser extent enzymes and structural proteins
-mostly the first three and they are all transmembrane structures so can affect membrane permeability)
What is a signalosome?
- Any of a group of proteins, complexes of which are involved in the regulation of protein degradation
- arranged in a way that they can easily interact, not just randomly spread out around the membrane
- this is how the GCPRs, G-proteins and effectors are arranged
Are all three components of the G-coupled protein receptor machinery membrane bound?
-yes -the GCPRs, the G-protein and the effector
How are GCPRs coupled to effector proteins?
-use the G-proteins to have an effect on the effector
What are the main effector proteins?
-ion channels and enzymes that generate 2nd messengers
What happens when a signalling molecule binds to a GCPR?
- G protein has a GDP bound to its alpha subunit in its resting state
- once the signaling molecule attaches to the GCPR the GDP is converted to GTP and this activates the alpha subunit and causes a split of the alpha subunit from the beta+gamma subunits (these stay together)
- the alpha subunit will then go on to activate the effector
- as long as the alpha subunit has the GTP it remains active, but GTP is unstable and breaks down in about 20 seconds (too long!) so have GAPs (G protein associated proteins
What does the beta+gamma subunits do when a signaling molecule binds to the GCPR?
- it is not only the alpha subunit that does something often the beta and gamma are also active
- sometimes perform similar functions to the alpha subunit and sometimes do the opposite: eg. G protein where alpha subunit excites adenylyl cyclase, the beta and gamma subunits inhibit it but take longer to have an effect so it is a sort of built in off switch
What happens when a signaling molecule binds to a GCPR?
- G protein has a GDP bound to its alpha subunit in its resting state
- once the signaling molecule attaches to the GCPR the GDP is converted to GTP and this activates the alpha subunit and causes a split of the alpha subunit from the beta+gamma subunits (these stay together)
- the alpha subunit will then go on to activate the effector
- as long as the alpha subunit has the GTP it remains active, but GTP is unstable and hydrolyzes into GDP in about 20 seconds (too long!) so have GAPs (G protein associated proteins) whose job is to speed up the GTP hydrolization so it only takes milliseconds
- once the GTP is converted to GDP everything stops and alpha dissociates from the effector and associates with beta and gamma at the GCPR again