This class was created by Brainscape user Jamie Byrne. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (33)

Lecture 1- Introduction
What is a passive response or pas...,
What is the resting membrane pote...,
What is the threshold for generat...
34  cards
Lecture 2- Neurons and glia
What is the role of neurons,
What do glia mainly do,
What are some ways in which we ca...
42  cards
Lecture 3- Ionotropic receptors I: Excitation
Pic1what happens when a neurotran...,
Pic2what happens when a neurotran...,
Pic3 what happens when a neurotra...
29  cards
Lecture 4- Ionotropic receptors II: Inhibition
What does hyperpolarisation mean ...,
What is the principle inhibitory ...,
Pic1what is the gaba system like
18  cards
Lecture 5- AP and AIS
What are the characteristics of a...,
Pic1what are passive graded poten...,
Why do we need an ap
28  cards
Lecture 6- Mechanosensory Transduction
What needs to happen for an exter...,
What are the types of sensory sti...,
What are the chemical types of se...
20  cards
Lecture 7- Special sensory transduction mechanism
What is a characteristic of speci...,
What are the special senses,
What are some characteristics of ...
15  cards
Lecture 8- Measuring neural activity I
What are the levels at which you ...,
What is voltage,
Can you masure voltage in neurons
28  cards
Lecture 9- Measuring neural activity II
How do you use genetically encode...,
What is the resolution like with ...,
Are there equivalents of the gcam...
25  cards
Lecture 10- Introduction to metabotropic receptors
What are the two types of synapti...,
What are the general characterist...,
What are the general characterist...
50  cards
Lecture 11- Modulation of neuronal functions by metabotropic receptors
What is the additional info about...,
What are the 3 ways in which the ...,
Pic1what are pi pip and pip2
30  cards
Lecture 12- Dopamine
What is a neurotransmitter,
What is the time scale of neurotr...,
What neurotransmitter family does...
27  cards
Lecture 14- Stem Cell Therapies for Parkinson's disease
What is parkinson s,
What is the target with stem cell...,
What are the current parkinson s ...
32  cards
Lecture 15- Synaptic release and presynaptic proteins
What are the crucial things neede...,
Pic1what is an active zone,
How many active zones are there i...
42  cards
Lecture 16- Axonal transport
What are the problems of distance...,
Pic1how far does nutrition usuall...,
What is special about purkinje ce...
24  cards
Lecture 17- Neurotrophins
What happens when a neuron does n...,
How were neurotrophins first disc...,
What are the actions of neurotrop...
24  cards
Lecture 18- Postsynaptic density
Where do synapses occur,
Pic1how does postsynaptic density...,
Pic2what sort of proteins are the...
7  cards
Lecture 19- Autonomic nervous system I
What are the population data for ...,
What is the disease burden of car...,
What is the relationship between ...
40  cards
Lecture 20- Autonomic nervous system II
What is the rvlm s part in the hi...,
What do we talk about today,
Is blood pressure heart rate stab...
17  cards
Lecture 21- Autonomic nervous system III
Pic1where did we get to,
What is the working heart brainst...,
Pic2where does the phrenic nerve ...
17  cards
Lecture 22- Autonomic nervous system IV
What are emotions,
What are some examples of emotions,
What is the kluver bucy syndrome
14  cards
Lecture 23- Spinal injury
What are the disturbances that ar...,
What is the main cause of morbidi...,
Pic1where are the autonomic contr...
26  cards
Lecture 25- Enteric nervous system I
What is the ens,
What are the behaviour that ens c...,
What are the neurotransmitters fo...
22  cards
Lecture 26- Enteric nervous system II
What are the basic motility patte...,
What happens in fed state in vitr...,
Pic1what are the layers neurons a...
12  cards
Lecture 27- Modelling of neurons
What are models,
What is the key point of all models,
Why is it good to use computer si...
16  cards
Lecture 28- Neuropsychiatry and gut
What are some of the neuropsychia...,
Are many neuropsychiatric disorde...,
What are the two key tools for st...
14  cards
Lecture 29- Gut microbiome
Why talk about gut bacteria in a ...,
What is this pic1,
How many bacteria are there in th...
16  cards
Lecture 30- Injury to the nervous system I
Pic1what are the general differen...,
Pic2what are the types of periphe...,
Pic3what happens in the pns when ...
27  cards
Lecture 31- Injury to the nervous system II
What is the difference in cns str...,
What are the causes of cns injury,
What is the incidence of neural i...
23  cards
Lecture 32- Repairing the nervous system
What was the situation regarding ...,
What will it take to effectively ...,
What stops axonal regeneration an...
22  cards
Lecture 33- Neuroplasticity I
What are the types of memory,
What is consolidation,
What is amnesia
12  cards
Lecture 34- Neuronal plasticity II
What is the hebbian hypothesis,
Pic1what does this prove,
How does nmda work
21  cards
Lecture 35- Neuronal plasticity III
Where is the hippocampus what is ...,
Pic1how does memory processing wo...,
Pic2what is the trisynaptic circu...
13  cards

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bsc zoology - neurophysiology

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