Lecture 10 – INFLUENCE Flashcards
3 types of influence
- social influence
- persuasion
- choice architecture
social influence
= other people’s behaviour & opinions + interaction with others influence people
4 key facilitators of social influence
- social proof/ conformity
- in-group out-group dynamics
- reciprocication
- authority
2 reasons why social proof takes place
- other people’s behaviour is informative
- behaving consistently with others can be socially rewarding
Conformity is mostly relevant for:
- young people
- visible items
= responding to a gesture or action with a corresponding or complementary gesture or action (!! NOT symmetrical but mutual)
= people do what authority figures tell them to do since they have the power & they want to avoid punishment
3 ways to establish authority
- physical appearance / clothes
- voice, character
- position
= the act of getting someone else to so something or believe in something
marketers should persuade consumers to …
- think that an offer is valuable
- think that an offer is better than alternatives
- let go of resources
The elaboration likelihood model
- peripheral route ( shallow processing)
- central route (deep processing)
3 factors that affect the choice of one route over the other
- relevance of the product
- how important the decision is
- consumers’ available resources
= people are strongly affected by the starting point, even if they know it’s incorrect
marketers should try to fit the message to the route consumers choose using (4)
- no. arguments
- arguments strength
- message complexity
- relevance of contextual cues
2 persuasion tecniques
- foot in the door
- door in the face