Lecture 10 - False Memory and Memory Errors Flashcards
What evidence is there does NOT support decay theory?
AB-AC and AB-CD tasks - in AB-AC tasks memory is worse compared to AB-CD tasks, as there are more associations between A. Decay theory would not predict this.
And when new categories and introduced in learning tasks
What percentage of people think that memory works like a video camera?
2/3 of people believe this.
But…this does not seem to be the case.
This word was done by Simons and Chabris (2011).
What are memory intrusion errors?
Memory intrusion errors refer to when we recall information that pertains to when we recall information associated with a theme of a memory, but which was not originally present in the original memory.
Over time these memory intrusions can lead to a us building up false memories or inaccurate memories.
An in-lab experiment of this is in an AB-AC task - a memory intrusion error here would be, when asked about the associate of C to recall B. C is associated with A and A is associated with B and therefore we may recall B in response to C.
A real-life example would be having a memory of your 12th birthday and recalling that it was at your favourite park, but it in fact wasn’t. Perhaps you had other birthdays at the park and so that park is associated with birthday parties, so when you think of your 12th birthday that was actually at a different park, you
recall the wrong park.
These memory intrusions are more common in AB-AC tasks than in AB-CD tasks.
What was one of the main findings from Drewnsoki and Murdock (1980) re memory intrusion errors and lists preceding the memory task?
What is the DRM paradigm?
What is a critical lure in regards to false memories?
Does perceptual false memory occur as well as semantic false memories?
When participants are warned about the potentiality of false memories did false memories still occur?
DRM tasks tend to have around 9 words. What happens when there are fewer words?
Why do false memories occur?
What are SOURCE MONITORY errors?
What is FUZZY TRACE theory?
Why doesn’t forewarning reduce false memory?
Why does increases in number of associated increase false memories?
Why do false memories still occur even if they are not generated at study?
What were some of the reasons people had issues with theories that were derived from laboratory-based research tasks?
What was the story that Bartlett used to study memory and recall?
What were some of the findings from the how people remembered The War of Ghosts story?
Memory isn’t a recording we view, instead…
We actively reconstruct an event/memory every time we remember.
What were the findings from the study done by Kitsch et al. (1990) on reconstructive memory?
Do we remember meaning, text or surface better after hearing or reading a text?
What happens to memory when misleading questions are asked?
What was the study done by Loftus & Palmer (1974) and what did they find?
How does the timing or context of misinformation impact memory?
Loftus and Pickerell (1995) did a study on false childhood memories. What did they find?
What was the Hot Air Balloon study done by Wade et al. (2002) and what did they find?
What are some of the real-world implications of the misinformation effect on false memories?
What was the study done by Wells and Bradfield (1998) on witness identification and post-identification feedback?
What are FLASHBULB memories?
Flashbulb memories are called this because of the old cameras that had a flashbulb.