Lecture 10 - Cardiac Rehab Flashcards
What is cardio rehab and its importance
What are the 3 phases of cardio rehab
What is the BACPR model
What patients would benefit from cardio rehab
Compare atrial and ventricular septal defect
What are contraindications of cardio rehab
Who is most likely to receive cardio rehab in Canada
What should a physio chart review and clinical history look like for someone who need cardio rehab
What should the physical exam for a physio look like for someone who needs cardio rehab
Whats the Duke Activity Status Index (DASI)
What are the FITT recommendations for individuals with CVD participating in outpatient cardio rehab? How do we calculate workload intensity using the HRR Method?
How do we progress aerobic exercise in cardio rehab
What are some key exercise training considerations for cardio rehab
What should we monitor in patients receiving cardiorehab