Lecture 10 Flashcards
Prolonged exposure to some of drugs may then lead to…
- Physical dependence (physiological/psychological need to continue taking the drug)
- Tolerance (require greater doses to obtain the desired effect – reduced response to the normal dose)
- Withdrawal (discomfort or distress that follows discontinuation of drug – effects are usually the opposite of the drug taken)
A novel psychoactive substance is…
a new term used to describe a large group of drugs that are meant to mimic the effects of more commonly known drugs such as amphtemaines, cocaine, opiates, or delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). With many new
identifications appearing monthly, the number of these drugs has grown significantly in recent years. Therapeutic, toxic, and/or lethal concentrations overlap, and drug interactions are not well known. Caution should be used when interpreting their potential role in deaths, taking into account the circumstances surrounding death. Novel psychoactive substances can be sedating, stimulating, or hallucinogenic compounds. The main classes of these drugs can be separated into synthetiannabing. synthetic stimulants and hallucinogens, and syntheopioids.
During the 1970s-1980s the recreational drugs…
now considered the traditional drugs - were drugs such as heroin and magic mushrooms. Over the years different drugs appeared on the market as people started to look for alternatives to the traditional drugs in an attempt to avoid prosecution.
The NPS market
The NPS market started in 2001. The initial NPS were BZP and methylone, soon followed by mephedrone.
These NPS were produced in clandestine (secret) labs and sold on the black market as a replacement for MDMA – commonly referred to as ‘ecstasy’, or cocaine, or heroin. These NPS could be sold on the streets
without any legal implications, or over the internet – “legal highs”.
What are stimulants
Stimulants are drugs which speed up the bodys functions and central nervous system.
Effects of stimulants
*Increased heart rate
*Elevated blood pressure
*Feeling more alert and awake
*Acting out of character
*Anxiety or panic
*Nausea or vomiting
*Aggression and paranoia
Examples of stimulants
*Amphetamines (indlcuing crystal methamphetamine)
What are depressants
Depressants are drugs which slow down the body’s functions and central nervous system
Effects of depressants
*Feeling tired, fatigued, relaxed or lethargic
*Acting out of character
Examples of depressants
What are hallucinogens
Hallucinogenic drugs alter a persons perception of reality. They can make the user see, hear, feel or experience things that are not really there.
Effects of hallucinogens
*Mood changes
*Elevated heart rate
*Aggression/ paranoia
*Loss of contact with reality
*Irrational and bizarre behaviour
*Acting out of character
The facial effects of stimulant
*Dilated pupils of eyes
*Wide-open eyelids, jerky eyes
*Flushed/hot-looking skin
*Clenched jaw, teeth-grinding
*Muscle-rippling, lip-chewing
The facial effects of depressant
*Pinned (constricted) pupils
*Sagging/droopy eyelids
*Paler complexion
*Relaxed facial muscles
*Nodding head (gouching)
Opioids is an umbrella term. Opioids cover any substance that acts upon opioid receptors within our bodies.
There are naturally derived opioids, these are called opiates. Opiates include drugs such as morphine, codeine, thebaine. The opiates are found in the opium poppy
These opiates can be isolated and undergo a slight chemical alteration, e.g. heroin. Heroin is an example of a semi-synthetic opioid. It is created by adding two acetyl groups to the opiate, morphine.
These exogenous (external) opioids act on the same receptors in our bodies that our endogenous (internal) opioids do.