Lecture 1 - Vital Signs and HEENT Flashcards
Irregularly irregular heart rhythm is indicative of?
Atrial fibrillation
Regularly irregular heart rhythm is indicative of?
Bigeminy or trigeminy
Lack of symmetry between right and left extremities suggests: ______?
impaired circulation
If femoral pulsation is absent, __________ must be suspected.
coarctation of the aorta
Arteries that can be auscultated:
- temporal 2. carotids 3. subclavian 4. abdominal aorta 5. renal 6. iliac 7. femoral
Two variations from a normal arterial pulse are:
- pulsus alternans 2. pulsus bisferiens
What is the clinical term for an alternation of a pulse of small amplitude with a pulse of large amplitude.
Pulsus alternans (alternating pulse)
What is the primary cause of pulsus alternans?
heart failure
What are the two causes of pulsus bisferiens?
Leaking aortic valve Hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy
What is the clinical term for a double impulse best felt at the carotid?
Pulsus bisferiens
The image below is an example of?

Pulsus alternans
The image below is an example of?

Pulsus Bisferiens
Too small of a blood pressure cuff will lead to:
Artificially elevated blood pressure reading
The brachial artery being positioned too low will lead to:
Artificially elevated blood pressure reading
What type of sounds are first listened for when taking a blood pressure reading?
Korokoff sounds
The _____ pressure is the mmHG at the level where you hear two consecutive beats.
The _____ pressure is the mmHG at the level where the sounds become muffled and disappear.
A difference of more than 10-15 mmHg between arms suggests:
arterial obstruction on the side with lower pressure
The ________ pressure is the more reliable indicator of true systolic pressure.
An _____________ is the silent interval that may be present between the systolic and diastolic pressures.
auscultatory gap
An unrecognized auscultatory gap may lead to:
serious underestimation of the systolic pressure
An increase in pulse of greater than 20 beats per minute, OR a decrease in systolic of more than 20 mmHg is called:
Orthostatic hypertension (postural hyptertension)
A difference in systolic pressure of >10 mmHg during inspiration and expiration is called:
Pulsus Paradoxus
________ is rapid, shallow breathing.
What is kussmaul breathing?
Deep breathing due to meatbolic acidosis
______ is periods of no breathing
__________ breathing is defined as periods of deep-breathing with periods of no breathing.
Cheyne-Stokes Breathing
What are causes of Cheyne-Stokes breathing?
heart failure; brain damage (typically in both hemispheres)
What causes obstructive breathing?
Forms of COPD - especially asthma
Which temperature locations are typically higher, middle, and lowest?
Rectal, oral, axillary
Pupillary inequality of <.5 mm, also called ________ is visible in 20% of normal people
The iris is examined for what two features?
- Color
- Presence of arcus senilus
What occurs during lidlag?
As eyes look down, white surrounds the iris
What occurs during nystagmus?
Fine, rhythmic oscillation of the eyes;
a few beats on extreme lateral gaze are within normal limits
What is presbyopia?
Impaired near vision