Lecture 1 - the industrial organization of health care markets Flashcards
“To study industrial organization is to study the functioning of markets, a central concept in microeconomics.”
- Price taking behaviour.
o Due to issues in the past, there might be organization with a lot of power.
o There is not a market. - perfect information
o agency problems
o information is asymmetrically divided among parties. - homogeneous products
o markets are by definition dealing with heterogenous products. - free entry and exit
o it would be problematic if everyone could become a doctor, or everyone could develop a new medicine.
- discussion of literature structured around five stages:
1. quality determination in provider markets M1
2. price and network determination in provider markets M2
3. premium determination in insurance markets M4
4. consumer choice in insurance markets M4
5. incentives and provider referral decisions/ consumer utilization M3 - each stage has impact on equilibrium outcome and welfare.
- stages are related: “optimal choices in one stage are functions of expectations regarding the rest”.
- what mechanisms could explain that hospitals competition affects quality?
Less organizations more concentrated less competition lower effort to focus on quality.
- Markets with regulated prices
o Prices are fixed.
o Quality is increasing in price, the elasticity of demand with respect to quality, and the firm’s total demand.
o Quality is decreasing in the marginal costs of quantity or quality.
o Competition will result in higher quality
- Markets where hospitals set prices and quality
o Between hospitals and insures for example
o Quality will increase if the quality elasticity of demand increase or the price elasticity of demand declines (and vice versa)
o Quality will also increase if price increases relative to the marginal cost of quality (and fall if the opposite happens)
o Outcome is not known beforehand because it depends on ratio of elasticity