Lecture 1 Q Flashcards
What causes the conflict between using internal accounting systems for decision making and control?
One system cannot be designed to maximize two conflicting objective better than two systems each maximizing one objective. If a single system is used for both decision management and decision control, trade-offs must be made to create a balanced system that maximizes profits for the firm.
Describe the different kinds of information provided by the internal accounting system?
An internal accounting system provides managers and executives with key cost information regarding their business. examples include financial budgets, inventory costs, product costs, factory costs, and overhead costs
Give three examples of the uses of an accounting system
External reports,
Performance evaluations
Decision making
List the characteristics of an internal account system
- Provide necessary information to identify profitable produts and what volume should be produces.
- It should provide information in such a way that production inefficiencies are detected.
- In combination with the performance evaluation and reward systems, the internal accounting system should create incentives for managers to maximize firm value.
Do firms have multiple accounting system? Why/why not
Only few - Reason:
- Additional costs required to maintain system.
- There is confusion surrounding different measures.
- With one system, the external auditor can also be used to monitor and control the internal reporting system at little additional costs.
Desribe Economic darwinism
Surviving firms in competitive industries tend to use adminstrative procedures whose befits net of costs are at least as high as their competitors. In a competitive world, if surviving organizations are using some operating procedure over long period of time, then it is likely that this procedure is yeilding benefits in excess of costs.
Describe major functions of CFO
Responsibilities incolde
- Providing all the accounting reports for both external and internal parties and management
- tax administration
- budgeting
- treasury and financing
- investments
- intenral audit.
Define opportunity cost
The oppoertunity cost consist of the receipts from the most valuable forgone alternative when making a decision or choice among many options.
What are some characteristics of opportunity costs
- Opportunity costs are not necessarily the same as payments
- Opportunity costs are forward-looking.
- Opportunity costs can bed dated at the moment of financial decision.
A firm paid 8.325 last year for some raw material it planned in production. when is the 8.325 a good estimate of the opportuniy costs of material?
The 8.235 is an accurate estimate of the opportunity cost if we can resell the material for the amount or we can replace the materials and the future price is expected to be 8.235. In generel, historical costs can be reasonably accurate estimates of opportunity costs if the current market price has not changed and there is a ready market to buy and sell the material.
Define sunk cost
Sunk costs are incurred in the past that cannot be recovered and are therefore irrelevant for future decision making.
What are aviodable and unavoidable costs? How are they related to opportunity costs?
Avoidable costs are those cost that will not be curred if an existing operation is closed or changed. Avoidable costs are the opportunity costs. Unavoidable costs that will conteniue t be incurred regardless of the decision.
Define mixed cost
Mixed cost are cost categories that cannot be classified as being purely fixed or variable.An example is utilities.
Define step cost
Is costs that is fixed over a given range of output level. Ex. supervisory personnel.
Define fixed cost
Does not vary with the number of units produced.
Define variable cost
Vary with the number of units produced. Important in desicion making.
What generates agenecy costs?
Agency costs are the decline in value resulting from agents pursuing theiyr own interest instead of the principal’s interests. differences between risk tolorances, working horizons, and excessive job perquisites all contribute to agency costs. Agency costs also arise when agents seek to manage larger organizations, to increase either their job security or their pay.
How are agency costs reduced, and what limits them?
Agency costs are reduced by monitoring and bonding activities. Agency costs are limitied by the existence of a labor market for managers, competition from other firms, and the market for corporate goal.
Define goal incongruence
Goal incongruence means simply agents and principals have different utility functions.
How does one achieve goal congruence
By restructuring the agent’s incentive scheme, the agentøs and principals objectives can be made more congruent.
Why are knowledge and decision making linked within a firm?
Because knowledge is valuable in decision making, the right to make a desicion should reside with the person who has the specific knowledge for the decision.
What are influence costs?
Influence costs consist of the forgone opportunities arising from employees trying to affect decisions by politicking and other ptentially nonproductive influence activities. Influence costs are when employees waste valuable time trying to influence decisions.
Define decision management and decision control
Decision management refers to those aspect of the decision process whereby the manager either initiates or implement decision.(Manager get employee to run department more efficiently)
Decision control referes to those aspect of the decision process whereby managers either ratify or monitor decisions.(supervisor’s boss ratifying the decision and allowing her to hire an additional employee.9
Describe tree systems all organizations must construct to control agency problems.
- System that partition decision rights.
- System that measures performance
- System that reward and punish performance. It must match point 2.
Describe four major steps in the management decision process. How are agency problems reduced in this process?
- Decision initiation - the beginning of the decision process.(decison management function)
- Decision ratification - reviewing and approving the request; (decision control function).
- Decision implementation - usually associated with the individuals who initiated the process (decison management function).
- Decision monitoring - evaluting the implementation; (decision control function)
The seperation of management and control helps reduce agency costs. The seperation is structured so that the decision makers do not measure their own performance.