Lecture 1: Pulmonary Physiology (Mechanism of Breathing/Lung Volumes) Flashcards
List the 3 things pertaining to the anatomy of the lungs that make it unique
- The lungs even in close confines of the chest cavity allow diffusion because it maximizes the surface area of airways (conducting zone), alveoli (respiratory zone) & pulmonary capillaries
- Close association b/w alveoli & pulmonary capillaries (=short diffusion distances of O2 & CO2 at alveolar-capillary membrane)
- 1&2 helps maximize gas exchange of O2 & CO2 at the alveolar-capillary membrane within the closed cavity (V-dot O2&V-dotCO2)
V-dotO2: Volume of O2 in ml and the rate its inhaled
V-dotCO2: Volume of CO2 in ml and the rate its exhaled
What is the main role of the respiratory muscles?
Force, displacement
What occurs due to the interaction of the respiratory muscles and lung & chest wall?
Interaction brings air in and out of the lungs which allows for gas exchange to occur (Ventilation)
Decrease ventilation:
Increase ventilation:
Decrease ventilation: increase CO2
Increase ventilation: decrease CO2
What do these symbols stand for concerning the lung?
- C
- F
- P
- Q
- Q-dot
- R
- S
- V
- V-dot
- C=concencentration of gas in the blood
- F=Fractional concentration in dry gas
- P=Pressure or partial pressure (fractional [ ] x Atmospheric pressure)
- Q= Volume of Blood
- Q-dot=Volume of blood per unit time (rate)
- R=Respiratory exchange ratio
- S=Saturation of hemoglobin with O2
- V=Volume of gas
- V-dot=Volume of gas per unit time (rate)
What phases does capital sunscript and lowercase subscript represent?
- Capital subscript: Gas Phase
- Lowercase subscript: Blood Phase
What are these symbols measuring?
- V(A)
- V(T)
- V(D)
- V(A)=Alevolar volume (ml or L) of gas in alveoli
- V(T)= Tidal volume (ml or L): volume of air you inhale or exhale
- V(D)=Dead space volume
All gas phase measurements
What are these symbols measuring?
- P(A)O2
- P(a)O2
- P(v)O2
- P(E)CO2
- P(A)O2=Partial pressure of oxygen in the alveoli
- P(a)O2=Partial pressure of oxygen in arterial blood
- P(v)O2=Partial pressure of oxygen in venous blood
- P(E)O2= Partial pressure of CO2 in the End Title
End Title= Expired breath (air coming out of you)
What is the general pathway of air entering the lungs?
Air flows into the trachea–>divides into 2 zones—>the 2 zones divide into 2 more zones—>zones keep dividing
What is each divison of the lung starting from the trachea called?
Explain the Dichotomous Branching airways
- Multiple airways conduction down to deeper parts of the lung including the Conducting Zone and Respiratory Zone
Dichotomous: each branch divides into 2 divisions
What are the Conduction Zones? and what are their special features?
- Zones (generations) 0-16
- No alveoli
What is the Funtion of the Conducting Zone (Z-16)?
To lead air into the gas exchane areas (Z17-23)
What happens in Zones 0-16 d/t the presence of NO alveoli?
NO gas exchange
What zones are the terminal bronchioles?
What are the terminal bronchioles (Z5-16)?
The smallest conducting airways w/out alveoli
How does air flow in the Conduction zone (Z0-16)?
Bulk Flow (pressure gradient) via Boyle’s Law
The nose and mouth drive air into the body
What is the relationship b/w pressure and volume as explained w/ Boyle’s Law?
- As volume increases, pressure decreases
- As volume decreases, pressure increases
What is the equation that helps explain bulk flow?
V-dot ⍺ 𝚫P/Raw
Explain the relationships of the bulk flow equation
V-dot ⍺ 𝚫P/Raw
- V-dot is directly related to 𝚫P and inversely related to Raw
- V-dot: volume of gas per unit time (airflow in)
- 𝚫P: Change in pressure gradient (from nose & mouth down the the terminal bronchioles)
- Raw: Airway Resistance
What is the equation for 𝚫P in bulk flow?
𝚫P=change in pressure
- 𝚫P=P(B)-Pairway
- P(B)= barometric pressure (or atmospheric pressure) in the room
- Pairway= pressure in the airway
What are the Respiratory Zones and explain their function?
- Zone 17-23, Increased surface area
- Contains Alveoli
- Function: where gas exhange occur
What is the composition of air in the Respiratory Zones (Z17-23)?
The air inhaled, mixed w/ residual gas from the previous breath
How does air flow in the Respiratory Zones (Z17-23)?