- Something made from raw materials by hand or by machinery
- A productive industry using mechanical power and machinery
- The act or process of producing something
How things are manufactured:
◦ Machine selection
◦ Tool Selection
◦ Optimizing machine, process, tools and time.
◦ Additive vs Subtractive vs Forming Processes
Manufacturability = The ease that something can be
There’s usually more than one way to make
something. Resolving the most efficient processes is
often difficult.
Metrology: noun me·trol·o·gy - The science of measurement
Good or bad, pass or fail, accept or reject
Typically, with the use of gages, go or no-go
*Fast and economical
*Pass or fail
*Mostly for standard and less severe
applications (Automobile)
*Useful after process development
*Large production volume
* Not ideal for tight tolerance differences
Use of measuring tools to determine actual dimensions
What determines if the. Value is acceptable or not? TOLERANCE
*Slow and expensive
*Exact dimension is needed
*Useful for highly reliable applications
*Needed for development
*Small production volume
Allowance – Fits – ANSI
Class 1. Loose fit
Class 2. Free fit
Class 3. Medium Fit
Class 4. Snug Fit
Class 5. Wringing fit
Class 6. Tight fit
Class 7. Medium force fit
Class8. Heavy force and Shrink fits
Class 1. Loose fit
large allowance
Accuracy is not essential.
Class 2. Free fit:
Class 2. Free fit:
Liberal allowance.
For running fits where speeds are above 600 rpm and pressures are 600 psi ( 4.1 MPa)
or above
Class 3. Medium Fit
Class 3. Medium Fit:
Medium allowance.
For running fits below 600 rpm and pressure below 600 psi ( 4.1 MPa) and for
sliding fits.
Class 4. Snug Fit:
Class 4. Snug Fit:
Zero allowance.
No movement under load is intended, and no shaking is wanted. This is the tightest fit
that can be assembled by hand
Class 5. Wringing fit:
Class 5. Wringing fit: zero to negative allowance. Assemblies are selective and not interchangeable.
Class 6. Tight fit:
Class 6. Tight fit:
slight negative allowance.
An interface fit for parts that must not come apart in service and are not to be
disassembled or are to be disassembled only seldom.
Light pressure is required for assembly. Not to be used to with stand
other than very light loads.
Class 7. Medium force fit:
Class 7. Medium force fit:
An interference fit requiring considerable pressure to assemble.
Ordinarily assembled by heating the external member or cooling the internal member to provide expansion or shrinkage.
Used for fastening wheels, crank
disks, and the like to shafting. The tightest fit that should be used on cast iron external members.
Class8. Heavy force and Shrink fits:
Class8. Heavy force and Shrink fits:
considerable negative allowance.
Used for permanent shrink on steel members.