Lecture 1 Introduction to Research & Scientific Methods Flashcards
What is the definition of research?
a systematic investigation, incl research, development, testing, and evaluation, designed to develop or contribute to generalisable knowledge
What is the object of research?
to extend knowledge of the physical, biological or social world beyond what is already known
What type of scientific method are we using?
- quantitative
- hypothetico-deductive method
- formulating hypotheses –> tesitng hypotheses
What is the process of a scientific method?
- make observations
- think of interesting qns
- formulate hypotheses
- develop testable predictions
- gather data to test predictions
- develop general theories
- refine, alter, expand or reject hypotheses
What is the first step of research process?
- deciding what to research: formulating a research qn
- decide what to find out about
- 1st step in the research process
- everything that follows in the research process is greatly influenced by the ay the research qn is formulated
What is the second step of research process?
Planning how to conduct the study: conceptualising a research design
- to decide, describe, justify, and explain how to go about finding ans to the research qns
specific details: study design, logistical arrangements, measurement procedure, sampling strategy, data analysis approach, time-frame
- the strength of what is found largely rests on how it was found
faulty design results in misleading findings; developing appropriate research design is crucial in enabling investigator to arrive at valid findings
What is validity of study?
degree to which the observed findings lead to the correct inferences about phenomena taking place in the study sample (internal validity) and in the universe (external validity)
What is external validity?
- degree to which the conclusions drawn from the study can be appropriately applied to people and events outside the study
What is internal validity?
degree to which the investigator draws the correct conclusions about what actually happened in the study
What are the 2 main kinds of error that threaten the study validity?
- random error (wrong result due to chance variability); affects precision
- systematic error (wrong result due to bias); affects accuracy
What is the third step of research process?
Planning how to conduct the study: constructing an instrument for data collection
- a tool designed to collect info for the study (analytical assay, questionnaire)
if there is pre-existing research instruments, use appropriate one; if dont have, need to develop one for the study (validation/pre-testing of newly developed instrument)
What is the 4th step of research process?
Planning how to conduct the study: selecting a sample
- use of sample to represent a population
- population of interest
- considerations: can be studied at an acceptable cost in time and money; large enough to control random error; Representative enough to allow generalising study findings to populations of interest
What is the 5th step of research process?
Planning how to conduct the study: writing a research proposal
to detail the operational plan for obtaining answers to the research qns
what the investigator is proposing to do; How the investigator plans to proceed; Why the investigator selected the proposed strategy
What is the 6th step of research process?
Conducting the study: collecting data
to gather required info to draw inferences and conclusions for the study
What is primary data?
data collected by an investigator specifically for the purpose of answering his/her research qn
What is secondary data?
existing data collected for other purposes (by someone else other than the user), which an investigator (user) employs to answer his/her research qn
What is the 7th step of research process?
Conducting the study: processing and displaying data
Data analysis approach and data presentation format depend on the type of info collected
What is quantitative data?
- statistical analysis
- graphical and tabular presentation
What is qualitative data?
- Thematic content analysis
- Presentation of representative verbatim quotes
What is the 8th step of research process?
Conducting the study: writing a research report
Title, Abstract Intro, Methods, Results, Discussion (IMRAD) Conclusion Acknowledgement References Appendices (optional)
Structure of an abstract: intro –> methods –> results –> conclusion