Lecture 1: Intro to Perception Flashcards
7 Steps of Process of Perception
1) Environmental stimulus
2) light is reflected and transformed
3) Receptor processes
4) Neural processing
5) Perception occurs
6) Recognition occurs
7) Action occurs
Steps 1 and 2
Environmental stimuli are all objects in environment available to the observer and the observer selectively attends to object. Stimulus impinges on receptors resulting in internal representation
Principle of transformation
When stimuli and responses created by stimuli are transformed between environment stimuli and perception
Step 3 (how the receptor processes/transduction)
Sensory receptors (specialised to respond to environment energy), visual pigment reacts to light, transduction occurs which changes environmental energy to nerve impulses
Where are receptors located and what are they?
In the eye, rods and cones
Step 4 (Neural Processing)
Neural processing is the changes that occur as signals that are transmitted through the maze of neurons
3 Primary Receiving Areas of Neural Processing
1) Occipital lobe
2) Temporal lobe
3) Parietal lobe
Main function of Occipital lobe
Main function of Temporal lobe
Main function of Parietal lobe
Steps 5-7: Behavioural Responses
5) Perception occurs as a conscious experience
6) Recognition occurs when an object is placed in a category giving it meaning
7) Action occurs when the perceiver initiates motor activity in response to recognition
Bottom-up Processing
processing based on incoming stimuli from the environment (also known as data-based processing)
Top-down Processing
processing based on the perceivers previous knowledge (cognitive factors) (also known as knowledge-based processing)
3 Historical Perspectives of Perception
1) Emmanation Theory (Galen)
2) Alhazen
3) Aranzi
Emmanation Theory
visual perception is accomplished by eye beams