Lecture 1: Femoral Triangle Flashcards
Where do the Deep Inguinal Lymph Nodes drain into?
Into the External Iliac Lymph Nodes
What might be damaged by a “cutdown” into the Great Saphenous Vein?
The Saphenous Nerve
Where does the Saphenous Nerve branch off from?
Femoral Nerve
In Cardiac Catheterization procedures, what vasculature can be used to look at the heart muscles, chambers, and valves?
Femoral Artery and Femoral Vein
What is the retroinguinal space?
Space deep to inguinal ligament and is divided into two compartments
Muscular Compartment: Iliopsoas Muscle and Femoral Nerve
Vascular Compartment: Femoral Artery and Vein + Lymph Vessels

What are the superior, medial, and lateral borders of the Femoral Triangle?
Superior Border: Inguinal Ligament (forms the base)
Medial Border: Adductor Longus Muscle
Lateral Border: Sartorius Muscle
Apex formed where Adductor Longus and Sartorius cross

What regions of the lower extremity are drained by the Great Saphenous Vein?
Medial Thigh
Medial Leg
Dorsum of the Foot
What provides blood supply to the body of the Femur?
Perforating Branches of the Deep Femoral Artery
What spinal roots contribute to the Femoral Nerve?
What is the difference between Femoral ring and canal?
The Femoral Ring is the opening to the Femoral Canal
Where we find lymph structures
What provides the primary blood supply to the head and neck of the femur?
Posterior Retinacular Branches of the Medial Circumflex Femoral Artery
Acetabular branch of Obturator Artery can povide blood supply to ligament of head of femur
What muscles and muscle groups are supplied by the Perforating Branches of the Deep Femoral Artery?
What compartment is each muscle in?
- Vastus Lateralis (Anterior Compartment)
- Adductor Magnus - Hamstring Portion (Medial Compartment)
- True Hamstrings (Posterior Compartment)
What provides sensation to area 7?
Saphenous Nerve
Where are the Deep Inguinal Lymph Nodes?
Where does it receive lymph from?
Inside the Femoral Canal and medial to Femoral Nerve
-Lymph comes from deep lymph vessels of lower limb, perineal region, and efferent vessels from Superficial Inguinal lymph nodes
What is the femoral sheath?
What are its compartments?
Femoral sheath encloses femoral vessels deep to fascia lata
Lateral Compartment: Femoral Artery
Middle Compartment: Femoral Vein
Medial Compartment (Femoral Canal): Lymphatic Structures
Where does the Femoral Nerve first form?
Within the Psoas Minor Muscle
What gives rise to the Femoral Artery?
Where can you first see it?
From the External Iliac Artery
-First seen deep to Inguinal ligament, halfway between ASIS and pubic tubercle
What does the Femoral Nerve cutaneously innervate?
Anterior Thigh
Part of Medial Thigh
Medial aspect of lower leg and ankle (as Saphenous Nerve)

What provides sensation to area 5?
Cutaneous Branch of the Femoral Nerve
What is a Femoral Hernia?
Is it more common in men or women?
Loop of intestine goes through Femoral Ring into Femoral Canal, forming a swelling in the upper part of the thigh

-Below and lateral to pubic tubercle
More common in women
What provides sensation to area 6?
Cutaneous Branch of the Obturator Nerve
The Great Saphenous Vein passes though the _____ to join the femoral vein
Saphenous Hiatus
What muscles does the Femoral Nerve supply?
- Illiacus Muscle
- Quadraceps Femoris (all four heads)
- Sartorius Muscle
- Pectineus Muscle (even though it is an adductor and part of medial compartment)
What makes up the floor of the Femoral Triangle?
Iliacus and Psoas muscles (more lateral)
Pectineus Muscle (more medial)
What are some of the branches of the Femoral Artery?
Hint: Introduced to 7 in this lecture
- Medial Femoral Circumflex Artery: Head and neck of the femur
- Lateral Femoral Circumflex Artery: Lateral thigh muscles
- Profunda Femoris: Hip join and three muscular compartments of thigh
- Superficial Epigastric Artery: supplies anterior abdominal wall/skin
- Superficial Circumflex Iliac Artery: Lateral Thigh
- External Pudendal Artery: External Genitalia and Anal Canal
What branch of the Lateral Circumflex Femoral Artery supplies some blood to the Head of the Femur?
The Ascending Branch
What is an Inguinal Hernia?
Is it more common in men or women?
GI tissue protrudes through a weak spot in the abdominal muscles
-Above and medial to pubic tubercle
More common in men

What provides sensation to area 4?
Lateral Femoral Cutaneous Nerve
What makes up the roof of the Femoral Triangle?
Fascia Lata: Deep fascia of thigh
Cribiform Fascia: superficial to fascia lata
Subcutaneous Tissue: fat