Lecture 1: Explicit attitudes Flashcards
What is the definition of Integrated marketing communication? (Belch & Belch, 2015)
Strategic business process to plan, develop, execute and evaluate brand communications programms (big picture on building strong brands)
Marcom has changed through the years. What are the different kinds of era’s of marcom? (Then vs Now)
Then: consumer era
Now: relationship era
IMC audience tools/touch points
Broadcast media
Print media
Digital media
Out-of-home media
Public relations
Personal selling
Product placement
Points-of-purchase (= displays, packaging)
Sales promotion
Events & Sponsorship
Direct marketing
What kind of contact with the customer has the brand NO ability to control/influence?
(This has a relative high impact)
What kind of contact with the customer has the brand HIGH ability to control/influence?
Planned (company created)
(This has a relative low impact)
How can you describe “attitudes towards brand”?
How much a person likes/dislikes the brand and the extent to which a person holds (un)favorable view of brand
What are the 3 different kinds of attitudes towards a brand? (ABC)
Affective (feelings associated)
Behavioral (action readiness)
Cognitive (Knowledge, beliefs, evaluations)
Why is it difficult to predict how consumers process/respond to marcom?
It is influenced by many factors like, product type, involvement and the situation of the consumer
Classifying models: what are the 2 dimensions?
- Basic of attitude formation
–> primarly cognitive vs affective vs behavioral (abc) - Elaboration levels of marcom message
–> high vs low, depends on MAO
What are the MAO factors?
Motivation = willing to engage, make a decision, pay attention and process the info.
Ability = resources needed for goal (perform behavior)
Opportunity = situation enables to obtain goal
What are the effects of MAO on Elaboration Likelihood Model?
Can the MAO factors be answerd with YES (Yes to motivation, ability, opportunity)? –> Central processing, which leads to a permanent change in behavior
Can the MAO facto be answerd with NO (No to motivation, ability, opportunity)? –> Peripheral processing, which leads to a temporary change in behavior
What are the 3 main determinants of Behavior intention (Theory of Planned behavior)
Perceived control
Subjective norm
Marcoms can ahnge attitude/behavior by changing… (7 options)
- change attribute evaluations
- change control beliefs
- change perceived control
- change subjective norm
- change social sensibility
- change brand beliefs
- add attributes
What are the heuristic cues of Source?
Number of sources
What are the heuristic cues of Message?
Number of arguments
What are the heuristic cues of Product?
Country of origin
Mere exposure increases… (3 options)
- the positive affect
- the ad/brand liking
- the likelihood of entering consideration set
What is classical conditioning?
A change in liking of a stimuli results from pairing this stimulus with others positive stimuli.
When talking about classical conditioning, what is stimulus generalization?
When a response to one stimulus is elicited by a similar but distinct one
When talking about classical conditioning, what is important about the order of stimuli pairing?
Forward conditioning is better than backward conditioning. This means first showing the brand, than the positive element
When talking about classical conditioning, what is known about the number of pairings?
The more pairings, the stronger the effect will be.
But, till a certain point, because otherwise it will backfire!