Lecture 1: DONT STUDY Flashcards
What parts of the PMH are important for surgery and should be asked?
Anesthesia complications
Cognitive impairments
Female –> pregnant?
If a 40 y/o woman, who is occasionally still having periods, is coming in for pre-op screening, does she need a pregnancy test?
What is the preferred pregnancy test?
YES, if a women cant be confirmed as post menopausal, you must r/o pregnancy
Beta HCG (serum quantitative)
For pre-op surgical patients what items should you ask the patient to remove prior to surgery?
- Contacts
- Hearing aids
- Loose teeth (in case intubate)
- Piercings
What medications are important to ask about for surgical patients?
- Anticoags
- NSAIDs (kidney fx)
- Steroids (adrenal insuff)
- Herbals/OTC
How do you distinguish b/t an SE and a true allergy?
Ask the patient what the rxn is.
Allergy: hives, rash, itching, airway compromise, swollen face, HoTN, skin sloughing
What skin rxn does Vancomycin cause and why?
Red-Man Syndrome, infusion rate too fast
If someone has a egg or soy allergy what drug should they not be given? What about shellfish allergies?
Egg, soy - no propofol
Shellfish - no iodine
What is the pneumonic for the components of Admit Orders?
What does the C in ADC A VANDIMALS stand for, and what the 4 categories of it?
- Good
- Fair
- Serious
- Critical
What is POD #0?
The day of surgery
When writing a SOAP note what should be done for ABXs?
Include how many days on ABX and expected end day
Ex: Levaquin #2/8
Reasonable alternatives, who is performing, risks & freq, benefits, probability of success, Expected post-op course, and comprehension are all components of _______.
Informed Consent
When is informed consent required (other than surgery)?
Anesthesia, conscious sedation, PICC/central lines, bronchoscopy, chest tube, IR, LP
BLOOD PRODUCTS (every time they’re given)
Identifying the correct pt/side, plan for procedure, equipment needed, explain positioning/monitoring, and verifying consent obtained are all components of a _________.
Procedural Time-out
When is a witness required for informed consent?
ALWAYS - doesn’t matter what mode used to obtain consent
When would you want to consider a competency evaluation?
- Pt refuses a recommended Tx
- Hasty decision making
Who is the first person to give consent for a patient who is incompetent?
Health Care Proxy
What is required if an unconscious man is brought to the ER w/out identification or family/friends but needs surgery?
Two-physician consent
What 4 circumstances must be met to treat a patient using emergency consent?
- Pt incapable of making decision
- Tx = emergency in nature
- Another person legally able to give consent not immed available
- Physician determines pt has substantial risk of death/harm if delay Tx