Lecture 1: Chromosomal Abnormalities Flashcards
What are the three main categories of Genetic Disease?
1) Chromosomal Abnormalities
2) Single Gene (Mendelian) Disorders
3) Complex Multifactorial Disorders
True or False: Younger women have an increased prevalence of having offspring with chromosomal abnormalities?
False: Older women have an increased prevalence of having offspring with chromosomal abnormalities = Old Egg Hypothesis
What is a chromosome?
- Organized structure of DNA and associated folding proteins
- Composed of a singular piece of DNA and its associated genes
True or False: The q arm is longer than the p arm?
True: The q arm is longer than the p arm
Cytogenetics is the study of the ….
The three types of Chromosomes are…
1) Metacentric
2) Submetacentric
3) Acrocentric
Chromosomes 14 and 21 are examples of which type of Chromosome?
Acrocentric Chromosomes (i.e. Robertsonian Translocations may occur between 14 and 21)
What part of the Acrocentric Chromosome can break off and lead to chromosomal abnormalities?
The Stalks of the Acrocentric Chromosome
The two types of Chromosomal Abnormalities are…
1) Numerical: Due to improper fertilization/cell division (Mitosis or Meiosis)
2) Structural: Due to breakage of the Chromosome
The four major types of Structural Chromosomal Rearrangements are…
1) Duplications
2) Insertions/Deletions
3) Inversions
4) Translocations
In …. Inversion the Centromere IS affected, whereas in …. Inversion the Centromere is NOT affected.
In PERICENTRIC Inversion the Centromere IS affected, whereas in PARACENTRIC Inversion the Centromere is NOT affected.
What chromosomal deletions occur for the following:
A) Cri-Du Chat Syndrome
B) Wolf Hirschhorn Syndrome
C) Di George Syndrome
A) Cri-Du Chat= p arm Deletion of Chromosome 5 (5p-)
B) Wolf Hirschhorn= p arm Deletion of Chromosome 4 (4p-)
C) Di George= q arm Deletion of Chromosome 22 (22q-)
True or False: You would be able to see the Di George Deletion on a standard Karyotype?
False: Di George Syndrome is a Micro-deletion (22q-)
- Requires FISH probing to be detected
If a child has wide-dropped eyes, mental retardation and/or a cat-like cry, what Chromosomal Abnormality might they have?
Deletion in the p arm of Chromosome 5 (Cri-Du-Chat Syndrome)
Chromosomal Abnormalities affect ….. Dosage?
Individuals with Di George Syndrome have an increased risk of developing 1) ….. and 2) …..
1) ADHD and 2) Schizophrenia
- 1/4 Adults with Di George Syndrome may develop Schizophrenia
True or False: All Copy Number Variations (CNVs) of genes are Pathogenic?
False: Cytogenetics has shown some genes that have been duplicated/deleted are not pathogenic
- Copy Number Variation (CNV) is normal in healthy individuals
Exchange of genetic material between Non-Homologous Chromosomes is ….
Reciprocal Translocation
Robertsonian Translocations occur between …. Chromosomes due to the stalks breaking off and forming sticky ends
Acrocentric, Non-Homolgous
A Reciprocal Translocation of Chromosomes 9 and 22 forms a ….. Chromosome
Philadelphia (Go Birds!)
True or False: Individuals with a Philadelphia Chromosome are at higher risk of certain types of Leukemias
True (Ex. Philadelphia Chromosome Positive (+) Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia: Due to the aberrant Bcr-Abl gene fusion constitutively activating Tyrosine Kinase, leading to excess cell proliferation)
True or False: Robertsonian 14-21 Translocations have a phenotype similar to Down Syndrome individuals
False; Individuals with a 14-21 Robertsonian Translocation have a normal phenotype