Lecture 1 Flashcards
3 Criteria for Positivity
- Choice
- Pleasure
- Values
Choice criteria for positivity
Making a consistent choice in the same direction would show preference and thus it must be positive
Pleasure criteria for positivity
Our objective experience of a situation. This varies from person to person and can fluctuate over time
Values criteria for positivity
It appeals to some sort of system or logic for figuring out what is positive
Appreciation as PP def validity
Has some useful information as a guiding framework but it is a slippery slope
drawbacks of positive topics being PP def
Not a clear definition of what positive is, and there are positive aspects to almost anything
Family resemblance def of PP
PP is not one thing, but rather a collection of things that generally seem to point towards making lives better and have a positive aspect to them
Which 2 disciplines if psychology are most similar to PP?`
Humanistic and health psych
How is PP different from humanism
PP is more scientific and interested in what makes people in general more happy rather than an individual
How are PP and health psych similar and different
Similar: both look at health about being healthy, not just absence of illness
Different: PP is less concerned with physical health
What are 2 limitations and one benefit to correlational studies
Limit:- Directionality (which is the cause)
- Third variable problem
Benefits: More naturalistic
What is one way to get around the directionality problem?
Study something with a before and an after. The thing that occurred before would have to cause the thing that came after
2 limits and 1 benefit to experimental studies
limits: - “Confounds” like the third variable problem
- Often artificial setting
- Confident causal direction
What makes p values most unreliable
Small sample sizes
4 questionable research practices
- Multiple unreported dependent variables
- Adding statistical controls after the data collection depending on p
- Adding participants depending on p
- Dropping experimental conditions
Simulations say doing questionable research practices can create false positives ___% of the time
What is one way to make p-values more consistent across repeated studies (like replications)
Use larger sample sizes
Rough definition of questionable research practices
Things that are not clear fraud, but they are questionable because they are intentionally distorting data to benefit them
Why might people engage in questionable research practices
Because there is a lot of pressure to publish and almost no null results are published, so people need to find positive results because jobs, funding and status ride on publications
Why are study replications important
Can have more confidence in the results because hopefully the replications found the same data
Exact (direct) replications
Make the study as similar to the original as possible (method, sample, analysis)
Why can it be hard to do exact replication studies
Because there are word limits in publications so minute details might be left out of the methods section
Conceptual replications
Not a re-do of the study, but a different design testing the legitimacy of the research question.
> > looking to see if it holds up in different contexts
What was the general design of the Reproducibility Project
Get new researchers to do old studies (while in contact with original researchers to get proper methods) and replicate the old study to see if they get the same result
What were the results of the Reproducibility Project (3)
- only ~1/3-1/2 found the same results at original
- effect sizes were ~50% of original
- Cog psych appeared more replicable than social psychology
Why is it not good to assume that original studies are true and reproductions are faluse
Because that undermines the basic tenants of the scientific method that hypotheses have to be falsifiable
Ways to ameliorate the replication crisis
- More critical eye when reading findings
- More open science practices (pre-register study)
- Better methods
- Rewards for replication
What is the correlation between positive emotions and resources
People who experience a lot of positive emotions also are the people who tend to have a larger social network and better coping skills
What is thought to be the causal direction between positive emotions and broad coping
Positive emotions cause broaden coping, which causes more positive emotions
Self over overlap (test)
A visual representation of two circles and how much the circles over lap represents how connected the people feel by self report
How does high approach motivation affect the broaden and build theory
Pleasant emotions like desire, will narrow attention/focus when we are seeking out that thing
Sensation or bodily pleasure
More automatic, does not require much thinking
More long lasting and are not usually about anything in particular. Can be thought of as a long term mental average
More to do with personality, a long term style
More of a general term about feelings
Basic views on emotions
A universal list of emotions that have distinct facial and physiological states (should be able to visually ID it)
Dimensional view of emotion
Organized based on similarity looking more at general “causes” (approach &avoidance, pleasantness & activation)
slide 1-7 and 17-28 of Positive emotions 1 slide deck
Is surprise a positive emotion
It can be, but it is neither positive nor negative
What is surprise on an emotional level
- A fast, short lasting state that interrupts your attention for a simple appraisal of unexpectedness.
- Motivates you to learn the source of the surprise
Interest neg or pos
Typically experienced as pleasant
Appraisal of interest
Follows appraisals of novelty and comprehensible events.
Why is interest important for learning
It promotes exploration and is essential to intrinsic motivation
Interest is related to what 2 traits
Trait curiosity and openness
Confusion pos or neg
usually unpleasant
Appraisal of confusion
Novelty, complexity and incomprehensible
Learning and confusion
Still promotes learning because it causes you to pay attention to resolve it
Do all people experience the same event at interesting or confusing?
No, it is a subjective appraisal, usually based on prior knowledge
Awe pos or neg
Usually experienced as very pleasant
Appraisal of awe
Follows a vast inconsistency of expectations and attempt at accommodation that are so crazy that its amazing
Awe and learning
Promotes learning because it inspires a desire to learn more
Awe is related to what 2 traits
Openness and curiosity
4 knowledge emotions
- Confusion
- Awe
- Interest
- Surprise
The common appraisal of all knowledge emotions
Novelty and complexity
What distinguishes interest and confusion appraisals
The dimension of your ability to understand
Where is surprise in the understandability dimension
In the middle because it happens so fast that you can’t determine whether you understand it
Benign violation approach
Seeing something that violates your expectations but in a non-threatening way
What is an example of an emotion that comes with benign violations
What is flow similar to, in what why?
Intrinsic motivation
Flow occurs when you are doing something that is intrinsically motivating
When does flow occur?
When challenge and ability are matched
What happens to you when flow occurs?
You lose track of time
Does flow happen when you are very good at a task
No, you get boredom
Do you get flow when a task is too hard?
No, its just stressful
What are 2 things need to happen after the experience for it to be considered flow?
You need to be satisfied and find value from the experience
In terms of vacation memories, do we have realistic predictions of the emotions we will feel on the trip?
The predicted emotions are more intense than the actual in the moment ones (positive and negative)
What emotions most predictive of wanting to go on a trip again?
Remembered emotions
Is there a relationship between predicted and actual emotions for vacations
Your expectations of how you will feel on the trip is related to the emotions you actually experiences
Do predicted emotions affect remembered emotions of trips?
What people predicted is related to what we remember.
Is there a difference between predicted, experiences and remembered emotions?
Which emotions are more predictive of future choices
Remembered emotions (after the fact)
2 types of happiness
State vs trait
Which type of happiness do we focus on this class?
Trait - like the more long term feeling
Subjective well being 3 components
- Positive affect
- Negative affect
- Life satisfaction (overall vs domains)
“Subjective” vs “objective” well being
Subjective = More what people think, how they feel about their life
Objective = things that are quantifiable