Lecture 1 Flashcards
What are the 7 significant predictors for positive outcomes?
- sudden onset of acute LBP of short duration
- single pain sites,
- with previous episodes,
- good health
- no psychological issues
- who constituted the vast majority of practice
- 85% present this way
What was the conclusion for the effectiveness of exercise interventions to prevent sports injuries: meta-analysis of RCTs?
- Consistently favourable estimates were obtained for all injury prevention measures except for stretching.
- Strength training reduced sports injuries to less than 1/3 and overuse injuries could be almost halved.
Making Physical Activity Counselling a Priority in Clinical Practice, are there any benefits? ##
- Overwhelming evidence indicates that regular physical activity is one of the most powerful health-promoting practices that physicians and other health care professionals can recommend for patients.
- No other single intervention or treatment is associated with such a diverse array of benefits.
- Advice from health professionals significantly influences adoption of healthy lifestyle behaviours, including regular physical activity, and can increase satisfaction with medical care
Does physical activity help enhance brain function?
Yes, moderate levels of physical activity enhance neuroplasticity in the visual cortex of adult humans
How does companionship lead to happiness?
People who spend more time with friends and loved ones are happier than people who are solitary. Feeling isolated lets feelings of insecurity and self-doubt blossom.
How does control lead to happiness?
A sense that you have no control over your circumstances. Find things you can control, even if they’re little things. Clean the desk. Do small things that you chose to do.
How does “ new things “ lead to happiness?
It releases dopamine
How does “do-gooding” lead to happiness?
Volunteering, giving a gift, sending a note of praise to someone — all of these selfless gestures give you a connection to other people and make you feel good about yourself.
How does exercise lead to happiness?
Physical activity releases endorphins and serotonin in your brain
Give 5 examples of soft tissue lesions (musculoskeletal disorders)?
- Strain
- Sprain
- synovitis
- contusion
- tendinopathy
Name 5 clinical conditions resulting from
trauma or pathology?
- Joint Dysfunction
- Contracture
- Adhesions
- Reflex Muscle Guarding
- Muscle weakness
What are the 5 actions to “plan for care” for your patient during the acute phase?
- Educate the patient
- Control pain oedema and spasm
- Main soft tissue and joint integrity and mobility
- Reduce joint swelling if symptoms are present
- Maintain integrity and function of associated areas
What are the management guidelines for acute or protection phase in regards to specific interventions and dosage?
- Passive range of motion
– Low-dosage joint mobilization techniques
– Muscle setting
– Massage
What are the management guidelines for acute or protection phase in regards to interventions for associated areas?
– Range of motion
– Resistance exercise
– Functional activities
In the inflammatory tissue response what are the three processes of the acute phase
– Cellular
– Vascular
– Chemical
– 4 to 6 days