Lecture 1/2 - Paeds + Typical motor development of child Flashcards
Define Gestational Age
how many weeks gestation were they when they were born - 36-40 is normal
Define Premmie in terms of weeks
<37 weeks gestation
Name the 4 developmental changes that occur from birth to adulthood
head size doubles
trunk triples
arms quadruple
legs and feet grow 5 times
What are the gross motor developmental milestones for a 3 mo old
Supine - kicking legs, head to midline, waves asymetrically
Prone - raise head off bed to 45 degrees
Sitting - supported - holds head erect for few secs
Locomotion - rolls side to supine
What are the gross motor developmental milestones for a 6 mo old
Supine - grasping, raises head up and moves arms to be lifted
prone - lifts head to 90 degrees, arm support, may get 4-pt kneeling and rock back and forth
sitting - can sit unsupported with legs in ring position
standing - bouncing, hips flexed, supported stand
What are the gross motor developmental milestones for a 9 mo old
Sitting - unsupported, lean outside BOS
Standing - pull to standing via 1/2 kneeling
Kneeling - will drop from kneel to W sitting
Locomotion - crawl, cruise
What are the gross motor developmental milestones for a 12 mo old
Standing - independently
Locomotion - walking independently
What are the gross motor developmental milestones for a 18 mo old
Standing - controlled squat
Stairs - rail support of up and down
Ball Skills - kicks a ball, throw,
What are the gross motor developmental milestones for a 24 mo old
Standing - picks object up, stands on tip toes
Locomotion - runs
Stairs - 2 feets per step with rail
Ball Skills - swings leg to kick, jumps, climbs, throws overhand ball
What are the fine motor developmental milestones for a 3 mo old
Reaching - both hands, hands to mouth - ulnar side
Manipulations - holds bottle
What are the fine motor developmental milestones for a 6 mo old
Reaching - brings things to mouth - ulnar side
Manipulation - bangs objects
What are the fine motor developmental milestones for a 9 mo old
Manipulation - throws objects, points/pokes, puts object into container
What are the fine motor developmental milestones for a 12 mo old
Manipulation - developed pincer grip, puts objects into and out of container
Blocks - stack 2 blocks
Drawing - fisted grip of pencil
What are the fine motor developmental milestones for a 18 mo old
Drawing - less fisted grip
Blocks - tower of 3
What are the fine motor developmental milestones for a 24 mo old
Manipulation - pincer grip beginning to draw, turns pages of book
When does the stepping reflex disappear
2 months - because of weight of baby
Define Astasia and Abasia
Astasia = the inability to stand upright
Abasia = lack of motor coordination in walking
When can the baby WB again
4 mo
6mo - bounce
Describe the dynamic systems theory
Emphasis is not on the product, development is not linear, timing and quality are influenced by external and internal factors
What are some things to be aware of when treating children
consider what body systems are influencing a delay in development
consider equipment and space at home
consider parents - burden, culture
Treat - PLAY, encourage, promote healthy lifestyle,