Lecture 1/2 Management and Leadership Flashcards
What is the Scientific Management Approach?
Defines relationship between incentive and performance - reward based on output rather than hours worked - commission/bonus instead of salary
Human relations Management Approach
Make people’s jobs feel more important/make them feel valued, and they will work harder
Process (Admin) Approach to Management
Five processes of action/decision making
- planning
- Organizing
- Staffing
- Controlling/evaluating
What processes of the Process Approach affect each other?
All five directly affect each other with each decision
What roles do an interpersonal manager have?
- Figurehead - acting in symbolic and ceremonial ways
- Leader - Influencing and coordinating the work of followers
- Liaison - developing relationships with individuals and groups outside the organization
What roles do an informational manager have?
- Monitor - scannng environment for information that can affect the organization
- Disseminator - transmitting information to stakeholders in the organization
- Spokesperson - transmitting info to individuals or groups outside the organization
What roles does a decisional manager have?
- Entrepreneur - searching for opportunities to improve the organization
- Disturbance Handler – responding to unexpected
situations that may disrupt normal operations - Resource allocator – determining how to best allocate
resources to achieve the goals of the organization - Negotiator – conferring with individuals or groups
outside of the organization to obtain concessions or
gain agreement on important issues.
What are the three approaches to leadership theory?
Behavioural leadership, situational leadership, and trait leadership theories
What is the difference between managing and leading?
Leader’s role - To formulate the vision for the organization, provide clarity for what the future will look like and inspire group members. The leader sets the course for the group.
Manager’s role - looks inward to the processes, the systems, and most importantly, the people
What are some pitfalls that you can avoid as a manager?
Only hiring those who have similar strengths as you - and not hiring anyone stronger.
Failing to invest time and energy into hiring the right people.
Avoiding confrontation
Ignoring high performers.
Inefficient time management
Not fostering a good work atmosphere
What defines a for-profit commercial organization?
20,000 sq. ft business, more than 50 employees. This type of business varies greatly from smaller organizations in the staffing and marketing departments.
Employees in larger facilities have more clearly defined roles and responsibilities.
Hospital Based Centres
More often non-profit than profit
Many have community members/physicians serving on a board of directors