Lecture 1 Flashcards
History, chr. anatomy, mitosis & meiosis
X-linked recessive
- Only males are affected – passed down by mothers
What is a monogenic genetic disorder and what are some examples?
Monogenic means that there is only 1 mutation, 1 gene, affecting 1 protein
- Ex: Sickle cell, Cystic fibrosis, Muscular dystrophy, single gene disorder
What is a polygenic genetic disorder and what are some examples?
Polygenic disorder is a complex genetic disorder with many mutations
- These can predispose one to a disease
- Ex: diabetes, autism, cancer
What is a chromosome disorder and what are some examples?
Can be of:
1) Loss or gain of chromosomes: Trisomy 21 or XO(Turner’s syndrome) respectively
2) Loss or gain of chromosome segments: Neurodevelopmental conditions, Cro-du-chat respectively
Describe the history and findings for Sickle cell disease
- 1st described in 1910, 1st medical condition linked to a molecular cause and genetic disease that has been cured with gene therapy