LECTURE 1 Flashcards
Approximately _________ of the Earth’s surface is covered in water. Of all of that water, only about three percent is freshwater.
71 percent
is the study of marine species that live in the ocean and other salt-water environments
Marine biology
the study of life and ecologic systems in bodies of freshwater
Freshwater Biology
Study of organisms in freshwaters and their ecology
Freshwater Biology
the study if inland waters: Physical and chemical processes and effects on organisms inhabiting them
Inland waters and freshwater systems:
Flowing water (Lotic)
Standing water (Lentic)
*Groundwater - the rarest commodity
term which is composed of streams and rivers
term which is composed of ponds and lakes
this is where rivers or other fresh water sources meet the ocean
Saltwater vs Freshwater Salinity
Saltwater: 3.5% = 35g of salt per liter of water
Freshwater: 0.1% = 1g of salt per liter of water
Why study the ecology of continental waters?
page 17
In Limnology Today, give the Advancement of the Science: (unsa daw?)
physical, chemical and biological attributes
In Limnology Today, give the Applied aspects: (unsa daw?)
preservation and enhancement
Contribution of Limnology Today:
Advancement of the science
Applied aspects
Management of aquatic ecosystems
A science of many directions
Limnology is a science of many directions, what are these?
Long-term data sets
Integration of lab and field research
Whole-lake manipulation
Comparative limnology
Wetlands management (legal layering & implications)
What is the structure of the Climate Change Model?
D - driver
P - pressure
S - State
I - Impact
R - Response
(page 18)
is a land area that is saturated with water, either permanently or seasonally, also made up primarily of hydric soil, which supports aquatic plants
The water found in wetlands can be:
Four major kinds of wetlands
Team nga naa sa facebook, katong sa wetlands keme
Wetlands International Philippines Program
Benham Rise is renamed as
Philippine Rise
considered as the largest and the last stronghold wetland in the Philippines
Agusan Marsh Wildlife Sanctuary
The habitat of rare Flora and Fauna
Lake Mainit
Species include:
1. Rafflesia Mixta
2. Hornbill
3. Silvery Kingfisher
4. Little Egret
5. White-throated Kingfisher
6. Philippine Wild Duck
Infection of _____________ parasite in Nile Tilapia collected from Agusan Marsh, Philippines
scientific name of nile tilapia
Oreochromis niloticus
is an intergovernmental treaty that provides the framework for national action and international cooperation for the conservation and wise use of wetlands and their resources
Convention on Wetlands
Number of Contracting Parties in Convention on Wetlands
Number of Wetlands of International Importance in Convention on Wetlands
2, 455
are “water-related” ecosystems that include a broad range of wetland types, from the mountain to the sea
Examples of this are snowfields, lakes, marshes, rivers, streams, flooded caves, aquifers, chott, oasis, wadis
Inland Wetlands
Examples of this are sabkhas, mangroves, tidal flats, sea grass beds, coral reefs, estuaries, up to 6m at low tide
Coastal wetlands
Examples of this are rice fields, fish ponds, reservoirs, ditches and canals
Human-made wetlands
What are the types of Wetlands?
Inland Wetlands
Coastal Wetlands
Human-made Wetlands
What are the wetland ecosystem services?
Natural Infrastructures
Mission of The Ramsar Convention on Wetlands
The conservation and wise use of wetlands through national actions, and international cooperation as a contribution towards achieving sustainable development.
Number of contracting parties in The Ramsar Convention on wetlands
160 Contracting Parties worldwide;
18 Contracting parties in North Africa and West Asia
called on the Ramsar Convention its role is to act as its “lead partner” on wetland-related issues
CBD Decision III/21 (1996)
who leads the implementation of the Strategic Plan on Biodiversity and achievement of the 2020 Aichi Targets
3 “Pillars”
1st Pillar: “Wise use” of wetland
2nd Pillar: The designation and wise use of Wetlands of International Importance (Ramsar Site)
3rd Pillar: International Cooperation
the sustainable use of wetlands and their resources for the benefit of humankind
‘Wise use’
Best practices of ‘wise use’ include:
National Wetland Inventory
Policies and legislation to ensure the wise of wetlands
Promote cross-sectoral recognition or wetland services
Promote the conservation and wise use of wetlands through the CEPA programme aimed at all sectors of society
Number of Ramsar Sites worldwide
2, 005
>193 million hectares;
size: from <1 ha to >6 million ha;
Largest ‘protected areas’ network globally
Goal of the 3rd Pillar: International Cooperation
Importance of cooperation on shared river basins and transboundary wetlands
Networks for the protection of migratory species and their wetland habitats
Promote the sharing of information and expertise
Regional Programmes of Ramsar Regional Initiatives
Mediterranean Wetlands Initiative (MedWet)
Nile River Basin Initiative (NileWet)
Surveys conducted by the ______________, _____________, ______________, and the __________________, have shown that the conservation status of wetlands Listed as Ramsar sites have improved
World Bank, WWF, academics, Ramsar Secretariat
Surveys conducted by the World Bank, WWF, academics, and the Ramsar Secretariat, have shown that the conservation status of wetlands Listed as Ramsar sites have improved. This is because of:
increased awareness about the importance of the sites,
increase participation by local stakeholders in conservation,
greater support for protection of the site and surrounding (buffer) areas,
increased conservation funding (both domestic and international), and
promotion of scientific research and ecotourism
Best Practices of Wise Use of Ramsar Sites
page 35
What are the 7 Philippine Ramsar Sites?
- Las Piñas-Parañaque Critical Habitat & Ecotourism Area
- Naujan Lake National Park
- Puerto Princesa Subterranean National Park
- Tubbataha Reefs Natural Park
- Negros Occidental Coastal Wetlands Area
- Olango Island Wildlife Sanctuary
- Agusan Marsh Wildlife Sanctuary
is declared as an ASEAN Heritage Park in accordance with the ASEAN Declaration on Heritage Parks of December 18, 2003
Agusan Marsh Wildlife Sanctuary