Lecture 1 Flashcards
What is the focus of this course?
Social psychological processes that play a role in the field of work and organizations with regard to culture and diversity.
What is diversity?
Everything that distinguishes people from one another.
In practice: focus on gender, age, race/ethnicity, religion, tenure, educational background, and social/functional background.
What are the two types of diversity?
Surface-level diversity and deep-level diversity
Surface-level diversity
Differences among group members in overt, biological characteristics that are typically reflected in physical features.
- E.g., age, gender, race/ethnicity.
Deep-level diversity
More subtle attributes that cannot necessarily be directly and immediately observed.
- E.g., member’s personalities, attitudes, beliefs and values, sexual orientation, religious beliefs.
What is deep-level diversity related to?
It is related to social groups, your membership in certain social groups can make the group more diverse.
Benefits of diversity
It can produce effective decision making, it spurs innovation and it spurs economic growth.
How can diversity spur innovation?
Diversity can spur innovation because people from different backgrounds have different experiences, knowledge and information. This can help companies or organizations develop technologies that would never have been invented if everyone had the same background. People from different backgrounds can think of ideas that may be different from common ideas.
How can diversity spur economic growth?
Economic growth is associated with diversity, apart from innovation, because diversity opens up various opportunities that come from diverse populations that could in the end produce more diverse economic outputs. When you have diversity, the people can work and perform in various ways to compliment each other. Besides, different opinions will probably cause criticism. This could optimize economic outputs.
What will hinder diversity?
If the population becomes more diverse, people who are not ready to accept and operate in a diverse environment will be biased, but only in recruitment, selection and promotion.
What happens if the biases in a diverse environment are not tackled?
We are less likely to make use of the diversity itself.
When can diversity be beneficial?
Diversity can only be beneficial if the people within that organization are ready to accept diversity and to take on possible problems that can hinder the benefits of diversity.
What is the key in order to address potential challenges with regard to diversity?
- Transparency can help us spot potential biases, you can’t solve a problem if you don’t know what the problem is.
- It is important that both sides are transparent because both sides can have biases that need to be addressed.
- When the decision making process is not transparent, there will be no criticism towards the process and thus the person making the decisions will have no motivation to change their bias(es). But if you make it transparent, the person making the decisions will try their best to address their biases. Because if they don’t and people find out that your criteria are not clear, they will be heavily criticized and maybe even fired.
So, transparency motivates people in leadership decisions to make the most fair, open and less biased decisions that they can make. It motivates them to create a fair system because they want to maintain their reputation.
We can’t talk about the labor market without talking about?
The marks of the privileged white man
- Cis male
- White
- Heterosexual
- At least one highly educated or wealthy parent
- At least one parent born in the country of residence
- University diploma/high education
What can be said about the marks of the privileged white man?
It is very superficial because every human being faces challenges. Just because a person has these characteristics it doesn’t mean that that person would suddenly be granted with all the privileges that makes life easier.
Having one of these boxes checked doesn’t necessarily mean that you have something extra, but that you don’t have the struggles related to not being able to check that box.
What is the association between characteristics and challenges of people?
Certain characteristics are associated with certain unique challenges that people who have different characteristics do not have to face. Therefore, even though everyone has challenges in their lives, there is not always a level playing field.
Everyone has challenges in their lives, but it is important to remember that certain characteristics can determine whether or not a person has a good starting point.
What is privilege in relation to characteristics?
Privilege is not an accumulation of characteristics, you should look at each characteristic and the challenges that do or do not come with this characteristic.
Historically, who does the workplace belong to?
The workplace was the domain of white males.
What used to be the focus in the workplace?
The focus was on assimilation of others into this environment (as opposed to integration).
When you talk about assimilation you sort of force people with minority backgrounds to comply or to adjust themselves into people who have majority characteristics.
- E.g., women were expected to be like man, in this we ignore the challenges women have to face.
- E.g., people with a minority religious background were expected to behave and think the way people with a majority religious background do, so you didn’t get certain exceptions during the ramadam for example.
Assimilation vs integration
A long time ago assimilation was seen as an idea to unite people, but now we realize that that is not true. We now try to be more inclusive, we try to change the way the workplace works. We try to change from assimilation to integration.
Integration means that people can still have their own unique characteristics, perspective and backgrounds, but people have to work together.
What is the modern take on assimilation?
It should be avoided, it is not only exclusive but it is also harmful. If you try to mold everyone into one form, it is going to impact the company badly in the long run.
Changes in population
- Changes in working population
- Changes in consumer base/clientele
What has changed in the workplace?
- More female employees.
- More ethnic minorities.
- More employees with disabilities.
- More sexual and gender minorities (LGBTQIA+).
- Increasingly international workforce.
- Need to maintain older employees.
- And other forms of diversification.
When is assimilation harder?
Assimilation is harder when there are more differences and there is a higher level of diversity in the workplace because there are so many different characteristics.