Lecture 1 Flashcards
What does the term (Pharmakon) mean?
Logos mean ?
the study of substances that interact with living systems through chemical processes is ?
How the substances interact with living systems through chemical processes ?
by binding to regulatory molecules and activating or inhibiting normal body processes
A term of varied usage is ?
any substance with the potential to (prevent) or (cure )disease or (enhance) physical or (mental) welfare
any “chemical agent” that ((alters)) the -biochemical- or -physiological- processes of tissues or organisms (a substance that is listed in the pharmacopeia).
((A book)) describing drugs, chemicals, and medicinal preparations
What is the main goal of drug treatment ? OR …. The Major Objective of drug treatment is :
1-have a drug at the site of action.
2-proper concentration.
3-good enough to reverse a defect without producing side or toxic effects.
There are many ways to classify drugs , Name five of these ways😊:
1- Pharmacological category.
2- Physiological system targeted by the drugs.
3- Chemical nature.
4-Drug source.
5-Drugs to treat common vs. rare diseases.
Give me the ways that aren’t mentioned in the previous question:
1- The need for prescription
2- Therapeutic use
Give me an Examples of Natural Drug Sources :
1- Plants , 2- animals , 3-human , 4-Micro organisms
Penicillin, streptomycin and many other antibiotics is an examples of ?
Micro organisms
Give me two examples of minerals drug Sources ?
The need for prescription can be divided into two main parts, mention them
A. Prescription drugs
B. OTC drugs
(OTC) Abbreviation to ?
Over The Counter
OTC Can be sold over the counter with prescription (T/F)
Are used under only medical supervision and dispensed by an order of medical practitioner only is the :
Prescription drugs
Anti-hypertensive drugs , Anti-microbial drugs , Anesthetics and hypoglycemic drugs , is an example of ?
Therapeutic use
Give me four categories of therapeutic use😊
1- Anti-hypertensive drugs
2- Anti-microbial drugs
3- Anesthetics hypoglycemic drugs
4- hypoglycemic drugs
Which of these ways must be precise ?
A. Therapeutic use
B. Prescription drugs
C. pharmacological action
D. Chemical nature
Mention foure example of pharmacological action :
1- Atenolol
The examples in previous question can use to treat?
high blood pressure
Give me two examples of Physiological systems targeted by the drug :
• Drugs acting on respiratory system.
• Drugs acting on gastrointestinal tract.
Proton pumps inhibitors is an example of :
pumps inhibitors
Selective beta-2 adrenergic receptors agonists is an example of
Drugs acting on respiratory system