Lecture 1 Flashcards
What is exogeneity?
If cov(xij, ui) = 0.
What is endogeneity?

Derive that the OLS estimator is not unbiased in case of endogeneity.

Derive that the OLS estimator is inconsistant in case of endogeneity

What are six possible reasons for endogeneity? What are the solutions to these problems?

What are the assumptions behind the Instrumental Variable?

How is the IV estimator derived?

What is the formula of the IV estimator?

What does instrument exogeneity mean?

Derive that the IV estimator is usually not unbiased.

Derive that the IV estimator is consistant

Derive the asymptotic distribution of the IV estimator β1,IVhat

What is the formula for the Homoskedacity-only standard errorof the IV estimator?

We cannot test if cov(xi1, ui) = 0, since covhat(zi1, uihat) = 0 by definition of IV estimator.

If they overlap, then the Durbin-Wu-Hausman test would accept exogenity. If they do not it would reject.