Exam Questions Flashcards

What is the distribution of the Jarque-Bera test? What is the critical value for 95% confidence?
χ2(2), 5.9(91)

How do we test if an instrument is relevant?
We can simply run OLS on x1 = β0 + β1z1 + e, then if we look at the t-value of β1, this should be larger then sqrt(10) = 3.16
What does it mean if two 95% confidence intervals of OLS and 2SLS do not overlap?
It means that at least one of x1 and z1 is endogeneous. If both are then OLS and 2SLS are unreliable, if x1 is, then OLS is unreliable, if z1 is then 2SLS is unreliable.
When is an instrument strong enough?
If the standard error of the variable (x1 of which z1 is an instrument) is small enough that the errors are not large (s.t. e.g., β1 takes very positive and negative values).

Why is the variance of the 2SLS estimator higher then the OLS estimator?
Since it needs to estimate twice, thus this is more difficult, and thus you have a higher variance.
If we use the OLS estimator to estimate an variable that is endogeneous, what happens with the OLS estimator?
It would be biased. The 2SLS estimator would not be.
What happens when we allow for a direct effect of an instrument to the 2SLS estimator?
It becomes inconsitant and biased (because it does not follow one of the assumptions, instrument exogeneity).
How to

Does the distribution of instrument zt, or serial correlation between multiple zt impact the OLS estimation?
No, it does not matter how zt is distributed, nor any correlation between it
Do the Newey-West standard errors work for small samples?

In case of contemporaneous exogenity is OLS still unbiased and consistant?
It is not unbiased, but it is consistant.
If we do not have contemporaneous exogenity, can we test H0: β1 = 0?

Model: yt = β0 + β1yt-1 + ut

Model: yt = β0 + β1yt-1 + ut

Model: yt = β0 + β1yt-1 + ut

Model: yt = β0 + β1yt-1 + ut

We have that the model is yt = β0 + β1zt + ut, where ut = ut-1 + et, and et ~ N(0,1).

How to calculate OLS using variance and covariance?

When is the OLS estimator biased towards 0?
If there are measurement errors in the regressor.
What is the Pearson ch-square tset?

When is an instrument weak? What are the distadvantages of a weak instrument?
If it has a low sample correlation between zi and xi.
(1) Large asymptotic bias if the instruments would not exactly satisfy the
exogeneity restriction.
(2) Large standard errors
What are the following tests for?
Breusch-Godfrey, Sargan-Hansen, Durbin-Wu-Hausman, Jarque-Bera, Chow test, Ramsey RESET test
Breusch-Godfrey: serial correlation
Sargan-Hansen: exogeneity of instruments
Durbin-Wu-Hausman: exogeneity of regressor
Jarque-Bera: normality
Chow test: different coefficients for different groups
Ramsey RESET: non-linearity