Lect 8 - Development of Reproductive System II Flashcards
Jan 18, 2019
The urogenital sinus leads to which adult structure in women?
What is hematocolpos? What is a cause of same?
1) menstrual blood trapped in the vaginal vault
2) imperforate hymen
The development of the sinovaginal bulbs are from?
Sinus tubercle
What causes a double uterus?
incomplete fusion of the paramesonephric ducts
What is another name for a double uterus?
uterine didelphys
What causes a bicornuate uterus?
Failure of the superior portion of the paramesonephric ducts to fuse
What is the difference between a bicornuate and a septate uterus?
Septate uterus is divided by fibrous tissue in the middle, not viable endometrium
What causes a unicornuate uterus?
incomplete development of one of the paramesonephric ducts
What causes a rudimentary horn?
inhibition of one of the cornu of the uterus
What causes vaginal agenesis?
failure of the sinovaginal bulbs to develop
What usually accompanies vaginal agenesis?
absent uterus
A failure of the canalization of the vaginal plate causes?
Vaginal atresia
Failure of the inferior end of the vaginal plate to perforate causes?
imperforate hymen
A hydrocele in a women can find itself in the patent remnant of the round ligament passing through the inguinal canal. What is this patency called?
Canal of Nuck
The development of the external genital organs remain undifferentiated until week ______.
week 7
The development of the external genital organs are fully differentiated on week ______.
week 12
The UG membrane and the anal membrane are formed by the ______ growing into the cloaca.
urorectal septum
The _____ will form the primordial phallus.
genital tubercle
The ______ will form the urogenital membrane.
cloacal membrane
________ converts testosterone into _______
5-alpha reductase, DHT
What forms the spongy urethra?
Fusion of urethral folds on the ventral surface
What forms the corpus spongiosum and the corpus cavernosum?
mesenchyme of phallus
What causes hypospadias?
failure of urethral folds to fuse due to inadequate androgen production
What is epispadias?
urethra opens on dorsal surface of penis
The urethral folds fuse in the posterior aspect to form what in females?
Labia minora
The genital tubercle (primordial phallus) elongates then decreases to form what?
The labioscrotal swellings do not fuse in females resulting in what?
labia majora