Lect 3 Receptors and Cell Signaling Flashcards
What is Endocrine signaling? Example?
What is the distance the signal travels and what is length of half life?
- Signal transported via blood
- Epinephrine
- Long distance signaling; 1/2 life on minute scale
What is Paracrine signaling? Example?
- Signal diffuses to neighboring target cell of a different cell type
- Testosterone
What is Autocrine signaling? Example?
- Secreting cells express surface receptors for the signal on itself or release to cells of same type
- Interleukin-1 (Chemokines) produced by T-lymphocyte
What is Direct/Juxtracrine signaling? Example?
- Signal binds to signaling cell which then binds to receptor on target cell
- Heparin-binding epidermal growth factor (HB-EGF)
Which type of signals cannot penetrate the plasma membrane?
How do they interact with the cell?
Signal Molecule-Receptor Complex intitiates production of what inside the cell? What gets triggered?
Two types of receptors involved?
- Hydrophillic signaling
- They interact with specific receptors at the cell surface
- Epinephrine, Insulin, Glucagon
Secondary messengers
- Triggers downstream cellular response
- GPCRs and RTKs
What type of signals pass through the plasma membrane of the target cell?
The signal/ligand binds to what inside the cell?
This signaling Molecule-Receptor Complex acts as what?
What are two types of DNA binding transcription factors?
- Lipophillic signals
- Steroid hormones, Thyroid hormones, Retinoids
- Specific receptor proteins
- Transcription factor
- Cytoplasmic receptors and Nuclear Receptors
What are the 3 main types of Receptors?
Ligand Gated Ion Channels
G Protein Coupled Receptors (GPCRs)
Enzyme Coupled Receptor Class (Receptor Tyrosine Kinases/RTKs)
What is the structural motif of GPCRs?
Extracellular Domain (ECD) - binds to signal
Transmembrane (TM) Domain - 7 a-helices
Intracellular Domain (ICD) - interacts with G proteins
Describe Generic GPCR Signaling Pathway
- Ligand binds to ECD –> GPCR conformational change
- ICD activates G protein (GDP –> GTP)
- GTP-bound protein interacts with membrane-bound effector protein (enzyme producing secondary messengers)
- Signaling termination:
- Dissociation of ligand
- G protein inactivation
- Reduction in [secondary messenger]
How do you know when G protein is inactive?
How does it become active? What aids this process?
How does it return to its inactive state? How is this process accelerated?
- Inactive G protein has GDP bound to alpha subunit, which is attached to beta and gamma subunits
- G protein exchanges GDP for GTP via action of guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) (alpha dissociates from beta and gamma subunits)
- Intrinsic GTPase activity of G protein hydrolyzes bound GTP into GDP + Pi and this action is acclerated by GTPase-activating protein (GAP)

What does Gs stimulate?
Describe this process
How can it be turned off?
Examples of Signal Molecules
What inhibits PDE?
- Adenylate Cyclase
- [Alpha subunit + GTP] activates Adenylate Cyclase
- ATP is converted to cAMP –> Activates PKA –> Phosphorylates target proteins to alter activity
- Phosphodiesterase converts cAMP –> AMP
- Epinephrine (B-adrenergic receptor), Histamine
- Caffeine
What does Gi inhibit?
Describe this process
Examples of Signal Molecules
- Adenylate Cyclase
- [alpha subunit + GTP] inhibits Adenylate cyclase
- cAMP not produced and PKA not activated
- Epinephrine/Norepinephrine (alpha adrenergic receptor), Dopamine
What does Gt stimulate?
Describe this process
What uses this pathway?
- cGMP Phosphodiesterase
- Light triggers GPCR –> cGMP PDE converts cGMP –> 5’ GMP
- Rhodopsin
What does Gq activate?
Describe the process
Examples of signal molecules
- Phospholipase C
- [alpha subunit + GTP] activates phospholipase C which cleaves PIP2 –> DAG and IP3
- IP3 –> Ca2+ release from ER/SR into cytosol
- Increased [Ca2+] causes PKC to translocate to plasma membrane where it is activated by DAG
- PKC phosphorylates target proteins to alter activity
- IP3 –> Ca2+ release from ER/SR into cytosol
- Acetylcholine
What does diversity of GPCR signaling mean?
Epinephrine example
- Same molecule can produce different physiological responses in same targets of different cells
- Epi to B-adrenergic receptor causes relaxation of bronchial and intestinal smooth muscle, but Epi to B-adrenergic receptor in heart causes contraction
Hydrolysis of Cyclic Nucleotides
What does cGMP Phosphodiesterase do?
What do inhibitors of cGMP PDE do? What physiological changes does this cause?
- Hydrolyzes cGMP –> 5’-GMP
- Increase conentration of cellular cGMP –> smooth muscle relaxation and vasodilation (Viagra, Levitra, Cialis)
Nitric Oxide and Smooth Muscle Relaxation
How is NO responsible for smooth muscle relaxation?
What condition would someone take Nitrates?
- NO diffuses to neighboring muscle cell and actives guanylate cyclase
- Production of cGMP –> Smooth muscle relaxation and vasodilation
- Nitrates can be used to lower BP
Inhibition of G Proteins by Bacterial Toxins
How are G proteins affected by Cholera
How are G proteins affected by Pertussis
Cholera: covalent modification of a-subunits (ADP ribosylation of Arg) decreases GTPase activity
- Gsa active and continuously stimulates AC –> cAMP overproduction
- Intestinal cells: increased cAMP –> CFTR activation and open Cl- channels –> Na+ secretion –> water secretion –> diarrhea
- Gsa active and continuously stimulates AC –> cAMP overproduction
Pertussis: ADP ribosylation of Cys on Gia prevents activation and dissociation of a subunit from G protein complex
- Less inhibition of AC and overproduction of cAMP
- Loss of fluid and excessive mucous in airway epithelial cells –> whooping cough
- Less inhibition of AC and overproduction of cAMP
What is signal desensitization?
The ability to turn off or “ignore” a signal
What is the function of G Protein Receptor Kinases (GRKs)
What is the result of GRKs?
They phosphorylate GPCRs,
Ga-GDP does not get converted to Ga-GTP (inactivated G protein complex)
What is the structural motif of Receptor Tyrosine Kinase (RTKs)
Examples of ligands?
- ECD containing binding site
- Single a-helix transmembrane domain
- ICD with tyrosine kinase activity
- Growth Factors
Describe the RTK signaling pathway
What is RAS?
- Ligand binds to ECD –> conformational change –> dimerization
- Tyrosines phosphorylated (autophosphorylation)
- Phospho-tyrosines recognized by adapter and docking proteins (SH2 domain of Grb2)
- Triggers phosphorylation of protein targets –> alteration in gene transcription and protein activity
- RAS dependent signaling faciliated by MAPK family (Gene Expression)
RAS independent signaling faciliated by different kinase (Protein Activation)
- RTK signaling terminated
- Monomeric G Protein
RAS and Cancer
- Mutant forms of RAS (or GEFs/GAPs) have been implicated in wide range of human caner
RTKs and Cancer
Breast cancer drug Herceptin targets what?
What family of RTKs does it belong to?
- RTKs are target of pharmacological inhibitors
- Excessive signaling from mutated/overexpressed RTKs associated with cancer
- HER1
- EGF-binding RTKs