lect 2 Flashcards
tobacco stats:
480,000 deaths
41k due to 2nd hand smoke
it isnt banned bc the taxes help fund the economy
tobacco use disorder physiologic effects are?
stimulates the nicotinic cholinergic receptors in the brain
-HTN, tachy, vasoconstriction, inc. plt coag, decPaO2
tobacco use disorder prevention
-inc. price
-stop teen smoking
-penalties for sales to minor
tobacco use disorder tx:
the 5As to find who is willing to quit
-treat sx
-smoking cessation
-ask about tobacco at every visit
-advise pt to quit in strong, straightforward lang.
-assess pt willingness to quit in the next 30 days
-help pt if willing to quit
-arrange f/u
tobacco medication tx:
-nicotine replacement therapy (gum, patch, inhale), taper within time
-bupropion: blocks nicotine effect
-Varenicline: blocks effect of nocotine BUT cravings for alcohol occur
tobacco use higher in what populations:
-NA, white ppl, homos
cannabis use disorder:
what r its effects?
-tetrahydrocannibinol THC in weed
-euphoria, sedation, anxiolytic
cannibis use disorder effects when using?
chronic: lung dx, frequenct infxns
-no oral malignancies
-adolescents whp heavily use have hippocampal changes which is where it affects mood disorders
-linked to schizophrenia
what is cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome?
-frequent users have cyclic nausea and vomiting
-relieved by hot showers and bath
cannabis use disorder withdrawal:
cessation can cause mild sx 3-7 days:
rehab counseling, no meds to help
Stimulant Use Disorder:
-alkaloid derived from coca plant that enhances NE/dopamine/ serotonin in CNS/PNS
ppl who use cocaine stats:
-pure cocaine is usually 45-60% pure and mixed w other subs.
-crack cocaine is a highly biologically active form that has worsened the incidence of coc.use disorder
-most coc users are recreational users
-25% will have a stimulant disorder
Stimulant Use Disorders : cocaine
-dopaminergic effects:
-sense of increase energy, feelings of power
Stimulant Use Disorders : cocaine
-sympathomimetic effects due to NE:
-mydriasis (pupillary dilation)
Stimulant Use Disorders : cocaine
-significant vasoconstrictive
-renal ischemia
in pregnant women:
-inc. risk of placental abruption
-inc risk of spontaneous abortion