LEC: Lesson 1 and 2 Flashcards
“All everything else” including carbon in the periodic elements.
Inorganic Chemistry
Importance of Inorganic Chemistry
Coatings, catalysts, and pigments
All carbon-containing compound
Organic Chemistry
What elements are present in organic chemistry
Carbon and Hydrogen
Importance of Organic Chemistry
Biotechnology, Biochemistry and Medicine
Define Law of Conservation of Mass
- “Atoms are not created nor destroyed”
- “TtM(B) = TtM(A)”
Who is the proponent of Law of Conservation of Mass?
Antoine Lavoisier
Define Law of Definite Proportions
- “Chemical compounds + constituents = same mass proportions”
- “Compounds + elements = same mass proportions”
Who is the proponent of Law of Definite Proportions?
Joseph Proust
How many experiment could you make in Law of Definite of Proportions? And what limit?
Two experiments and not one experiments
Define Law of Multiple Proportions
“W1e + FW = Integer multiple one another”
Who is the proponent of the first atomic components?
Leucippus and Democritus
Meaning of Atomos
“Indivisible or uncuttable”
State the 6 Dalton’s atomic theory
- All matter is comprised of tiny, definite particles called atoms.
- Atoms are indivisible and indestructible.
- All atoms of a particular element share identical properties, including weight.
- Atoms of different elements contain different mass. And
- Atoms of different elements combine in fixed whole-number ratios when forming compounds.
What did JJ Thomson said about atoms? And where di he conduct his experiment?
- “Atoms is not the most basic unit of matter”
- Cathode Ray and discovered “mass-to-charge”
He is the one who conducted an experiment on electrically charge oil droplets and able to calculate the charge of one electron
Robert Millikan
Who is Henri Bequerel
He discovered minerals such as uranium that is a new source of energy?
Who is pioneered the word “radioactive”? State its definition
- Marie Curie
- emission of energy rays
How did the word polonium created? State its definition
- Poland and radium
- Intense radioactive
How did Perrie Curie die?
Through a radium in his pockets
Who is Ernst Rutherford?
- Modern-view of the structure of atoms
- Uranium compounds and other elements falls in two distinct type of radiation
- He called these as particles
- The second type of radiation is a high-speed electrons
Charges of Protons, electrons, and neutrons
Positive, negative, and uncharged, respectively
How many elements are there in the periodic table and how many naturally occurring are there?
There are 118 elements and there are only 94 elements that are naturally occurring.
Components of Atoms?
Protons, electrons and neutrons
What is the difference of electrons and protons?
Their sign - Protons (+) and Electrons (-)
What is the common of protons and neutrons?
Same mass
True or False? Neutrons and protons has the greater mass than electrons
The number of protons/electrons is the same with ____?
Atomic Number
What are isotopes?
Number of neutrons
All isotopes elements have the same number of electrons and protons. True or False?
Differs on the number of mass of an atoms, mass number is the sum of all of the numbers of electrons and protons. True or False?
What is the symbol of mass number
What is the symbol of atomic number
What is the symbol of atomic mass unit?
carbon 12. Protons? Electrons? Neutrons?
Carbon 12, Protons 6, Electrons 6, Neutrons 6