Lec 8: Software Security 1: Implementation Vulnerabilities 1: Stack Flashcards
When is a program secure?

What is a software vulnerability?

What is a buffer overflow?

What makes buffer overflow attacks able to occur?

What steps do you need to do to hijack control of a system?

What do stack activations for C look like in memory?

What does this example look like in Windows x86?

Why is strcpy() unsafe?

Why is it called shellcode?
- trying to run a shell

What are some challenges for an buffer overflow attacker?

What are some examples of string-based bufer overflows that have happened in history?

Why are string-based buffer overflows able to happen? What are solutions to this problem?

What is the problem with using strncpy() to prevent buffer overflows?

How is this a bigger problem than just strings?

What are the key issues that let buffer overflows happen?

What is the debate behind bugs vs vulnerabilities?

Explain the off-by-one buffer overflow example

What can we do to prevent buffer overflows?

What are compile time solutions to buffer overflow problems?

What is stack validation?

How is a cookie secret in stack validation?

How does stack validation work?