Lec 12: Malware 1: Viruses and Virus-Defense Flashcards
Once you’ve compromised sysem, then what does the malicious software do?
What is a virus? What do they require to activate?
What is a virus writer’s goals?
What are the kinds of viruses?
What are the things that boot sector viruses affect?
How do boot sector viruses work?
Why attack the bootstrap?
How does a virus attach to host code?
What are entry-point obscuring viruses?
What are polymorphic viruses?
What are metamorphic viruses?
Where else can viruses reside?
What are macros and how prevalant are they?
How was Melissa Macro Virus implemented andw hat was the strategy?
What was the behavior of Melissa Macro Virus?
What is the source code of melissa virus?
What is the transmission rate, damage, and remedy to Melissa macro virus?
How do you detect viruses?
What are virus signatures? How are they used?