lec 8 - preparation of mouth for rpd Flashcards
- Conditions that address that puts the prosthesis into comfort.
for proper tooth stabilization and support
- Tooth alteration
- Mouth preparation includes procedures that address conditions that put comfortable prosthetic function at risk and include tooth alteration that are required to for proper tooth stabilization and support of the prosthesis.
- All impacted teeth, including those in edentulous areas, as well as those adjacent to abutment teeth, should be considered for removal.
Impacted Teeth
- The loss of individual teeth or groups of teeth may lead to extrusion, drifting, or combinations of malpositioning of remaining teeth.
Malposed Teeth
- _______________ are recommended to survey the jaws for unsuspected pathologic conditions.
Panoramic radiographs of the jaws
- The patient should be informed of the diagnosis and provided with various options for resolution of the abnormality as confirmed by the pathologist’s report.
Cysts and Odontogenic Tumors
- Removable partial denture components in proximity to this type of tissue may cause irritation and chronic ulceration.
Bony Exostoses and Tori
- Also, _________ approximating gingival margins may complicate the maintenance of periodontal health and lead to the eventual loss of strategic abutment teeth.
seen in the form of fibrous tuberosities, soft flabby ridges, folds of redundant tissue in the vestibule or floor of the mouth, and palatal papillomatosis
Hyperplastic Tissue
- All these forms of excess tissue should be removed to provide a firm base for the denture. This removal will produce a more stable denture, will reduce stress and strain on the supporting teeth and tissues, and will provide a more favorable orientation of the occlusal plane and arch form for the arrangement of the artificial teeth in many instances.
Hyperplastic Tissue
- As a result of the loss of bone height, _________ may insert on or near the residual ridge crest.
muscle attachments
Muscle Attachments and Frenum:
most likely to introduce problems of this nature.
mylohyoid, buccinator, mentalis, and genioglossus muscles
- ____________ should be removed and _________ gently rounded.
sharp bony spicules
knifelike crests
- However, use of a dental implant can effectively enhance functional comfort in such an instance.
Bony Spicules and Knife-Edged Ridges
- All abnormal soft tissue lesions should be excised and submitted for pathologic examination before a removable partial denture is fabricated.
- Even though the patient may relate a history of the condition having been present for an indefinite period, its removal is indicated.
- New or additional stimulation to the area introduced by the prosthesis may produce discomfort or undesirable changes in the tumor.
Polyps, Papillomas, and Traumatic Hemangiomas
- All abnormal white, red, or ulcerative lesions should be investigated, regardless of their relationship to the proposed denture base or framework.
- The lesions should be removed and healing accomplished before the removable partial denture is fabricated.
Hyperkeratoses, Erythroplasia, and Ulcerations
- An imbalance of the position, size, shape, or orientation of the bones that comprise upper and lower jaws due to skeletal growth disturbances.
Dentofacial Deformity
- Causes:
o Childhood fractures of the jaw
o Muscle dysfuction
o Genetic influences
o Other Diseases
Dentofacial Deformity
- A number of implant devices to support the replacement of teeth have been introduced to the dental profession.
- These devices offer a significant stabilizing effect on dental prostheses through a rigid connection to living bone.
Dental Implants
- Considerable attention has been devoted to ridge augmentation with the use of autogenous and alloplastic materials, especially in preparation for implant placement.
- Clinical results depend on careful evaluation of the need for augmentation, the projected volume of required material, and the site and method of placement.
Augmentation of Alveolar Bone
The dentist who is considering removable partial denture fabrication must be certain that these criteria have been satisfied before continuing with impression procedures for the master cast.
The specific criteria for satisfying an objective
The specific criteria for satisfying this objective are as follows:
- Removal and control of _________________ along with reduction or elimination of bleeding on probing.
- Elimination of, or reduction in, the _______________ with the establishment of healthy gingival sulci whenever possible.
- Establishment of _________________ and tooth stability.
- Development of a personalized _______________ and a definitive maintenance schedule.
all etiologic factors contributing to periodontal disease
pocket depth of all pockets
functional atraumatic occlusal relationships
plaque control program
The first phase is considered ____________ or initial therapy because the objective is to essentially eliminate or reduce local causative factors before any periodontal surgical procedures are accomplished:
disease control
Procedures like:
o __________ instruction
o _____________ and polishing
o ______________, occlusal adjustment, and temporary splinting, if indicated.
o In many instances, carefully performed scaling and root planing combined with excellent patient compliance may negate the need for periodontal surgery.
Oral hygiene
Scaling and root planing
scaling and root planing combined with excellent patient compliance
Patients who require conditioning treatment often demonstrate the following symptoms:
(1) ________________ of the mucosa covering denture-bearing areas.
(2) ___________________, such as incisive papillae, rugae, and retromolar pads.
(3) _____________ in residual ridge areas, the tongue, and the cheeks and lips.
Inflammation and irritation
Distortion of normal anatomic structures
A burning sensation
Relieving the tissue side of denture bases sufficiently (____) to provide space for even thickness and distribution of conditioning material.
2 mm
- _________ types of crowns are used on canines and or premolars.
- ___________ are usually indicated on molars.
Esthetic veneer
- The most vulnerable area on the abutment tooth is the ____________, which lies beneath the minor connector of the removable partial denture framework and is therefore subject to accumulation of debris in an area most susceptible to caries.
proximal gingival area
- Modern indirect techniques permit the contouring of wax. patterns on the master cast with the aid of the_____________.
surveyor blade
- Generally, a small amount of undercut __________ or less sufficient for retentive purposes.
0.02 inch