lec 4 - principles of design Flashcards
General Rules of Principles of Designing
1) Utilize what’s present.
2) Plan for the future.
3) Minimize framework elements whenever possible.
- Whenever possible, select a design that fits the teeth and soft tissues, rather than choosing one that requires _____________.
- When minimal tooth re-contouring is required, _____________ is minimized and teeth will be less susceptible to plaque adhesion and subsequent caries.
tissue alteration
surface roughness
- When abutments of questionable prognosis are present, a design should be chosen that would enable the partial denture to be adapted if such a tooth were lost.
- An example would be a tooth borne partial denture in which a posterior abutment was periodontally involved. In this instance, a _________________ should be used on the anterior abutment so that torqueing stresses would not compromise its periodontal support upon conversion to a distal extension partial denture.
stress-relieving clasp
- The _________ number of minor connectors should be used. This decreases potential for plaque adhesion. In some distal extension cases, one minor connector may be used for adjacent direct and indirect retainers (e.g. mesial occlusal rest on a first premolar and a cingulum rest on the adjacent canine)
- ____________ can be designed to join proximal plates, rather than having separate minor connectors, whenever possible.
Cingulum rests
1) Use _______________ support.
* Maximizing the denture base coverage provides greater stress distribution and resistance to displacement by lateral forces. (WHat principle?____________)
- However, the denture base should not be _____________ so that it is not displaced during functional movements. If this occurs the overextension will cause greater rotational forces to be placed on the denture and the abutment teeth.
broad tissue base
snow shoe principle
2) Distal extension bases should be extended to the ________________________ as these structures provide comfort and a peripheral seal for retention.
retromolar pads and the maxillary tuberosities
1) Minimize requirements for______________ by maximizing other retentive factors (e.g. broad and intimate denture base adaptation, use of guiding planes, indirect retainers, use of minor soft tissue undercuts).
2) Design retentive clasps tips to be ideally placed in the ___________ and modify any heights of contour to eliminate interferences with rigid portions of the direct retainer. This minimizes the torque on teeth and optimizes esthetics.
direct retention
gingival 1/3
3) Consider ____________. The placement of clasp arms are important to prevent area for caries development.
4) The ___________ may affect the choice of retentive clasps, since it affects possible clasp length and hence flexibility.
caries susceptibility
height of tooth
5) Consider the ____________ in the arch. The choice of direct retainer must be evaluated, its position, angulation and tilt.
6) If no retentive undercut can be found it is possible to ____________________ on the tooth. In order to re-contour the tooth properly, the designated surface must be approximately parallel to path of insertion or too much tooth structure will have to be removed.
tooth position
prepare a small retentive area
7) Circumferential retentive arms should be drawn in ___________ on diagnostic casts – the retentive tip not too close (1- 1.5mm) from the free gingival margin and the beginning rigid portion of the clasp low enough to prevent occlusal contact with the opposing tooth and low enough for acceptable esthetics.
8) Bracing arms should be placed in the __________ of the tooth occluso-gingivally. If the height of contour is above the inferior border of the arm, the height of contour should be lowered by preparing a guiding plane on the corresponding axial surface.
ideal position
middle 1/3
9) When there is marked mobility of one or more of the abutments, the use of ____________________ becomes more important. Stress relieving clasp assemblies allow release of the tooth and therefore, result in more of load being transferred to the denture base tissues.
10) I-bars should ___________ from the gridwork and originate from the gridwork approximately one tooth posterior to the replacement tooth adjacent to the abutment. Do not use ______ (less flexible). Do not flatten retentive end of the I-bar, to increase surface contact since the hygienic properties of the clasp will be compromise. A properly designed I-bar should not require an increased ____________ with the tooth.
stress-releasing direct retainers
gently curve
contact area
11) Whenever possible, it is advisable to avoid placing rest seats or guiding planes on _____________________. The relatively high creep values and low yield strengths of these materials results in frequent failure under partial denture frameworks. It is better to redesign the partial denture to avoid these restorations or to replace the restorations with onlays or crowns.
12) Avoid placing rest in areas of ____________. Therefore, it is imperative that the clinician check the occlusion intraorally.
direct restorations such as amalgams
heavy occlusal contact
Four direct retainers offer an excellent amount of retention and are most frequently and oftenly used in ___________. Placement is ______________ of arch.
tooth borne cases
max at 2 on each side
3 (Three) Direct Retainers
Less retentive than four direct retainers, most commonly used in ____________.
Class II cases
2 (Two) Direct Retainers
Absolute minimum, usually only used in ____________, unless a rotational path design is selected.
Class I partial dentures
Most people who design removable partial dentures use too many retentive clasps. Often, the __________ of retentive clasps is more important to retention than the number of clasps.
spatial distribution
Quadrilateral Configuration
Tripodal (Tripod) Configuration
Bilateral Configuration
Quadrilateral Configuration
* The quadrilateral configuration is indicated for _____________________, particularly on ____________ where there is a modification space on the opposite side of the arch.
* A retentive clasp assembly should be positioned ______________ to each edentulous space.
* This creates a stable mechanical situation in which leverage is effectively neutralized.
Class III / Class IV arches
Class III cases
anterior and posterior
Tripodal (Tripod) Configuration
* Tripodal distribution is used primarily for _____________.
* One clasp assembly should be placed adjacent to the defining distal extension space.
* If there is a ______________ on the contralateral side of the arch, the teeth anterior and posterior to the space should be clasped.
* If a modification space is not present, one clasp should be positioned as far posteriorly as possible, and the other as far anteriorly as esthetics, space, and tooth contours will permit.
Class II arches
modification space
Bilateral Configuration
* Unfortunately, many removable partial dentures fall into the __________________ (Class I arches).
* In Class I applications, the most posterior tooth on each side of the arch should be clasped. This produces a bilateral configuration in which the clasps exert little or no neutralizing effects on leverage-induced stresses.
* Consequently, these stresses must be controlled by other means (eg, indirect retainers).
bilateral distal extension group
________________ partial dentures often require indirect retainers. These should be as far from the primary fulcrum line as possible (____), and placed on the opposite side of the distal free-end. They are normally not required for __________ RPD’s.
Class I and Class II
tooth- borne
1) Assess _________, ______________, __________________. These will affect the type of major connector and direct retainers selected.
2) The posterior extensions of a maxillary distal extension framework should point to ____________.
3) Major connectors should have _______________ that flow into other elements of the partial denture. Abrupt changes of contour or bulky contours should be avoided, particularly at junctions with the acrylic denture bases.
height of floor of mouth
frenal attachments
hamular notches
smooth continuous contours
Consider Soft Tissue Variables
* Soft tissue anatomy such as ____________ and ___________ can affect the choice of major connectors, and direct retainers.
* Characteristics of the soft tissues, such as undercuts and tissue compressibility of attached mucosa, may also affect design decisions.
* These aspects of the tissue need to be identified ___________, since they can frequently not be determined solely on the basis of a diagnostic cast.
frenal attachments
vestibular depth
Consider Hard Tissue Variables
* The _____________, __________________, the access to _____________, _____________________, the positions of tooth ___________ and the presence of _____________ can all influence the selection of direct retainers.
* The presence of ______ can affect major connector selection.
opposing occlusion
significant abutment mobilities
presence of rotations
- When drawing, a Clinicians should use _____________ drawing their desired framework elements, in order to avoid guesswork on the part of the laboratory technician.
- In order for technicians to place elements in proper position, with proper proportions, the design should be drawn with______________.
absolute accuracy
single distinct lines
In general, after the ____________ and the _____________ have been selected, the positions of the rests for the partial denture are chosen, since their placement will affect other parts of the design.
The order of other design elements usually follows the sequence:
1. _______________
a. Rests
b. Clasps
- ______________ (if needed)
- ______________
a. Proximal plate
b. DBRE - _____________
path of insertion
abutment teeth
Direct Retainers
Indirect retainers
Minor connectors
Major Connector
Type of Rests Location
Occlusal rests ___________________
Cingulum rests ___________________
Incisal rests ________________
Interproximal occlusal rests ___________
Extended occlusal rests _____________
Premolars and molars
Maxillary canines
Mandibular canines
On the dentulous side
Mesially tipped molars
- Don’t use - poor esthetics
- More tilting / torqueing forces (long lever arm from center of rotation)
Incisal rests/rest seats
Cingulum rests/rest seats
- Use _______________, if no prominent cingulum (less dentinal sensitivity).
- Size - ___________ (if deeper, chance of dentin exposure).
- Ensure sufficient clearance from opposing occlusion for maxillary cingulum rests.
composite buildup
min 1 mm
Occlusal rests/rest seats
- Size: ________ of B-L width of the tooth
- Size: M-D width of the tooth (PM = _____) (M = ______)
- Depth: _______ of clearance from opposing occlusion (critical at junction of rest & minor connector)
- Line angle of the marginal ridge should be ________.
- Deepest part should be located _________.
1.5 mm
- __________ whenever possible (less tissue coverage - hygiene)
- Lingual Plate if:
o _______________
o ________
o __________
o __________ - Tissue relief – mandibular major connector (________________) to avoid tissue impingement.
Lingual Bar
High floor of mouth
Terminate at FGM
29-30 gauge relief
- _________ whenever possible
o Better sensation, preferred (minor salivary glands & taste buds) - _______________
o Periodontal involvement of abutments
o Less than 6 teeth left
o Displaceable mucosa (increased coverage) - ____________________
o Only if inoperable torus is present
o NEVER for Class I or II
A-P Strap
Full Palatal Strap
Anterior Strap (Horseshoe)
- Case analysis / assessment
- Kennedy’s classification
- Configuration analysis
- Direct & indirect retainer (hold)
- Minor connector (connect)
- Major connector (unify)