Lec 7: Social Cognitive Theory Flashcards
Social Cognitive Theory - Bandura - 1997
Overview of Theory:
Theory =
Positive Relationship =
Negative Relationship =
= A theory is a set of concepts/constructs (ex: body image) that have been systematically linked together
- looking at relationship among concepts takes different forms
+: as 1 construct increases there is an increase in the other
EX: as PA knowledge increases –> then so willPA beh
- : as 1 construct increases the other construct decreases
EX: as PA knowledge increases –> while Body Fat decreases
= An expected or predictive relationship btw 2 concepts is connected/is a pathway by means of a 3rd concept that links them together
EX: PA knowledge -> PA Attitude -> PA Beh
= Idea that the strength of the association btw 2 concepts its made - weaker or stronger - by a 3rd concept/variable
EX: PA beh ———-> Alcohol Use
maybe stronger correlation for 1 gender over the other - if this is the case then…
GENDER modifies or moderates the relationship btw beh & alcohol use
-> theoretical concepts/constructs need to be conceptualized(defined) & operationalized(defined in way that can be measured)
EX: “leisure MPA”
conceptualized = what do u mean … ‘whereby increased HR in spare time’
operationalized = # of pedometer steps/min
self-report measure for leisure MPA
- Identifies which constructs to examine
- guides research questions, design, measures etc.
- helps in developing, implementing & evaluating interventions
- first known as
Reciprocal Determinism=
* SCT emphasizes this idea
SCT says…
= as Social Learning Theory
- renamed to SCT (cognitive psych integrated)
- integrated concepts from other disciplines:
EX humanistic psych (right vs wrong)
= environmental factors influence individual & groups but individuals & groups can also influence their environments & regulate their own beh
A B AKA Triadic (repriocity) (reciprocal causation)
… our beh is a product of this dynamic OR ever changing interplay of 1 personal influences 2 beh influences & our 3 environmental influences
(personal) Atittude -> Eating habits (beh) -> Surround self by healthy foods (environment)
[TRIAD - all connected]
SCT Concepts
Total 1-5
[Bandura says - knowledge is a pre-condition to beh change]
1 has 4 components 1 2 3 4
1 Psychological determinants of beh - individual level 1 "Outcome expectations" = expected outcomes from performing a certain beh EX: PA - can be + or - ppl want to max benefits and min costs
2 “Outcome expectancies”
= VALUE a person places on expected outcomes that would result from performing a certain beh
‘perceived value of expected outcomes’
- Higher the expectancy -> greater the change person will do beh
- usually using a Likert Scale
3 “Self- efficacy”
= beliefs about personal ability to perform beh’s that bring desired outcomes (beliefs may not reflect reality)
- task specific EX: increase PA / decrease healthy eating
BARRIERS to self efficacy = the beliefs that one can do (PA) when faced with barriers (time constraint, weather)
: Bandura 0-100 confidence scale
Measures of self - efficacy (SE)
4th component:
‘confident in doing 150 MPA…. during next month’
LIKERT scale
‘ same Q with ‘when weather is bad’ added
LIKERT scale
4 Collective efficacy =
beliefs about ability of a group to perform concerted actions that bring desired outcomes
EX: sports team - overall belief of team
SCT Concepts
2 Observational Learning
‘Bobo experiment’
= learning to perform new beh by exposure to (interpersonal-fam, friends, media) (immediate) displays of a beh
‘COPING MODELS’ - models have same barriers & cope with them
- more likely to copy when person sees similarities to the model - why peer modeling is effective VS celebrity
3 Environmental determinants of beh
Incentive Motivation(process):
-Using rewards to modify beh
Facilitation (concept):
-Providing tools, resources or environmental changes that make new beh’s easier to perform
EX: identify barriers -> then how to overcome
SCT Concepts
Self regulation strategies:
4 Self- regulation
= controlling oneself by using specific recommended strategies
- SCT emphasizes capacity to endure short-term negative outcomes in anticipation of long-term positive outcomes
(not will power - but learned skills)
1 Self-montioring: observe beh or outcomes EX you observe + relationship btw your anxiety & over eating
2 Goal - setting: EX evaluation current performance & create goal & specific actions to reach goal
- progressive & long-term changes
[SMART objectives]
3 Feedback - info to oneself about quality & quantity of your performance
EX something done poorly -> feedback a correction
4 Self- reward - reinforcement EX buy clothing to workout in
5 Seeking out social support - surround with ppl supporting your PA
Self-efficacy theory - Bandura
VIEW SLIDE 27 for visual !!!!!!
SCT Concepts
Mechanisms of moral disengagement:
5 Moral Disengagement
= ways of thinking about harmful beh’s & thhe ppl who are harmed that make infliction of suffering acceptable by disengaging self-regulatory (self-control) moral standards (right vs wrong)
- ppl can remove themselves from typical moral standards
1 Moral justification: viewing harmful beh as acceptable by considering beh to be socially valued/beneficial
EX sport doping = ok because they provide for family
2 Advantageous comparison - compare harmful beh to one that is worse
3 Euphemistic labeling - changing language = more innocent EX doping = jucing
4 Minimizing or ignoring consequences: avoid info relating to harm caused or downplay
5 Dehumanization & attribution of blame: EX obesity - blame the victim not society
6 Displacement of responsibility: not attribute personal responsibility instead put on authority EX coach
7 Diffusion of Responsibility: attribute harmful beh to several indivdual/group acting together
EX you dope cause all the team is
Illustration of Intervention Research
Based on SCT - guided the research
Joseph et al (2019)
SCT constructs:
Beh capability: level of knowledge/skill [had modules]
Social Support: ppl in life that support PA [words of encouragement]
Self-efficacy: confidence [illustrate AA women in PA]
Outcome expectations: [decrease risk disease]
Self - regulation: manage self [encourage goals]