Lec 6: Exercise prescription for healthy adults PART 2 Flashcards
exercise = talking about structured - to improve fitness
Methods for prescribing intensity:
Rating of perceived exertion =
BORG - rating of perceived exertion (6-20 scale):
* just know concept
later version:
BORG category- ratio scale:
= how hard you feel your body working
- based on physical sensations a person experiences during pA (increased HR, sweating, muscle fatigue)
: if you times the number scored by 10 it matches actual HR
Ex: score a 15 (meaning Hard exercise) 15x10 = 150HR
- is an approx but is a correlation btw scale & HR
- allows ppl to self monitor
: doesn’t correlate with HR
- can do m
Absolute =
Relative Intensity =
A = amount of energy expended during the activity without considering persons cardiorespiratory fitness
[MET values] - apply to everyone
R = describes a person’s level of effort relative to person’s level of cardiorespiratory fitness
[% HRmax/ %HRR / %V02 max] - custom to your fitness level
ACSM Recommendation Re:
Duration of Aerobic Exercise
- Accumulate in…
-> 30-60 mins/day (>/= to 150min/wk) of MPA - 5 days a wk minimum
OR 20-60 min/day (>/= to 75 min/wk) VPA - 3 day/wk min
OR combo of both MPA and VPA daily to reach recommended targeted volumes of exercise - 3-5days/wk min
… in 1 continuous exercise session or in bouts of least 10 min
Volume (quantity) of Aerobic Exercise:
Combo of:
Rationale for guideline =
: freq, intensity, duration
>/= 500-1000 MET min/wk
= 150mins/wk x 3-6 METs for MPA = 450 - 900 MET min/wk
Type of Aerobic Exercise
Aerobic workout components:
Rhythmic, aerobic exercise of @ least MOD intensity that involves large muscle groups & requires little skill to perform
EX: jogging, elliptical machine
: warm up / endurance conditioning(interval training) / cool down
MUSCULAR Fitness Exercise
1 =
Assessing Muscular Strength
1 = Muscular strength
max force that muscle can generate in single, voluntary contraction
- Static (isometric)
no movement @ joints EX - hand grip squeeze test
- Dynamic
movement of body part, muscle changes length EX - bench press
how much weight in 1 rep MAX - done correctly
2 =
Assessing muscular power
= Muscular Endurance
ability of muscle to make repeated contractions against resisting load
-sustained activity using muscles
EX how many sit-ups done correctly
= Muscular Power
ability or rate at which a person can perform work
explosive strength & speed
EX snatch, golf, pickup child on shoulders
Ex: standing vertical jump
Principles of Resistance Training 1-3 1 2 3
1 Progressive Overload: increase # of reps, sets, resistance (standard rep = 8-12) 2 Regularity 3 Specificity (squat/leg press = Quads not upper body)
- Make activities of daily life less stressful physiologically
- Effectively manage, reduce or prevent chronic diseases & health conditions
ACSM Recommendations Re: Frequency of Resistance Training -> Re: Type of Resistance Exercise 1 2 3
Order of exercises:
-> resistance training of each major muscle group (arms, legs, ab) 2-3 days/wk with at least 48 hrs separating exercise sessions for same muscle groups
1 Multi Joint exercises affecting more than one muscle group EX bench press (shoulder & elbow joints)
2 Single joint exercises targeting major muscle groups EX bicep curl (elbow joint)
3 Both types targeting agonist & antagonist muscle (ab + back muscles) groups (front & back leg muscles - work both to prevent imbalances)
: Exercises for larger muscle groups - done b4 smaller groups & multi-joint b4 single joint
ACSM Recommendations Re:
Volume of Resistance Exercise
Older Adults:
Resistance Exercise Technique
Adults should train each muscle group for a total of 2-4 sets with 8-12 reps per set with a rest interval of 2-3 mins btw sets to improve muscular fitness
Older Adults & very deconditioned persons: 1 or more sets of 10-15 reps of very light-light intensity resistance exercise is recommended
- > Correct technique (ie - controlled movements through full range of motion; concentric[muscle shortens] & eccentric [ muscle lengthens]
- Maximize exercise with resistance in both directions EX bicep curl slow going up and down
ACSM Recommendations Re:
Progression of Resistance Training
- overload
Principles of Muscular Fitness Training
Types of resistance training:
-> Continue to subject muscles to overload to increase strength & mass
1 Individuality
2 Specificity
3 Progressive Overload
4 Reversibility - don’t use it, ya lose it
Types of resistance training:
1 Isometrics: muscle doesn’t change length much
CONS - only strengthen muscle at specific angle
EX wall sit
2 Dynamic training - lifting & lower weight yet weight doesn’t change during movement EX free weights
3 Plyometrics - explosive jumping EX box jumps
Resistance Training Workout components:
Types of Resistance Training
1 warm up
2 muscle conditioning phase: exercise choice, order, # of reps, # of sets, rep velocity, rest period (btw set & exercise)
3 cool down
1 Weight machine 2 Free Weight 3 Body Weight 4 Equipment - rubber bands
Flexibility Exercise
ACSM Recommendations Re:
Flexibility Exercise
Static vs Proprioceptive neuromuscular (PNFS) =
1 TYPE: target major muscle - tendon groups using techniques such as:
1 static stretching [slow stretch of mus-ten group & holding for ~10-30 sec EX hamstring stretch
2 dynamic stretching [slow movement & progressive increase in reach & range of motion (no bouncing) EX arm circle
3 proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation stretching (PNFS)
= isometric contraction of selected muscle group + immediately follow up with static stretch of same muscle group
Flexibility Exercise
2 INTENSITY: stretch to point of feeling mild tightness or slight discomfort
3 TIME: static stretch for 10-30 sec
4 PATTERN: repeat 2-4 times, most effective when muscles are warm
5 VOLUME: 60 sec of total stretching time for each exercise
6 FREQUENCY: >/= 2-3days/wk - but daily is most effective
Exercise Prescription for OTHER populations Aerobic * all using the FITT principle 1 Cancer survivors 2 Arthritis 3 Osteoporosis 4 Hypertension 5 Overweight & obesity 6 Pregnancy
1 - consistent with healthy adults
2 - consistent BUT activities with low joint stress
3 - Intensity = MPA Type = walk/cycle/ weight bearing is preferred
4 - Intensity = MPA
5 - Time = least 30min/day & increase to 60min/day
6 - pre-screen questionnaire (consistent with adults as long as no red flags)