Lec 7 Adrenal Insufficiency - Addison's + Steroid Dosing Flashcards
Addison’s Syndrome
Adrenal Insufficiency
- inability to produce cortisol / aldosterone
Primary = Addison’s Disease
Autoimmune, 90% of tissue loss before S/S
- late detection
Autoimmune, 90% of tissue loss before S/S
- Secondary causes
- Long-Term Glucocorticoid administration
- lack of ACTH stimulators or TUMORS
Symptoms of Addison’s Syndrome
Adrenal Insufficiency
- Weakness / Weight Loss / Anorexia
- Skin Pigmentation + muscous membranes
- N/V + Abdominal Pain
- Constipation
- Syncope
- Salt craving
Diagnosis of Addison’s Disease
Cosyntropin Test
- Cosyntropin = Synthetic ACTH
- 0.25mg given IM @ 6-9am
- most predictable Cortisol Levels
- ACTH should stimulate cortisol release
- if low / no cortisol –> Addison’s Disease
- 0.25mg given IM @ 6-9am
Primary if ACTH is HIGH
- auto-immune, issue is @adrenals
- Secondary if ACTH is low
Synthetic ACTH
Used to diagnose for Addison’s Disease
Or to simply see if patient’s Adrenals are Working
–> should stimulate Cortisol release
Cortisol Replacement Therapy
for Addison’s Disease
Hydrocortisone / Cortisone Acetate (short-term GC)
- BID, ex: 15mg am -> 10mg pm
- every meal, could be easier since SAME DOSE
Prednisone / Dexmethasone (intermediate GC)
- QD, just a baseline level to prevent hospitilization
Drug Interactions
- LARGER dose may be needed w/ enzyme inducers
- Dose adjustments based on Urinary Cortisol Levels
Types of Short-Acting Glucocorticoids
= Steroids = Corticosteroids
Cortisone Acetate
some mineralcorticoids activity –> RAISE BP
half life of 8-12 hours
Types of Intermediate-Acting Glucocorticoids
= Steroids = Corticosteroids
some mineralcorticoid activity
half life of 12-36 hours
Types of LONG Acting Glucocorticoids
= Steroids = Corticosteroids
NO Mineralcorticoid activity!
half life of 36-72 hours
Supplemental Glucocorticoids Dosing
for Addison’s Disease
Need to use More GC during STRESS
HIGH DOSES, its difficult to OVERDOSE
Much worse to have TOO Little in the short term
Fever / Nausea
- DOUBLE total daily dose (TDD)
Surgery / trauma
- 3-10x TDD
Mild Stress (hiking)
- Patients will learn on their OWN how much they need to supplement.
Mineralcorticoid Replacement
for Addison’s Disease
Indicated for Primary Adrenal Insufficiency
Not needed in Secondary Adrenal Insufficiency
Fludrocortisone Acetate
- potent synthetic Mineralcorticoid
- only affects BP / Water
- adjust dose based on Potassium / BP
- potent synthetic Mineralcorticoid
- BP / Na / K / Edema
Acute Adrenal Insufficiency
- Typically caused by:
- Forgetting / Stop taking GC’s or MC’s
- Considered a Endocrine EMERGENCY
Flu -like symptoms that progress to:
- -> fever / hypotension / Shock
- electrolyte abnormalities
Flu -like symptoms that progress to:
Treatment for
Acute Adrenal Insufficiency
Hydrocortisone 100mg STAT -> taper off dose to normal dose
- very HIGH DOSE
- overdose is less likely, and no short term issues
- very HIGH DOSE
- to correct volume depletion / dehydration
- hypotension & hypoclycemia
- to correct volume depletion / dehydration
Remove / Treat precipitating factor
- usually by just telling them to keep taking their medications
- usually by just telling them to keep taking their medications
Patient Education for
Addison’s Disease
- Importance of medication Compliance
- S/S of acute adrena insufficiency
Self-Management of their disease
- know when to adjust doses / feel for ones own body
- Self-administer IM GC’s
- for rescue doses
- Supplement doses for stressful situations
- Medical ID Jewelry
Indications for Corticosteroids
Replacement therapy
- for Addison’s Disease
Anti-Inflammatory / Immunosuppresive effects
- Rheumatic / Allergic / Respiratory Disease
- Infectious / Ocular / Skin Disease
- GI / Organ transplantation / edema
only for Mineralcorticoid Action (aldosterone)
not needed w/ Secondary adrenal insufficiancy
Raise BP / Na+ / Water retention
decrease in Potassium
PK’s of Corticosteroids
- Readily absorbed from the GI Tract
GUT NEEDS TO WORK for drug to work
- –> IV if the gut does not work
GUT NEEDS TO WORK for drug to work
Highly Protein Bound
- CBG / Albumin
- takes a long time to leave the system
- CBG / Albumin
- Metabolized by Liver
- Excreted Renally
Steroid Dosing Strategies
for Replacement Therapy
Typically for Addison’s Disease
- Goal it to MIMIC the Diurnal Pattern
- May also require mineralcorticoids (fludrocortisone)
for PRIMARY insufficiency
- = issue is w/ the adrenal gland
for PRIMARY insufficiency
- Adjust dose during STRESSFUL events
Steroid Dosing Strategies
for Suppressive Therapy
Short Term / High dose
- Asthma / anaphylaxis
- acute adrenal insufficiencies
- Asthma / anaphylaxis
Long Term / High Dose
- inflammed temporal artery
Long Term / low dose
- adjuvant therapy for RA, lupus, erythrematosus
- MONTHS, want to use a VERY LOW DOSE
- adjuvant therapy for RA, lupus, erythrematosus
Types of Adverse Effects
of Corticosteroids
- Can be caused by BOTH:
- Withdrawal of steroid therapy
- Continued use of supraphysiological doses
- Longer the steroid use the GREATER the risk for side effects
- IV/IM > Oral >> Inhaled
- in order of more side effects
- IV/IM > Oral >> Inhaled
Glucocorticoid Side Effects (Continued Use)
Fluids / Electrolytes
- Aldosterone-Like Effects
- abdominal pain –> PUD
- Insomnia / Nervousness
- Cataracts
- HYPERlipidemia / HYPERglycemia
- Pregnancy category C
Glucocorticoid Side Effects (continued Use)
Decreases / Weakens
Immune Response
- inhibits immune system / inflammatory response
- Hematologic
- weakness of proximal limb muscles
Wound Healing
- decrease in collagen / fibroblast
- Osteoporosis
Hematologic Side Effects
from continued use of Glucocorticoids
Lymphocytopenia / Eosinopenia / Monocytopenia
- low WBC
- decreases circulating count to other body parts
- typically lowest 4-6 hours post dose
Neutrophilia (increase in NEUTROPHILS, first responders)
- stimulate bone marrow releas
- Management:
Rule out infection first
- test labs after 24 hours after dose
Rule out infection first
Wound Healing Side Effects
from continued use of Glucocorticoids
Decreases collagen production
- and fibroblastic therapy
Inhibits vascularization and collagen deposition
- as well as stabilization of lysosomal membranes
Vitamin A
- MVI qd
Vitamin A
Osteoporosis Side Effects
from continued use of Glucocorticoids
Inhibits OsteoBLAST activity
- less building of bones
- Risk is INCREASED for:
- female / small frame
- RA / DM
- Immobilized patient
- Calcium / Vit D
- weight-bearing exercise
- bisphosphates (alendronate)
HYPERglycemia Side Effects
from continued use of Glucocorticoids
- Stimulates GNG
- Inhibits peripheral utilization of glucose
- Promotes glycogenolysis
- by stimulating glycogen release ->
- Increased glucose levels seen within 2 weeks
- __Educate symptoms of DM
- Achieve / maintain IBW
Adverse Effects of Inhaled Glucocorticoid
- Hoarseness / Throat irritation / candidiasis
- Bone Densisty reduction @ lumbar spine & hip
- Glaucoma
- Skin Bruising
- Can Inhibit Growth for children
- Use proper technique / spacer
Rinse & Spit
- –> THRUSH from immune supression
Interventions to Minimize Adverse Effects
for Glucocorticoid Use
- Lowest Dose & Lowest Duration
- NOT long-acting agents
- Monitor likely side effects:
- Calcium / Glucose / Lipids
Side effects of Withdrawal of Therapy
of Corticosteroids
Disease Flare-Up
- underlying disease relapses / flares
- the original disease that the steroids were prescribed for
- underlying disease relapses / flares
Acute Adrenal Insufficiency
HPA-axis suppression
- Adrenocorticol atrophy / unresponsiveness
- lack of ACTH secretion from pituitary
- Symptoms are similar to addison’s syndrome
HPA-axis suppression
Determining HPA-Axis Suppression
after D/C of corticosteroids
- Factors are Dose / Duration / Type of Steroid
- Cotisol base levels are very VARIENT from person to person
- so it is best to use Intermediate / unsure
Categories of supression:
- HPA LIKELY Supressed
- Intermediate / Unsure
- HPA NOT Likely supressed
If you’re unsure if adrenal’s work use
Indications for HPA-Likely Supressed
for D/C of corticosteroids
- Prednisone (or equivilance)
- > 20mg/day
- OR
- > 3 weeks
Prednisone @ night
- > 5mg for more than 3 weeks
Cushingoid Apperance
- HYPERCortisolism
- moon face / obesity / buffalo hump
- HYPERCortisolism
Indications for Intermediate / Unsure HPA-Supression
for D/C of corticosteroids
- Prednisone doses of:
- 10mg - 20mg Daily
We typically ASSUME patient is at these levels,
- since cortisol base levels VARY from patient to patient
Indications for HPA Not Likely Supressed
for D/C of corticosteroids
Prednisone doses of:
< 10mg daily
Duration of:
< 3 weeks
Goals / Principles
for D/C of corticosteroids
- Goals:
- Prevent Relapse of disease
- Safe & Conventional taper regimen
- Allow HPAaxis to Recover
- Principles:
- Taper by 10-20% each step
- Step down doses every 1-2weeks
- Once dose gets closer to 5-20 mg qd prednisone:
- (estimate physiological levels of cortisol)
- to allow for gland to start working on its OWN
- Taper by 10-20% each step