Lec 5: Recent Patterns and trends - A Global Perspective Flashcards
What do we notice about the world economy at a macro scale?
The emergence of a global triad: 3 regions that are the engines of the world economy (Asia, N-A, and Europe)
Together they make up 85% of world trade AND mfq.
Which region has been the world’s largest economy since the 19th Century? Which one will soon overtake it?
The US. Expected to be overtaken by China in 2030
What do we notice about world manufacturing activity at the national scale?
50% of world MANUFACTURING activity takes place in 4 countries (China, US, Japan, Germany)
Between 1970 and 2008, what changes do we notice in the structure of world production?
What does this mean?
The share of world value added held by N-A and Europe is declining over time, where is the share held by Asia is increasing over time.
This represents a global shift, in which an increasing share of merchandise trade and production is held by developing countries rather than developed ones.
What is value added?
the net value of products once you substract the cost of their production
outputs - inputs = x$
What caused the rapid growth in Chinese mfq activities?
Xiaoping came to power in 1978
- China opens to international trade
- privatization of state enterprises
Which 3 regions are responsible for 85% of manufacturing production?
Which 3 countries dominated mfq production for much of the 20th century?
Japan, US, and Germany
What happened in Japan in the 1990s?
Economic growth stalls. referred to as the lost decade
What geographic shifts do we notice in global patterns of MANUFACTURING in the late 20th century?
- growing importance of newly industrializing economies
- a very fast growth of manufacturing in East and Southeast Asia
Which region outpaced all other NIEs in growth of manufacturing?
East and Southeast Asia
What are the BRICs?
Brazil, Russia, India, and China
4 countries represent 50% of world mfq. What share of world trade flows do they same 4 countries account for?
What does this mean?
only 30%!
That trade flows are much more diverse than mfq.
What are trade surplus and deficit
surplus: the value of exports exceeds the value of imports (give more than they take)
deficit: the value of imports exceeds the value of exports (take more than they give)
Which 4 countries have the largest trade deficit?
US, UK, France, and Spain
What do countries in a trade inbalance have to do?
borrow from abroad to sustain import activity
What do we notice when comparing world trade and output growth?
Exports (trade) grows much faster than output (GDP)
What do we notice about national economies’ need for trade?
Over time, trade has been increasingly important for national economies (it represents a higher % of GDP)
Which country experienced the most rapid growth in trade to GDP ratio? Why is this?
China has become the world’s mega-trader. In 2012, it represented about 10% of merchandise exports as a share of world exports.
What geographical patterns do we notice in merchandise TRADE?
Three primary trading regions that trade within or between each other: NA, Europe, East and Southeast Asia
What trends do we notice in patterns of merchandise trade over time?
- growing interconnectedness
- trade growth rates exceed output growth rates
- NIEs experience largest trade growth
- emergence of China as a world mega trader
What is the shifting global balance?
An increasingly large % of world GDP is held by developing countries rather than developed ones.