Lec 4 (Lab) - Hip Screen, Special Tests, MLT Lab COPY Flashcards
For upcoming practical make sure you can explain why you’re doing what you’re doing
“What is the purpose of this special test”
Make sure you can perform the special test and interpret its results
Which special test do you need to be able to differeinitate anterior hip pain from lower quadrent pain?
RESISTED straight Leg raise
Explain how to perform a resisted straight leg raise test? (litteraly get on the ground and desribe outloud where therapist is / is pushing)
How far should their leg be off the table when pt is pushing down?
What is a positive test?
What is a negative test?
pt on table
Arms supporting behind pt
pt raises leg ~12 inches from the table (actively)
pt resists therapist apply downward pressure at DISTAL thigh
PT on ipsilateral side that they are pressing
Two types of posititve tests
1) lower quadrent pain = peritoneal inflame, appendicits (RIGHT SIDE) or inflammation of iliopsoas (make sure on that one)
2) Under lower quadrent pain or anterior hip: labral test with reproduction of comparable pain or CLICKING /CATCHING in anterior hip
Negative = No pain on anterior hip or lower quadrent
NOTE: make sure to test opposite side first and make sure it doesnt not produce pain (I think do this for most tests)
What does the Patellar-Pubic Percussion Test (PPPT) test for?
Femoral neck fracture
What test would we do for a femoral shaft fracture? What about a femoral neck fracture
Fulcrum test
Patellar Pubic Percussion Test
How is the Patellar-Pubic Percussion Test (PPPT) performed?
* Where is therapist
* Position of pt
* landmarks?
* Positive vs negative
pt in supine on table (LE extended)
pt ipsilatearl side LE
Place bell of stethoscope over pubic tubercle (ipsilaterl) of LE testing
* Note - ask pt to find belly button and go down to groin area. Then ask them to move to the side you’re on to that last boney land mark (should be on pubic tubercle)
* PT listends as they tap patella (can use finger or reflex hammer)
Posititve: if sound is diminished (not crisp because those sound waves won’t travel as easily) OR if they are experiencing pain - NOTE: this indiciates a potential femoral NECK fracture
Negative: No pain and both sides sound the same (crisp)
is great for testing for those stress fractures
Fulcrum test
* What is a positive test
* How do you perform it
Performed w/ pt sitting with knees bent over table edge and feet dangling
Test is used to see if there is a fracture in the femoral
PT places forearm under the ipsilateral leg with the hand on the opposite anterior thigh as a stabilizing force
PT utilizes free hand to apply a downward force over the distal femur, just superior (proximal) to the patella
Positive test = sharp pain or apprehension (fear) when fulcrum is applied
What does Craig’s Test look at?
Femoral antiversion or retroversion
How is the Craig’s Test performed?
* What does this test assess?
* What are the normative vaules / vaules for conditions?
* What is the goni posistion?
pt in prone w/ knee flexed to 90 degrees
PT: palpates for greater trochanter by moving pt passively through IR/ER UNTIL IT STICKS OUT THE MOST
Then the leg angle is measured measured
Test looks at excessive femoral antiversion and retroversion
Set goni parallel to the follor w/ the other end up the tibia. The angle you measure should be correct.
Limited external rotation = antiverison
Limited internal rotation = retroversion
Increased femoral antiversion is defined by what? (like the how many degrees on a craigs test)
What motion does it limit. Why?
What is it?
**>15 degrees of ER = antiversion
Antiversion causes less external rotation - because its essentially sitting the femoral shaft in to much internal rotation so when we externally rotate its essentially blocked by the anterior aspect of the acetabular rim
It is the femur being in to much internal rotation
What is the value for retoversion according to Craig’s test?
<10 degeres ER
What is the norm range for Craig’s test?
10-15 degrees ER
How is the Log Roll Test Performed?
* What does it assess?
* What is posititve / negative?
* What does a posititve test indicate
pt in supine
Therapist standing on testing limb side. One hand distal femur (lower thigh) other hand just distal to tibia (ankle) superior to the latearl malleulus
PT **passively **rotates the femur medially to end range and lets the leg fall passively into lateral rotation (may also take it actively)
* He said pt intereally and externally rotates leg entirely passively
NOTE: Check both sides
Posititve test: if motion is resitrcited (which is why we check bilatearl) or painful.
* If posititve we have some intra articular pathology
* We are thinking labral tear if painful and a click is present
* If excessively lax a iliofemoral ligament issue may be going on (lax)
Negative test: if equal bilateral and no pain
NOTE: This test is good because only rotation of the femoral head in the acetabulum occurs and the capsule is stretched w/ minimal muscular involvement - and its passive so we don’t even have muscualr involvement
TEST QUESTION: PT is highly irritable and has hip OA? Why or why not would we use the Scour Test
We would not use it because its letting crushing the head of the femur into the acetabulum
How is the Hip Scour Test performed?
* What are is a positive test?
* What is a negative test?
PT: Cusp suprapatellar region (try to avoid direct contact over patella) w/ elbows relaced along med/lat thigh
TEST: Flex / Add hip, apply manual pressure into joint and scour from that flexion / abduction point into an arc (2 to 10 then 10 to 2) while maintaing the same pressure
Positive = intra-articular pathology if repduction of clicking / catching, apperhension, or their compaireable pain
Negative = no catching / clicking / pain pr apperhension
NOTE: if we expect some kind of intra articular issue we should start w/ the log test because it is much less rough and less likely to hurt the pt
NOTE: helps us find anything intra articular because you’re closing down that femoral hd in the acetabulum –> OA / FAI / Etc