LEC 25 - INTRO 2 ZPTON Flashcards
collection methods:
net: can catch most dudes now bc zpton tend to be bigger
zpton biomass. top-down or bottom-up control?
mostly bottom-up (controlled by nutrients) but we’ll get to grazing in a bit :)
what is the ideal nutrient conditions for zpton growth?
in oligo, there’s not enough ppton to eat
in eu, cyanobacteria are greedy and take everything (also decomp = O2 fall etc)
key traits of heterotrophic nanoflagellates (HNAN)
- make up bulk of zpton biomass
- major consumers of bactera, picoppton, and other HNAN
- these are the mixotrophs from the ppton section (3 of them)
key traits of ciliates
- larger than HNAN
- have cilia for motility but also for filter feeding
- consume smaller ppton (pico and nano)
key traits of rotifers
- corona, for motility and filter feeding
- parthenogenic (unfertilized eggs hatch into clones) meaning short generation times + when conditions are good, the pop bursts
key traits of crustacean zpton (cladoceran and copepod)
- macrozpton - bigger than other zpton
- filter feeders, w setae that continually beat to draw in water which captures food
- calanoid copepods: ‘filter feed’ but act more as a roomba sucking up whatever crosses they path
- cyclopoid copepods: active hunter
of cladoceran and copepods, which are more effective filter feeders?
cladocerans (they have daphnia which are peak dudes)
what does seasonal breakdown of zpton look like?
winter: not really much going on
smaller zpton arise first, feasting on smaller ppton which also arise first
as microppton bloom begins, microzpton booms follow shortly after
summer: after ppton have hit their blooms, macrozpton begin to thrive (mostly daphnia)
late summer/fall depends on if zpton fly to close to the sun and get eated
either way the end of summer has ppton that are mostly inedible, so zpton pop falls off
what is the effect of zpton on ppton abundance? can grazing be beneficial to ppton, or is it all bad?
when just zpton are added, they graze down ppton
when nutrients are added, ppton rise like crazy
when zpton + nutrients are added, ppton still rises - presence of zpton stimulate biomass production
- waste excretions incr nutrient avail
- ‘sloppy eating’ where eating leaves scraps of nturients everywhere
what makes bdelloid rotifers wild?
resistant to drying, and in general are very resistant
what are crustacean characteristics?
respiration via gills
hard chitonous skeleton enforced w Ca
two pairs of antennae
segmented body + paired appendages
what are ostracoda?
type of crustacean that superficially resembles a bivalve but internally is a crustacean
what are branchiopoda?
small crust w ‘leaflike legs’
good at surviving bad condition (many can survive dessication, allowing them to survive tide pools; brine shrimp survive extremely saline conditions)
in cladocerans, what are epippium? why are they important?
egg capsule that allows them to be dormant for so long - we’ve revived some from 600 years ago
what about cladoceran anatomy makes them such efficient filter feeders?
thoracic limbs beat to create a water current, where food particles are trapped by fine setae