Lec 2-3.5 Memory/ Goswami, Schneider, Steinberg Flashcards

  • cognition
  • Piaget’s theory
    • independent learning
    • Stage: 0-2
    • What is a major tool in the toolkit?
  • Vygotsky
    • vs Piaget/ diff? - 2 things
    • How do children learn? - 2 ways
  • Current view of cog dev
  • Info processing theory
    • Age and processing relationship
  • Core knowledge theory
  • Moral dev
    • Circle-square task
    • Conclusion

Cog dev: infancy

  • Cognition: how we think and reason about the world
  • Piaget:
    • Stage theory
    • Independent learning: Children are scientists, use their tool kit to explore
      • Ex. 0-2 yo, sensorimotor period
      • They develop language (a tool in the toolkit)
    • Vygotsky:
      • More continuous, not discrete stages
      • Expanded his theory a bit into adulthood
      • Social interaction drive children learning
        • Learning is scaffolded by adults and older children
        • Kids imitate behavior of ppl around them
  • Theories in cog dev:
    • 1 Current view: learning is explained by a combination theories
      • Piaget’s stage theory of cog dev
      • Sociocultural theory (mainly from Vygotsky; older adults teach children)
    • 2 Info processing theory: humans are like computer, take input, process input, produce output/ behavior
      • Processing improves as we age
        • This is b/c neuron pruning and we have more practice
    • Core knowledge theory (nativism)
      • Genetically programmed knowledge
        • ex. numbers – know difference b/w 2 vs 1 objects
        • ex. innate understanding of physical laws - bb are surprised when they see strange things that do not obey physical laws
  • Moral dev
    • bb (4-6 mo) hv complex ideas of what is good vs mean b
    • Prefer nice character over mean
    • Circle and square task: If square helped circle get up the hill, the bb recognize the square is good
    • But we don’t know if they learnt that or if they are born w/ this understanding
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  • 2 phases of cog dev after infancy
  • 5 main domains that advance after infancy
  • 2 cog dev processes in infancy that shape cog skills after infant period
    • How does it help?
  • After infancy, things get messier
  • Many cog advances happen independently after infancy (Goswami, 2011)
    • Ex. At first, they are better at everything (eg. math, physics, social reasoning, etc)
    • Ex. for older children, a domain is improving, while other domains are not
  • Domains that advance
    • Memory
    • Moral dev
    • Spatial reasoning
    • Physics
    • Scientific reasoning
  • cog dev processes in infancy that shape cog skills after infant period
    • Memory (this wk)
      • Advances in memory allows children to become better thinkers, understand and manipulate more about their env
    • Inhibitory processes (next week)
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  • when does the 2 major shifts in mem capacity happen?
  • how do they change?
  • mechanism of change - 2 characteristics
  • x
  • Mem structure
    • ‘Hardware’ definition
      • 3 parts
        • how it works
    • Software definition
      • 2 types of software
      • 2 subtypes of strategies
  • Age, software, and hardware relationship
  • exception

Mem dev: modern approaches

  • mem capacity
    • There are major shifts in pre-adol (i.e. b4 puberty) and pre-adult
    • They increase, then suddenly jump in improvement
  • mechanism of change - 2 characteristics
    • These dev rapidly at diff ages
    • They follow diff dev trajectories

Mem structure

  • ‘Hardware’: encoded memories
    • Sensory: lasts 1-2 s
      • Ex. pain, vision, auditory
      • Continuous firing of senses, brain processes some sensory info, which moves into STM
    • STM aka WM
      • Misconception: only about things that happen recently
      • Processing/manipulate info
      • Ex. hold series of #s in mind
    • LTM
      • If you can recall info, that info is in LTM
      • Also includes mem from long time ago
  • Software: ways that we use memories to manipulate env
    • Strategies
      • Rehearsal
      • sorting
    • Content knowledge
      • Ex. chess expert can put the chess-related info into the mem faster than chess novices
  • Hardware and software develop as we age (except sensory domain)
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  • 2 types of LTM
  • Special feature of procedural memory
    • How to test implicit mem?
  • Why is there less rs in implicit mem?
  • Dev trajectory of implicit mem
  • Berry et al 2014
    • Process of perceptual priming task
    • Results
      • explicit mem
      • implicit mem

LTM development

  • 2 categories:
    • explicit/declarative mem (facts, we can talk about it)
      • Ex. capital of Canada
    • Implicit/procedural mem (knowledge on how to do things)
      • Ex. how to type on keyboard
      • Note: you can have procedural memory in things we are not fluid in (ex. learn to ride a bike)
    1. Implicit mem dev
      * Implicit LTM is tested w/ perceptual priming tasks
      * Since it is tough to test, there is less rs in this domain than explicit mem dev
      * Most rs show that implicit mem dev occurs early in infancy and does not dev much after early childhood
      * Ex. perceptual priming task[EL1]
      • Perceptual priming tasks: we show faster recog of prev seen stimuli
      • Berry et al 2014
        1. Show a series of image to child
        1. Child press a button once they know what the image is
          • Results: older children are faster at recognizing the fragmented photo (explicit memory)
          • But after exposure to the photo, even very young children experience a similar of priming
      • IOW both improve at a similar rate
        • 8 yo: b4 need 6 trials to see elephant -> after priming, it takes 4 trials
        • 6 yo: b4 10 trials -> after priming, 8 trials
      • They recog photo faster fi they have been exposed to it b4
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  • episodic mem
  • How to test it?
  • 2 types of episodes in the testing
    • Which type do children remember well?
  • developmental changes (Knopf 1999)
    • explicit mem
    • implicit mem
      • 4 vs 8 yo
  • False mem and age
  • Why does it happen?
  • Hot air balloon study
    • Method
    • Result
    1. Explicit (declarative) mom dev
      * Episodic mem: recall events
      * Methods:
      • Tell them a story, then tell them to recall it
        * Types of episodes that are tested
      • Habitual (script-based)
        • Things that kids experience many times (ex. b-day party
      • One-time (novel)
        • Ex. moving
          • Children remember both types of events well: they care about familiarity and novelty
          • There are developmental changes (Knopf 1999)
      • Implicit mem improvements are constant
      • Explicit mem improvements a lot (more than 2x accuracy)
        • 4 yo remember 20% of the story presented
        • 8 yo remember 50% of the story presented
    • In early childhood, the encoding memory process mixes up real and false memories
  • As we age, we are better but can still have false memories
  • Study: hot air balloon
    • Method
    • Adults’ parents convince their adult children they went on hot-air balloon child using photoshopped pictures
    • Then adult children made up memories about this experience that was not in the pic
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  • how to test episodic mem?
  • When does a jump in episodic mem happen?
  • Infantile amnesia
  • When do we 1st acquire autobio mem?
  • Why does infantile amnesia happen? - 2 major reasons
    • Why is that ability important?
    • Memory structure - why is it NOT a reason?

Autobiographical mem

  • Studies of episodic mem involve
    • Expose child to stimulus -> test them later
    • (ex. expose them to habitual/novel events; ask them to recite them back)
    • Kids remember both well
    • 4-8 yo – huge jump on what they can remember
  • Autobiographical mem: special type of episodic mem that happened to you
  • When do we 1st acquire autobio mem?
    • Infantile amnesia: can’t remember things b4 3 yo
    • Trick qs
    • Although we don’t have good memories, we still autobio mem earlier than 3 yo
    • Study: Expose bb to stimulus, ask them to come back; they still remember it
      • NOTE: there are also exceptions
  • Why does infantile amnesia happen?
    • Reasons: lack of language abilities
      • Language is a tool for us to encode memories
      • Bb don’t know language yet, so they can’t encode memories as well as adults
    • Self awareness
      • Bb don’t have self-awareness, they encode things differently
      • As dev, they are aware of themselves and other’s experience differ from theirs
      • So as we are older, we encode memories as a personal narrative
    • NOT memory structure
      • Bb do encode, and can recall memories
      • They used a less efficient strategy
      • Issue: as adult, we have trouble recalling those memories
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  • why does LTM dev w/ age? - main reason
    • 3 reasons for the main reason
      • paper mail analogy
      • child chess expert example
      • reason for faster processing speed
    • 2 tasks that test STM
    • Process of sentence span task
    • STM and age relationship

Why does LTM dev w/ age?

  • Reason 1: changes in STM
    • We get better at recalling memories; STM stores maybe helping out LTM
    • 1 Recall: strategies
      • More efficient strategies -> better encoding for LT
      • Analogy:
        • Bunch of paper mail
        • We want to organize it so we can use it later
        • Strategy 1: shove everything in a drawer -> won’t be able to find it
        • Strategy 2: put the mail in organized fashion -> easier to find later on
    • 2 Kids content knowledge dev
      • more content knowledge → Better at selecting what info is important (filter noise)
      • Ex. content knowledge in chess helps organize positions of chess faster
    • 3 Processing speed dev
      • Due to more myelination → Stronger synaptic connections & (Hebb’s law) – use more, stronger connection
  • Evidence for reason 1
    • Sentence span and digit span tasks
      • test children STM
    • Sample: mem dev – sentence span
      • Present sentence
        • The rabbit was ready to leave his nest and he saw a fox approach
        • It is supposed to be like summer
        • I went to China to learn Mandarin
      • Recall final word of each sentence you read
        • Ans: approach, summer, Mandarin
  • Your WM goes down as you age, but you learn more strategies
  • This makes up for it
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  • mem span/WM dev trend
  • Schneider et al 2009 – longitudinal study, word span task
    • Methods
    • Hypothesis
    • Results
      • overal trend
      • age specific trend
      • Issue w/ study
    • Conclusion
  • Schneider et al 2009 – longitudinal study; digit span task
    • Results: # of words each age gp remembers
      • 2 yo
      • 5 yo
      • 7 yo
      • 9 yo
      • adult
    • Overall trend
  • WM span characteristic
  • Schneider et al 2009 - novice adult chess player vs child expert chess player
    • Results:
      • digit span task
      • chess piece task
  • 3 main factors that influence STM
  • STM processing speed trend w/ age
  • 2 main reasons
  • info processing theory explanation

Memory dev

  • Memory span/WM dev as a fx of age (as children)
  • Progression is not linear
  • Schneider et al 2009 – longitudinal study, word span task
    • Y-axis: total # words remembered
    • x-axis: W = waves -> ignore it; Look at the “Ages”
    • Method
      • Have 2 gps per age gp
      • H: do kids older in their age gp do better than younger in age gp?
        • Aug kids = 2010-2011
        • Sept kids = 2011-2012
    • Results
      • Overall increase in WM
      • Sig jump 7-8
      • Sig Jump 10-18
      • Issue: didn’t test every yr, tested in arbitrary # yrs
    • Thus WM dev across childhood, sig jump in 7-8 yo and 10-18 yo

Digit-span task

  • Schneider et al 2009 – longitudinal study; digit span task
  • According to Schneider, how many digits is the typical 9-year-old able to recall?
    • Ans: 6 digits
  • 2 yo: remember 2 items
  • 5 yo: 4 items
  • 7 yo: 5 items
  • 9 yo: 6 items
  • Adults: 7 items
  • # s you can remember for digit span task increase w/ age for children up till 18
  • Then not much after that

STM capacity

  • Advances in STM appear to be domain specific
    • More knowledge a child has about a domain, better STM
      • They are better to cut out noise and remember relevant info
  • Ex. Schneider
    • Child chess experts vs adult chess novices
    • 1 Digit span task: child don’t have the same WM adult vs chess novices
      • -> adults are better
    • 2 Chess board arrangement task
      • Child expert remembers locations of chess pieces better than adult novices
      • Even though adults have better STM than kids, kids to better
      • IOW: experience w/ chess helps child utilize info more efficiently
  • IOW: mem dev is influenced by many factors
    • Age, knowledge in the domain, language (a strategy to retrieve info)
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Schneder cont 4

  • mem span task
  • 3 main characteristics of WM
  • Baddeley model of WM - 3 subcomponents
    • When is the basic structure present?
  • How to test WM - 2 steps
  • 2 factors that cause differences in WMC
    • Reason
    • 2 reasons that increase processing speed
    • Strategies
  • sort-recall tasks
  • Production deficiency
    • 3 main reasons
      • Dual task procedure
        • Results
      • Metamem
  • 2 types of metacog knowledge
    • fx
    • 5 main findings
    • How to acquire more prior knowledge - 3 ways

The role of basic capacities and WM

  • mem span tasks: ppl repeat in order a series of rapidly presented items (ex. digits, words)
    1. Age diff in mem span are stable
      * Study showed
      • 2 yo: 2 items
      • 5 yo: 4 items
      • 7 yo: 5 items
      • 9 yo: 6 items
      • Adult: 7 items
        * Longitudinal study tested age 4-23
      • There is cont span increase until age 18, no increase after
    1. Memory span is the same regardless of type of info
    1. Background knowledge about the stimuli affects memory span and Info processing speed
      * Study: Look at memory span of child chess experts and adult chess novices
    • Dev of WM
  • Baddeley model of WM - 3 subcomponents
      1. Central executive: Attentional control system, coordinate WM activities
      1. Visuospatial sketchpad
        * Process and retain visual and spatial info
        * Hold verbal info stored as an image
      1. articulatory/phonological loop
        * Temp store; maintains and process verbal and acoustic info (1-2 s)
        * Decays fast; verbal info needs to be rehearsed by sub-vocal articulation
    • Basic structure of this WM model is present at 6 yo
    • WM tests are similar to memory-span tasks
      • 1 Ppl remember a series of items in exact order
      • 2 But there is another task: ppl transform info in the STS
  • Factors that influence WMC
      1. culture
        * # words differ in length in diff languages: Chinese # words are shorter than Eng # words, Welsh #s are longer than Eng
        * Chinese children have longer digit span > US > Welsh
      1. faster info processing speed → higher WMC
        * This speed increase in early age and plateau
        * Due to maturational and knowledge factors
        • 1 Mature - synaptic pruning
        • 2 knowledge: span of apprehension increased w/ age
          • Span of apprehension: amount of info that ppl can attend to at a single time/ # of items ppl can keep in mind at a time
    • Strategies
      • Method: sort-recall tasks
          1. Children are given a list of items that can be categorized (ex. dairy, vegetables)
          1. recall the items later on
  • production deficiencies: fail to transfer acquired strategy to a new situation
      1. insufficient mental capacity
        • Rs: dual task procedures
          • Children perform 2 tasks separately and together
          • Result: young children need more mental effort than older ones to learn and use mem strategies
              1. Background knowledge
        • Rich knowledge -> faster at processing domain-related info -> less mental energy used to execute a strategy using this info
          * 3. use strategies: younger → don’t use them
          * 4. Lack metamemory
        • Metamem: knowledge about memory processes and contents
        • They don’t learn about mem, but have tasks that need memory strategies
  • metacog: 2 broad categories
      1. Declarative metacog knowledge: Explicit knowledge
        * Ex. person variables (ex. age, IQ), task characteristics/difficulty, strategy knowledge
      1. Procedural metacog knowledge: implicit; self-monitor/regulating when solving mem problems
  • 5 main findings
      1. declarative metacog knowledge increase w/ age
        * many ppl know little mem strategies
      1. Procedural metacog knowledge
        * Older
        • better at predicting performance
        • better at monitoring their progress in memory task
      1. Spend less time solving problems
      1. better meta-memory → better memory behavior
      1. prior knowledge
        * more prior knowledge
        • → recall more, efficient use of strategy
        • Expert-novice paradigm
  • How to acquire rich knowledge
    • Cog abilities/ mem capacity
    • Interest and motivation
    • more practice
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  • strategies
  • “potentially conscious”
  • 2 situations we use strategies
    • how does it work in each situation?
  • 3 main strategies
  • utilization deficiency
  • 4 stages of strategy dev
    • less than 5 yo
    • After kindergarten
    • late elementary school
    • After that

Dev of STM: strategies

  • Strategies: mental/ b activities that achieve cog purposes and are effort consuming potentially conscious and controllable
  • “Potentially conscious”: Strategies are employed somewhat unconsciously, w/o us paying a lot of attention to it
  • When we use strategies
    • Time of encoding (ex. put mail in drawer in organize way)
      • 1 These strategies manipulate info in STM -> put in LTM
    • Time of recall
      • 2 During retrieval, need to use STM to recall the strategy you used
  • Example of strategies: rehearsal, grouping, sorting (ex. alphabetize)
  • utilization deficiency (UD): younger children need more time b4 executing it efficiently
  • 1 Children younger than 5 don’t appear to use any explicit strategies
  • 2 After kindergarten, children are instructed to use specific strategies, and can use them successfully
    • Struggle to transfer them
  • 3 Most strategy dev happen in later elementary school
    • Occur very fast
    • Can transfer them
    • diff ages for diff children
  • 4 then they use multiple strategies -> increase effectiveness of memory
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Goswami summary

  • Schneider (ch 13)
    • implicit vs explicit mem dev
    • 2 factors that affect autobiographical mem
    • 2 factors that affect WM
  • Kaslowski and Masnick (ch 14)
    • 3 factors that dev causal reasoning
    • What are some models inaccurate?
    • What is mechanism info?
    • What is explanation
  • Schneider (ch 13)
    • brain systems for implicit mem are fully dev in early life
    • Those in explicit mem system cont to dev
    • social interactions and LT knowledge affect what is encoded for the experience in autobiography mem
    • Memory span is influenced by strategies and prior knowledge
  • Kaslowski and Masnick (ch 14)
    • causal reasoning dev is influenced by background knowledge, explanation, and mechanism info
    • Some models are inaccurate as they do not include background knowledge as a variable
    • Mech info: When there are anomalies and “mech info” that suggest they are responsible, we modify the causal theories to fit them
    • Explanation: evaluating how causally consistent it is w/ what we know
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Goswami summary cont 2

  • Main factor that assist inductive and deductive reasoning
  • 2 pathways background knowledge influence reasoning
  • Relationships b/w inhibition and reasoning - Exception
  • Goswami (ch 15)
    • Child’s stored real-world knowledge assists inductive and deductive reasoning
    • inhibition and successful reasoning
      • the ability to inhibit irrelevant/competing knowledge helps us get to a successful solution for a problem
      • Exception: Sometimes, children are successful in reasoning tasks b/c they have limited real-world knowledge and less irrelevant/competing knowledge to inhibit
    • Background knowledge affect WMC, which in turn affects inductive and deductive reasoning
    • The amount of background knowledge influences
      • ability to inhibit info → reasoning
      • WMC → reasoning
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Goswami summary cont 3

  • Nucci and Gingo (ch 16)
    • Past belief on moral reasoning development
    • Current view
    • Age and moral reasoning
      • 2 main effects
    • Which 2 brain areas are activated in moral reasoning
  • Liben and Christensen (ch 17) – spatial dev
    • classical empiricism
    • biological approach
      • Which brain part represent space
      • Which hormone help this process
    • Current view on how does spatial dev happen
    • 3 types of space children investigate in
    • How do they learn about the spatial env?
    • Age and spatial dev relationship
      • Reason
    • What does learning about “representational space” takes more time to dev?
    • When does representational space begin to dev
    • 3 main tech that influence how we understand space
  • Nucci and Gingo (ch 16)
    • Past belief: moral reasoning develops through universal stages
    • Rs: moral concepts varies among cultures, contexts (supportive vs abusive fam), and social rules
    • Age underpins moral dev
    • 1 Older children understand more complex morals (ex. reciprocity = fairness)
    • 2 As in inductive and deductive reasoning, lack of real-world knowledge can help moral judgements
      • Ex. 8 yo: it is wrong to keep money that is unknowingly dropped by someone else
      • Ex. 16 yo: the situation is complex; he/she is obligated to return the money only when there is a bystander
    • Rs: reasoning and emotions activate diff areas of the brain; both are used in making decisions
      • Liben and Christensen (ch 17) – spatial dev
    • Classical empiricism: we learn about the space around us
    • Biological approach: we have innate knowledge on space
      • Ex. dorsal visual stream established spatial location
      • Ex. role of testosterone
    • Current view: Both perspectives contribute to dev
    • Children dev an understanding of space by investigating
      • Env space (the space we live and move about)
      • Representational space (referents for space: maps, models)
      • Perceptual space: we get spatial info from our senses (hearing and touch, see)
        • This info helps us understand where objects are in relation to ourselves
    • Action is important for spatial dev: Ex. crawling, climbing, walking
    • As kid grow older, children’s env/home ranges expand a lot
      • Kid who have more personal control over their travel in their env have more spatial knowledge about these env
    • Knowledge and understanding of “representational space” (ex. maps) dev slower
      • This is b/c many conventions of representational space needs to be learnt
      • Ex. red lines on map = roads
      • 3 yo can demonstrate basic map skills
    • recent technology dev that affect “the dev of knowledge about space”
      • Ex. google earth
      • Ex. satellite navigation systems
      • Ex. tech that can transform experiments on spatial understanding
        • i.e. VR – computer-generated spaces that feel 3D
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Goswami summary cont 4

  • Wilkening and Cacchione (Ch 18)
    • What is our intuitive knowledge based on
    • Why to we have wrong intuitions?
    • How do we correct them?
    • 2 theories on how intuitive knowledge dev in children
    • Main point on children’s intuitive knowledge
  • Kuhn (Ch 19) - Dev of scientific thinking
    • Kuhn’s view on how children make sense of their experience
    • Conceptual change
    • Children’s initial process in scientific inquiry - 2 steps
  • Snowling and Gobel (Ch 20)
    • What is are brain designed for?
    • What is it not designed for?
    • Phonological awareness skills
    • What does it help us do?
    • developmental dyslexia
      • % ppl are affected
      • What is the cause?
    • 3 overlapping reading systems
    • Neuronal recycling
      • 2 examples
  • Wilkening and Cacchione (Ch 18) - intuitive knowledge
    • Children’s intuitive physical knowledge depends on their experience
    • Some perceptual experience produces wrong intuitions
      • Ex. Earth looks flat
    • We need formal instruction in physics to correct these wrong intuitions
    • Inhibition helps develop intuitive knowledge
    • 2 guesses on how to dev intuitive knowledge
      • 1 Children dev scientific theories; when there is contradictory evidence → revise their theory
        1. Children’s intuitive knowledge is based on their “fragmented” experience (they didn’t get the whole picture)
    • We know there is a lot of variation in children’s intuitive knowledge
    • need more rs
  • Kuhn (Ch 19) - Dev of scientific thinking
    • Kuhn thinks children construct implicit scientific theories from their early years to make sense of their experiences
    • Conceptual change: children revise their theories when there is new evidence
    • The prototype of Scientific inquiry:
      • 1 Gather background knowledge (ex. causal v); understand it
      • 2 selects a method to investigate and identify which are causal vs not
  • Snowling and Gobel (Ch 20)
    • Nowadays, most info comes in written form (ex. info on Internet)
      • Our brain is not designed for reading
      • Our brain is designed to process spoken language
    • Phonological awareness skills: understand sound patterns and structure of spoken language
      • Phonological awareness skill help us learn the alphabet
    • Atypical dev of reading skills/ developmental dyslexia
      • Affect 7% of children
      • Cause is impairment in phonological processing
  • Rs data shows there are 3 overlapping reading systems
      1. Responsive to low-level visual features of words
      1. Responsive to phonology and orthography-phonology mappings
      1. For semantics
        * Neuronal recycling: the brain areas recruited for reading have other functions that may be evolutionarily older (ex. object recognition)
        • Ex. used in deductive reasoning system (esp WM, declarative mem)
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Goswami summary cont 5

  • Bryant and Nunes (Ch 21)
    • What makes math innate for us?
    • Why do we teach students counting tho?
    • 2 types of math knowledge that is learnt
    • Math operations
      • what do 3 yo understand?
      • what do 5 yo understand?
      • what do children understand later?
  • Zelazo and Muller (Ch 22) - EF
    • EF purpose
    • Problem solving aspects - 2 aspects
    • Other aspects EF rely on - 4 aspects
    • When does EF dev
    • EF and PFC misconception
    • 2 parts of EF
      • fx
  • Dodd and Crosbie (Ch 23) - communication disorder
    • communication disorders
    • % of children affected
    • treatment
    • 2 ways the relationship b/w cog and language is complex
  • Baron-Cohen (ch 24) – autism
    • Triad of impairments in autism
    • empathizing-systemizing (E-S) theory of autism
    • 3 main abilities in empathizing
    • 2 things that dev empathizing behavior?
    • What is autism ppl’s superior skill?
      • Definition
      • 2 systems in the skill
      • 4 major roots of the skill
      • Benefit from this skill
    • Gender difference
      • Explanation
  • Summary
    • 2 main things that contribute to age-related change
    • Early rs view vs current rs view on development
    • 4 reasons why conceptual dev is gradual
  • Bryant and Nunes (Ch 21)
    • Math is innate
      • we have analogue system: # of items influences amount of neural activity
      • Counting is somewhat innate
        • Need to teach children math as counting system is partly intuitive and partly human invention
  • Some math knowledge is learnt
    • 1 cardinal vs original #s
      • Piaget: math is learnt via experience
        • Ex. 1 yo understand Cardinal (how many) and ordinal (order) #s
    • 2 arithmetic operations is learnt (Ex. +, - , x, ÷)
      • 3 yo: understand addition
      • 5 yo understand Additive reasoning & One-to-many correspondence
        • Additive reasoning = inverse relationship w/ add & subtract
        • One-to-many (ex. x = 1, y = +/- 1)
      • Later: Multiplicative reasoning needs formal teaching, more time
  • x
  • Zelazo and Muller (Ch 22)
    • Exec fx goal: solve problems
      • problem solving aspects: goal selection, planning
      • It relies on other processes: inhibitory control, WM, reflection, complex rules
    • EF continues to dev in adolescence and early adulthood
    • EF is highly influenced by PFC; Exec fx is NOT = to PFC fx
    • There are 2 parts of EF
      • Affective/Hot EF: used for problems that have high affective involvement
        • Ex. social problems, evaluating the emotional significance of the stimuli
      • Cognitive/Cool EF: evoked by abstract and decontextualized (isolated) problems
  • Dodd and Crosbie (Ch 23)
    • communication disorders - language use is socially inappropriate
      • 15% of children fail to reach language milestones at the appropriate ages
      • Get language therapy
    • Many causes
    • Language dev and cog dev are related in a complex way
      • Some children w/ cog impairments have good language skills
        • Ex. speak 16 languages
      • Some children w/ poor language skills have preserved cog skills
        • But the “preserved” skills are not intact
  • x
  • Baron-Cohen (ch 24) – autism
    • Triad of impairments in autism: atypical social dev, atypical dev of communication, repetitive b/narrow and obsessive interests
    • empathizing-systemizing (E-S) theory of autism: the main impairment among the Autism’s “triad” of impairments is in the E-S system
      • IOW: a deficit in empathizing
    • Empathizing includes the abilities
      • to make sense of others’ b
      • to predict what they might do next and how they may feel
      • to adjust out b accordingly
      • IOW: minded others and respond accordingly
    • What developed empathizing behavior?
      • Roots: joint attention, pretend play
    • autism ppl have superior systemizing skills
      • Systemizing: analyse or construct systems
        • Ex. mechanical systems – video recorders
        • Ex. Abstract systems – grammar in language
      • roots of systemizing lie in
        • The dev of physical knowledge
        • The dev of causal and logical reasoning
        • The dev of scientific thinking
        • EF
    • Pros: develop superior engineering and math skills
      • Systemizing skills are better in males; empathizing skills are better in F
      • Explanation: “extreme male brain” theory of autism
    • WM capacity, inhibitory processes can explain age-related changes
  • Early rs: support “universal laws of cog dev”
  • Current rs: social/context info & background knowledge influence dev
  • conceptual dev is gradual not radical
    • Neural networks: hv more connections and pruning
    • Children seek knowledge themselves
    • Teachers scaffold them
    • Children accumulate more knowledge via language
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  • Age range of early childhood
  • 3 lines of rs to study early childhood
    • memory experiments w/ adults was driven by
  • Brunswik et al 1932
    • Examine STM
    • 6 methods
    • Results
      • age trends
  • this article look at early and late childhood (i.e age 3-12)

Early investigations of memory dev/ historical dev

  • 3 lines of rs on children’s mem
      1. Case studies & systematic observation of mem dev in early childhood
      1. Memory experiments w/ adults
        * see if findings from adult pop can be generalized to children
        * 1 policy driven (new policy on co-ed)
        • They tested common beliefs
          • Ex. Since children practice their memory skills in school daily, they are better at remembering verbal material than adults
          • Ex. boys have better memory than girls
      1. children and adults’ testimonial competence
        * Ppl were sceptical on child witness testimony
        * Ppl in Germany and France were interested in children’s eyewitness memory competencies
  • Brunswik et al 1932
    • Examine STM
    • Methods
      • Present STM and LTM tasks to 700 participants (6-18 yo)
        • Used nonsense and meaningful words colors, #s, and poems
        • Also had non-verbal memory tasks – mem for motor actions and correct sequence
    • Results
      • STM
        • 6—11 yo: shows linear steep rise
        • 12-18 yo (pre/early adolescence): shows plateau
  • Schneider cont 2
  • 2 major diff b/w Modern vs historical rs on memory
    • b4 vs now rs goals
    • b4 vs now theoretical framework
      • b4: 1 framework
      • now: 2 frameworks
        • computer metaphor
        • multi-store
  • 2 types of LTM
    • fx
    • explicit mem: 2 subtypes
      • fx
    • Can they operate together
  • implicit mem
    • When is it present?
    • How does it dev?
    • 2 ways it is tested??
      • perceptual priming task
        * 2 step process
        * results
        * repetition priming
        * Age differences
        • conceptual priming method
          • 2 steps
          • Results - 2 main ones
  • MP
  • implicit vs explicit mem

Current trends in rs on mem dev

  • Modern vs historical rs on memory
    • # 1 Rs goal
      • B4: describe dev differences in memory
      • Now: identify underlying mechanism of change
    • # 2 theorical framework
      • B4: influenced by theory models from information processing
      • Now: Influenced by computer metaphor & multi-store model
        • Compute metaphor
          • Hardware: the capacity of memory systems, and speed that info is processed
          • Software: use of strategies
        • multi-store model
          • There is a sensory register, ST store, and LT store
  • 2 types of LTM
    • Explicit/declarative: conscious recollection (ex. names, date, events)
      • 2 types: episodic, semantic
      • Episodic: events and experiences that are consciously retrieved
      • Semantic: knowledge of language, rules, and concepts
    • Implicit/procedural: non-conscious abilities
      • Capacity to learn habits, skills, and some classical conditioning
  • LTM and STM operate in //

The dev of implicit memory

  • Implicit mem: memory w/o awareness
  • rs: implicit mem is present from the start of life and does not change over time
  • Perceptual priming task, conceptual priming task
  • Perceptual priming task Methods
      1. Picture identification task
        * used fragmented pictures, and need ppl to identify them (ex. dog)
      1. Children are given degraded pics of previously seen vs unseen objects
    • Results – repetition priming
      • Children can identify fragmented pictures of previously seen pics faster than
      • No age differences: perceptual priming effects are similar across older and younger ppl
    • conceptual priming (another type)
  • Schumann-Hengsteler 1995
    • Conceptual priming method
      1. Provide ppl w/ a list of category names
      1. Ask them to produce first examples of the categories that come to mind
    • Finding:
      • presenting a category exemplar increases the chance that word is being named as a category example
      • Age differences = none
    • It seems that brain systems for perceptual and conceptual priming are fully dev in early life
  • This is very different from the explicit memory system

Schneider cont 3

  • Explicit mem: episodic, autobiographical, eyewitness mem (specific episodic mem)
  • Episodic mem
    • 2 types of events we remember
    • How to we organize recurring events?
    • Nelson et al - familiar events
      • Method
      • Result
    • Bauer et al 2000 - mem recall in preverbal children
      • Method
      • Results
        • 1 yo - how long they can retain info
        • 3 yo - how long they can retain info
    • Fibvush and Fromhoff 1988 - novel events
      • Method
      • Result
    • Relationship b/w episodic mem and age
    • Munich longitudinal study - compare mem for recurring vs novel events
      • method
      • 2 main results
  • Autobiographical mem
    • When do we have the hardware?
    • Infantile amnesia
    • 2 explanations
    • 2 aspects of autobiographical mem
    • 2 ways that can influence autobiographical m and lead to errors
  • Eyewitness mem
    • Major focus is?
    • Methods in most studies: 2 steps
    • Amount of info & accuracy
      • relationship b/w age and amount of info recalled
        • when does the most improvement happen
        • When does children’s free recall memory = adult lv
      • relationship b/w age and accuracy
      • What type of info recall shows no age diferences
      • 3 ways to improve accuracy
    • Suggestibility
      • 2 Effects of misleading qs
      • Which age group is most suggestible
    • relationship b/w time and memory accuracy
    • Fuzzy trance theory
    • 2 types of events that has more accurate memory
  • Overall
    • When does it improves the most?
    • 4 main changes that contribute to memory performance

The dev of episodic memory

  • Episodic memory requires conscious awareness
  • 2 types of mem: novel events, and recurring events
  • Rs showed that children and adults organize memory for recurring events in “scripts” or general event representations
    • Nelson et al
      • Method: Asked children to tell them what happens during such familiar events (ex. bday parties, grocery shopping)
      • Results: They remember the general events in an organized way
  • Bauer et al 2000
    • preverbal children show LT ordered recall for events
    • Method: showed action sequences to 1-3 yo → asked to recall
    • Results:
      • 80% of 1 yo can retain the sequence for 1 mo
      • 3 yo retain memories for 6+ mo
  • Fibvush and Fromhoff 1988
    • Showed children can remember novel and unusual events for a long time
    • Method
        1. Interviewed 2-3 yo about novel events that happened in the recent past (ex. visit Disneyworld)
    • Results:
      • They remember them for a very long time
  • Ability to remember specific events for a long time develop over time
    • You can remember more # of events
    • Memories are more robust
  • x
  • Munich longitudinal study
    • compared children’s memory for script-based vs unfamiliar info
    • Methods: Showed children several narratives about more familiar vs novel events (ex. bday party, move to another town)
    • Results
      • Older children recall more
      • Progresses in similar pace
        • Ex. 4 yo remembers 20% → 5 yo: 30% (diff = 10%)
        • Ex. 8 yo recall 50% → 9 yo: 60% (diff = 10%)

Autobiographical mem

  • Hardware for autobiographical mem is present at birth
  • We can’t recall info early in life b/c infantile amnesia
    • Infantile amnesia: adult can’t recall events that happened to them (b4 3 yo)
  • Explanation 1:
    • Cog self allows to organize new experiences as personal
    • Cog self emerges around 3 yo, so autobiographical mem emerges around that time
  • Explanation 2:
    • Lack strategies/language to organize the memory
  • Auto m - 2 aspects
    • original experience and interpretations of the events
  • It can be influenced
    • when retrieved
    • social interactions
  • → mem error

Eyewitness mem

  • It emphasizes the accuracy, not the amount of info recalled in an event
  • In most studies:
      1. children witness staged events or recordings/ recollect traumatic exp (ex. visit to doc/dentist)
      1. Then, in the interview, they are asked general and specific qs
  • Amount of info & accuracy
    • older children recall more info, better free recall
      • improves most b/w age 4 and 7
      • Elementary school children free recall memory is comparable to adults
    • No age difference in accuracy
    • No age differences for important or personally meaningful
    • Strategies to improve accuracy
      • give more specific cues (but this also increases errors)
      • Better accuracy when given incentives and allowed to say idk
      • Better interview techniques: Establish good rapport, use neutral tone, avoid social demand characteristics and leading qs
  • Suggestibility
    • When ppl are asked misleading qs after event,
      • they report inaccurate fact
      • This can change their memory
    • Preschool children are most prone to suggestion compared to school children and adults
  • How long do witness memories last
    • In general, the longer delay (esp over 1 mo), the lower accuracy
    • Maybe explained by fuzzy trace theory
      • Fuzzy trace theory: verbatim (precise) traces deteriorate more rapidly than the gist/fuzzy traces
    • Memory on stressful and traumatic memories are more accurate
  • x
  • Summary
    • improves b/w 6-12 yo (~ elementary school)
    • Dev changes that contribute to mem performance
      • Basic capacity
      • Memory strategies
      • Metacog knowledge
      • Domain knowledge


  • 3 aspects that develop at diff rates during adolescence
  • When does brain maturation occur
  • When do the major changes happen
    • 3 areas are dev the most
  • maturation timeline
    • early adol: what happens
    • mid adol: what happens
    • late adol: what happens
    • Implication
  • Cog dev
    • Which brain areas mature
    • 3 ways it matures
    • 6 main abilities that dev during early adol
  • Iowa gambling task
    • Methods
    • Results
      • health adults
      • impaired adults
      • age relationship


  • During adolescence, there are gaps in emotion, cog, and behavior
  • brain maturation continue through adolescence
  • In the 20s, many changes in brain
    • esp areas for inhibition, eval risk and reward, reg emo and b
  • Maturation timeline
      1. Early adol: puberty increase emo arousal, sensation seeking, reward orientation
      1. Middle adol: more vulnerable to risk-taking, problems related to regulation
      1. Late adol: maturing FL help regulation
    • IOW: adol struggle to regulate emo and b, → for risk-taking

Cog dev in adol

  • Comparative nroanatomy: compare related primate species
    • Help us understand humans better
    • Cog dev happens b/c PFC dev
      • more connectivity
      • more myelination
      • more synaptic pruning
  • In early adol, ppl sig improve in reasoning, info processing (efficiency and capacity), expertise/knowledge, EF, WM, eval risk vs reward
  • Iowa Gambling task
    1. Ppl draw care from 1 of 4 decks
      * Each card shows how much is won and lost
      * Drawing from Deck A/B -> net loss over time
      * Drawing from deck C/D -> net gains over time
      • Deck A: high reward + occasional very high losses
      • Deck B: high reward + frequent modest losses
      • Deck C: low rewards + frequent small losses
      • Deck D: low rewards + occasional modest losses
  • Results: health adults
    • Start drawing randomly from decks
    • Then increase pulls from “good” decks; decrease pulls from “bad” decks
  • Exception
    • Patients w/ lesion to ventromedial PFC, ppl w/ substance abuse problems, ppl have who report high lv of risk taking in daily life
    • They draw from “bad” decks persistnelty despite the net losses
  • Study examines age differences in Iowa gambling task
    • 4 age gps: 6-9 yo, 10-12 yo, 13-15 yo, 18-25 yo
    • Results: youngest drew equally from good and bad decks
    • 2 middle groups show improvement
      • In final trial they draw from good decks around 60% of the time
    • Young adults draw from good deck 75% of the time; they shift to good decks way earlier

Steinberg cont 2

  • Adol make more risk decisions
    • Study
    • Hypothesis
    • Methods
      • 2 conditions
    • Results
  • Adol an adults’ reasoning are influenced by 4 things
    • relationship b/w personal matter and reasoning skills
    • relationship b/w agreeing w/ argument and reasoning skills
  • Puberty affect 4 aspects
  • 2 key characteristics of adol decision making
    • old vs new H
    • “cold/hot” cog process framework
      • hot
      • cold
    • Emotion affect decision making - 3 steps
  • Adol and EF relationship
    • major cons

Cog dev in context

  • adol are sig more likely to make risky decisions that adults
  • Study
  • Hypothesis: adults and 16+ adol have same risk taking tendencies; but adol are likely to be influenced by peers
  • Methods
    • Ppl played a computer game
      • They can take driving risks (cont drive when traffic light turn yellow)
        • They earn more points
    • Ppl randomly assigned to 1 of 2 condition
      • A: play game along
      • B: play w/ 2 friends who were watching and gave advice
    • Results: Adolescent, youth, adult show same degree of risk-taking when alone
    • Adol and youth took more risk when peers are present
  • Adol’s reasoning, like adults, are influenced by intelligence, desires, motives, and interests
    • Adol moral reasoning and b sucks when issue is a personal choice (ex. personal drug use)
    • Adol are more likely to accept faulty reasoning/evidence if they agree w/ the argument
  • x
  • Affect and cog
  • Puberty →
    • more aroused (ex. sex)
    • emotions
      • influences cog processes (inhibition, b and emo reg); vv
    • motivation → more sensation seeking
      • Increase reproduce hormones & sensitivity to social status is linked to puberty
      • Some theories suggest adol increase risk taking to enhance social standing
    • humane face-processing → worsen
  • x
  • Decision making and risk taking
  • adol do not eval risks
  • adol are driven by feelings and social influence
    • Old H: they don’t know the risks
    • Current rs: adol engage in risky b despite knowing the risks
    • “cold/hot” cog process framework
      • Cold = low emo/arousal
      • Hot = strong feelings/ high arousal
    • Emotion affect decision making
      • puberty → more drives, feelings → more affective influences on b, make more unconscious “gut-feeling” decisions
  • x
  • Adol has lots of emo; but EF not gully dev
  • Ef fully dev later
    • → at risk for psychopathology
      • Ex. no control in arousal, feelings, etc