Lec 10: The protists Flashcards
Unifying features
All are eukaryotic, have well defined organelles
Membrane bound nucleus & mitochondria for cellular respiration
Most are unicellular
Lack tissue organisation in higher eukaryotes
Sexual and asexual reproduction
Diverse features
Diverse structure
Vary significantly in size
Widely distributed (terrestrial & aquatic environments)
Most are free living. Some: close beneficial symbiosis with other organisms, parasites of humans and animals
Diverse in nutrition: autotrophic (photosynthetic), heterotrophic (ingest food like animals), heterotrophic by absorption (absorb food like bacteria), mixotrophic (photosynthesis and ingest)
Different means of locomotion
Asexual reproduction
Mature cells (haploid, N) undergo mitosis -> divide -> identical daughter cell -> released to repeat cycle
Sexual reproduction
Conditions trigger gamete formation
Gametes (N) conjugate & nuclei fuse (2N) -> zygote -> divides by meiosis (genetic recombination through crossover of chromosomes) -> haploid sexually recombined individuals
Autotrophic (photolithoautrophic)
Have photosynthetic pigments
Use sunlight for energy
Fix CO2 as source of carbon
Simple inorganic nutrients (N,P,S)
Plant-like ‘primary producers’ (microalgae, phytoplankton)
Heterotrophic (chemoorganoheterotrophic)
‘Eat’ other organisms or organic matter -> obtain carbon and energy
Phagocytosis, pinocytosis
Animal-like ‘protozoans’
Capable of both autotrophic and heterotrophic nutrition
Balance determined by environmental conditions
Cell mouth
Region on surface of cell where endocytosis can occur
Contain digestive enzymes to break down food taken in via endocytosis
Cilia and flagella
Used to sweep food towards cytosome
Extensions of amoeba
Engulf food and form vesicles
Particles/organisms engulfed & incorporated into food vacuoles -> fuse with lysozymes (vacuoles containing digestive enzymes) -> nutrients dissolved & absorbed -> waste excreted by exocytosis
Cell drinking
Nutrients dissolved in external environment
Infolding of cell membrane traps small packets of solution containing dissolved nutrients
Motility amongst protists
Non motile
Motile: flagella, cilia, pseudopodia
Life cycle of silkworm (simple)
Intracellular stage (amoeboid stage): absorb over surface of amoeboid. Sits aside of cytoplasm of cell (for nutrients)
To get to next host -> gets into environment (needs to spend time in spore stage -> pass out of host -> environment)
No absorbing in spore stage. Only when enters new cell can absorb things